Image Analysis Essay (3rd Columbus Image). Essay Sample

Published: 2023-07-10
Image Analysis Essay (3rd Columbus Image). Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Arts Christopher Columbus American history
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 904 words
8 min read

Native American's view of Columbus from the shore might have been an overwhelming sight for them. Stories of encounters with foreigners were passed from generation to generation among the Native American tribes, which convinced them that a European developed and changed America, gearing it towards what it is today. However, sadly, only Europeans wrote accounts of meeting new people, and the records demonstrated a successful voyage, during which Columbus and his team acquired wealth and success. Careful analysis of the image, however, illustrates various problems that the expedition met, which made Columbus' exploration and ruling more difficult than history tells.

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The image shows Native Americans half-naked and bound in chains while Columbus and his fleet of ships sail to a destination, an illustration of Columbus' poor governance. The shore illustrates oppression and discomfort, while the sea represents a free spirit on exploration. Columbus had been awarded by the Spanish government by being made a governor of the New World he had discovered, but he was not a ruler. His passion was exploration, which contributed to the poor governance of his jurisdiction.

The Native Americans in chains is an illustration of the oppression that was happening in his newly discovered island. Still, he sails away to quench his thirst of discovering more land instead of focusing on what has been placed in his care. Columbus had been assigned six ships to accompany him to the New World to supply much-needed essentials, but he was a poor governor. He split the ships into two groups, sent one group to deliver essentials, and set to discover other islands with the rest. Eventually, when he came back, the region he was in-charge of was in chaos; with enormous strive between colonialist and natives. The image depicts Columbus as an explorer, yet tasked with governance, which resulted in poor management, and eventual loss of the power that had been bestowed upon him.

The image also depicts a difference in development, knowledge and technology between Native Americans and the newcomers. The Native Americans lack clothes, unlike the Europeans in their fine attire. (Even hats!) Moreover, the wooden house-like structure with no walls but only a roof portrays their lack of constructing technology compared to a giant ship brought by the Europeans. It is correct to conclude that Native Americans cannot convert raw materials into processed goods due to the limitation of resources and knowledge. There is no iron, nor steel, as their structures are built using sticks and grass. Native Americans are rather holding wooden sword-like looking primitive weapons.

History tells of Columbus as one who "conquered" the Natives to be able to rule in their native land. However, the image suggests that the Natives were intimidated by the presence of people who had more technology than them. It would be reasonable to assume that there is no large army nor strongly established authority in the area. Hence, the Native Americans seem anxious and are running around in chaos, as they are clueless of the intention of the newcomers who are showing to be far superior in every technology. European's more advanced technology at the time would have left the Native Americans intimidated.

The Europeans could also have coaxed natives using the goods that the voyage brought with them. Additionally, as a successful explorer and using the power bestowed upon him by the Spanish government, by the time Columbus was going on his third voyage, it is expected that he had done some developments since he has received support from his government. The lack of developed structures depicts Columbus as a shortcoming in leadership skills, which reduces the credit he got as a successful explorer who discovered America.

Driven by the desire for more power and authority, Columbus most likely had exaggerated his exploration, discovery and achievements to gain more support from Queen Isabella of Spain. He went to an extent to say the Native Americans thought the Europeans were from heaven. The Native Americans were told of stories of encountering foreigners alongside their shores over generations. To this extent, it is hard to imagine that the native Americans naively believed the Europeans "came from heaven." But, it is more possible to suppose that the natives only treated Europeans nicely as they were unaware of their intentions.

However from the image, seem unbothered by the ship on their ocean shore. If the case was as Columbus described it, it would be expected that they would be at the shore to witness the visitors who brought with them goodies. Given that the image illustrates the vents of the third voyage by Columbus, the memories of what the expedition had left the last time would have prompted them to wait anxiously for the newcomers.

In the end, the Natives revolted against Columbus' rule while he was away exploring to find more new land. When Columbus came back, he was forced to negotiate with them and hung some for him to restore order in the region. The chaos challenged his power over the region, which later led to Queen Isabel taking away his power after he was imprisoned. Clearly, Columbus as a ruler and explorer was not as successful as history depicts him. Native Americans' view of Columbus from the shore might have been an overwhelming sight for them, but careful analysis of the image illustrates various problems that the expedition met, which made Columbus' exploration and ruling more difficult than history tells.

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Image Analysis Essay (3rd Columbus Image). Essay Sample. (2023, Jul 10). Retrieved from

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