Free Essay: Impacts of a Domestic Studio Deliberately Changing the Translation of a Foreign Language Film

Published: 2023-09-14
Free Essay: Impacts of a Domestic Studio Deliberately Changing the Translation of a Foreign Language Film
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Languages Movie Essays by pagecount
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 477 words
4 min read

Foreign films have always played an essential role in spreading and popularizing different cultures, such as events and behaviors across the globe. Most people are able to watch these films mainly because film translation allows them to follow and enjoy foreign movies in their native languages (Evans, 2014). Although film translation has been playing this essential role, it has been having a significant effect on the community and the film industry. This paper aims to discuss the impacts of foreign language film

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Impacts of Translating a Foreign Language Film

Protects the National Pride

Constant growth and demand for foreign movies across the country and the globe fostered the local film industry to focus its attention on film translations and subtitling. This decision helped to prevent the local culture from being manipulated or influenced by foreign films. For instance, foreign films could have changed how people behave, dress, and related to each other. The film industry management also believes that translating films into local languages usually affirms the importance of the local language and enhances the viewer’s sense of national identity and autonomy. Surveys indicate that the countries that have been translating and subtitling foreign movies have managed to protect and preserve their own culture and national pride (Higes, 2014).

It led to the Growth of local Film Companies.

The foreign film industries have been producing popular films that have gained much acceptance across the globe (Zabalbeascoa & Corrius, 2014). Watching these films in foreign languages hinders or restricts people from developing a sense of identity that motivates them to watch local films. The decision to deliberately translate foreign films into local languages helped to encourage the growth of the local film industry and also motivated people to support and watch local films.


For a long time, foreign films have been at the forefront of popularizing and spreading different themes, ideas, and cultures across the globe. Although the films are aired in foreign languages, people are able to watch the movies due to the local film industry's effort to translate the films. Translating foreign films has had significant impacts on the local population and the local film industry. Some of these impacts include, first, it has enhanced the growth of local film companies. Secondly, it has helped to protect and uphold the national pride.


Evans, J. (2014). Film remakes the black sheep of translation. Translation Studies, 7(3), 300-314.

Higes Andino, I. D. (2014). The translation of multilingual films: Modes, strategies, constraints, and manipulation in the Spanish translations of It's a Free World.

Zabalbeascoa, P., & Corrius, M. (2014). How Spanish in an American film is rendered in translation: Dubbing Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in Spain. Perspectives, 22(2), 255-270.

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