Essay Example: My Experience With Writing in College

Published: 2023-05-01
Essay Example: My Experience With Writing in College
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning College Writing Personal experience Essays by pagecount
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 953 words
8 min read

College writing utilizes authentic texts and examples obtained from various disciplines. Extensive cross-referencing is needed to help the student find relevant evidence (Bailey xiv). Writing offers a report on conducted research, synthesizes research done by others on a topic, discusses a topic of common interest gives the writer's view, and answers questions (Bailey 3). The purpose of this paper is to connect my experience with writing in college with articles on college writing.

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In college, I was most efficient in being creative in writing my papers but experienced challenges when it came to research papers. In class, we wrote research papers, so instead of using my creativity in writing, I had to conduct extensive research. Also, I had to be genuinely interested in the chosen topic to provide an excellent research paper. In developing the essay, I drafted the introduction, main body, and conclusion. I then rewrote them checking for relevance to title and logical development of the concepts before writing the final paper. My professor offered insights on techniques of wiring the best papers, which proved crucial in personal evaluation activities.

Through the revision process, the negative and positive feedback provided the knowledge needed to write better research papers. In the article Student Voice in Writing, it says that "students have engaged in revision multiple times over the course of their school careers found it useful for producing their best writing." (Hegbloom, et al. 16) With research on the revision process done by scholars indicating its importance in writing, revision is proven to be an invaluable, and influential in the growth of understanding of college writing. Also, students explain the use of multiple drafts to accomplish their papers. the article says, "They reflected on the value of multiple drafts to improve the quality of the argument, ensure grammatical and spelling accuracy, and achieve the ultimate purpose of `growing as a writer." (Hegbloom, et al. 13)

I consulted several of my peers who wrote excellent papers on their input on my papers. At first it was difficult to express the challenges I faced with the fear of being looked down upon but I realized to grow I need to express myself. Their input was crucial and I employed some of their skills in referencing and citations making my work ore convincing. In a way, it was similar to speaking to a tutor which requires conversation on the topic of study. When students consult a tutor, the expectation is to be taught how to write better. Daniel, a tutor, says, "For us, it is a matter of pedagogy, the way we can teach you what you're asking to learn, but without simply laying it out to you to gather up." (Rafoth 149)

College writing presented difficulty in terms of deadlines to complete the assignments. My experience with time management was low due to minimal responsibilities in life. Most of my time, I was free; hence I procrastinated a lot starting to write when it is almost due. The temptation to postpone writing created difficulty in refining my ideas, causing a penalty on late submission of the coursework. I finished most of my assignments later than expected with limited time to research the topic.

Understanding that researched resources required more time forced me to write papers with limited evidence. More so, the correlation between work ethic and time management required learning on real responsibilities of time management and completing assignments at home. Actions taken by students in writing include time management, a challenging factor for me (Hegbloom et al. 12). Many students began writing earlier to deliver the best papers earlier than usual or finish it before it was due.

I employed personal experiences in most of the writing, and I was advised to pull back from in our coursework. When I was assigned a topic not meant to explore personal experience, I used to think of personal experience and decide to pursue the issue. Mentally, I was engaged in the subject I invested in, giving me a starting point on any coursework assignment. However, the personal experience only spoke on an issue within my school and could not apply in a broader context, such as globally requiring global statistics. Persuasive research papers require an in-depth analysis of the topic by being neutral and providing facts and statistics. Therefore, the appropriateness of using personal experience depends on the context and the topic under study.

Furthermore, college writing requires research-based evidence supporting statements on the subject. Persuasion is achieved through logic and reasoning from information obtained from trusted websites, scholarly journals, books and course readings. Research-based evidence is required to support arguments on a topic. I learned that I need to be logical, objective, and fact-based, and provide evidence in assignments. Hence, a required to limit and understand areas to use personal knowledge to achieve the expectation of the reader.

Conclusively, college writing during the first year in college is challenging. Through consultations and continuous writing, a better understanding of research papers proved invaluable. In college, I experienced challenges in writing research papers, time management, and writing papers with sufficient research. Through consultations and multiple drafts of the essays, I was able to improve my wiring skills. I managed my time by starting earlier and having enough time to refine my ideas. Furthermore, understanding when and how to use personal experience improved my writing on a topic structured according to the global context. Ultimately, growing as a writer improves with stage and continuous writing to develop persuasive and intriguing papers.

Works Cited

Bailey, Stephen. Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. 3rd ed., Routledge, 2011.

Hegbloom, Maria, et al. "Student Voices on Writing." Across the Disciplines, vol. 14, no. 2, 26 Nov. 2017,

Rafoth, Ben. "Why Visit Your Campus Writing Center?" 2010.

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