Essay Sample on Nursing Theories: Case Study

Published: 2019-06-06
Essay Sample on Nursing Theories: Case Study
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Nursing Case study
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1647 words
14 min read

Question one: Using Lininger's Culture Care Model, what factors in the story shared by Mrs. Franklin-Jones should be considered by Nurse Hernandez when planning for the patient's discharge?

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The suitability of the home or residence of Mrs. Franklin will after discharge. The basis of the theory is to ensure that the patient during her stay is able to receive the requisite care that she deserves in her condition. Some of these factors would include the gender and the availability of the person taking care of her. Socioeconomic status is also another consideration as well as the competence of the person that is going to take care of her. In this theory, caring is the distinct job of the nurse, and should this duty be delegated, the person taking it up must ensure that the patient is in safe hands. The concern in this case becomes that Mrs. Franklin can be released to be in the care of Tomas. From this consideration, it may be unlikely that Tomas would effectively take care of her because of his lack of an income. The condition that Mrs. Franklin is having may necessitate that she is out of a job sooner rather than later, and is remanded to the permanent care of Tomas, who is at the moment jobless. The socio-economic status may not allow this, despite his availability.

Eating habits among other social factors will also have to change in her case. This may mean more expensive food to keep up with the diet as well as the consideration of culture care needs such as having bush tea. This may mean that expense will have increased on their side. Food and meal preparation is an important part of this, as it has become apparent in Mrs. Franklins expression that the kind of food she was eating was a concern for the condition that she was suffering from. As such, this will become some of the issues to consider.

Why is the theory of Culture Care Diversity important in the delivery of nursing care for all patients?

Culture care diversity implies a situation where the caregiver could understand the values and meanings of care based on the practices apparent in different cultural settings. It enables the caregiver and those who are being cared for to interrelate at a very personal level with great understanding of each others beliefs behavior and culture (Haugan, Innstrand, & Moksness, 2012). This is a theory that is in line with the requirements of the larger patient-based care for the assurance of quality care to patients who are of diverse cultures (Singer & Vogus, 2013). It is one of the goals of increasing quality of care by ensuring that the nurse practitioner can interact on a more personal level with the patient (Campinha-Bacote, 2011).

It allows nurses and patients to learn from each other and create an embracive spirit. A substantive area of study and practice focused on comparative cultural. This kind of approach will help to improve the overall quality of care standard that is required to be met in the case of caring for the patient (Kavanagh, Cimiotti, Abusalem, & Coty, 2013). Understanding the background from which Mrs. Franklin is from enables the nurse to determine whether the change in dietary provisions that she is planning for are overall beneficial to her. It allows nurses a lee way to provide care that is of universal standards to patients; but at the same time, culture specific. This enables quick healing of body, soul and mind of the patient. Cultural care has been a major concern in the health sector, and improvement in this could mean a faster and more effective healing process for Mrs. Franklin. The culture based care approach is also important because it helps the nurse to understand the background of the patient and equally ensure that the quality of care is up to par.

Using Leiningers Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality, develop a plan of care for Mrs. Franklin-Jones.

Patient Name: Franklin Jones

Patients Diagnosis: Acute Myocardial Infarction

Assessment Analysis Inference Planning Intervention and rationale Evaluation


Complained of chest pain and acknowledged she had high blood pressure. And forgot to take her medicine

Objective identifying risk of failure of therapy

Risk prone due to hereditary and lifestyle factors. Jamaican food. Underlying high blood pressure Educate both the patient and primary care giver. Enable patient to know and evaluate their health from time to time. Educate patient on the possible triggers signs and health factors resulting from High BP with aim to prevent.

Create a system where she will not forget to take her medicine at the scheduled times to avoid failure of therapy. Patient was able to evaluate risk factors and required life style changes.

Identify Moral and Ethical Concerns For This Patient and Relate Them to the Transpersonal Caring Relationship with the Nurse.

Transpersonal care is all about ensuring that the patient is having a great customer experience as they go through their recuperation process. There is a search for the connection with the spiritual and cultural part of the patient in order to ensure that in this process, there is the incorporation of healing from the body, soul and spirit. The intention of the nursing process in this case is to ensure that the patient can enjoy their wholeness even in the hospital by incorporating spiritual aspects of care to enable provide a better environment of care. With some of these practices however, concerns can be raised especially when the practices of the person may harm or hamper the comfort of other patients. In such instances, the person can be restrained from having such items. For example, if the patient brings a hazard within the hospital such as an item that causes an allergic reaction to other patients, this particular practice may be hampered.

Apart from this, other ethical considerations to be made are along the lines of ensuring that the patient can enjoy their spirituality to the fullest possible capacity of the hospital to accommodate.the role of the nurse in this instance is to help the patient find the wholeness and meaning of life that they aim to find, especially after the incidence of life changing accidents. Furthermore, the nurse is expected to care for the patient through uninterrupted patient interaction (Haugan, Innstrand, & Moksness, 2012).

How is love, as defined by Watson, evident in this caring moment?

When the nurse not only seeks for a way to communicate by providing a translator with Jean but also to let him share his culture and access his spiritual items and cultural Haitian foods and her embracing them. She comes together with him at a deep level of human-to-human interaction and there is both a personal and spiritual bond created with Jean. This is clear as the role of the nurse in the whole affair of the care situation.

How can the nurse creatively use self to create a healing environment?

By reducing stress both physical and emotional in the environment. The instance of providing differentiated care by allowing the patient to enage themselves in meaningful spiritual practices ensures that the patient is in a place where he is conscious that it is a healing environment both phsyciallyand spiritually. providing a strong socio cultural and spiritual environment is the method to achieve this whoch the nurse has done.

Case Study Three

How was Sam living caring? How was the nurse living caring?

Sam went back to the health room time after time because she felt that the nurse cared for her. The nurse, on the other hand, allows Samantha to come along to the health unit room and rest until her symptoms had subsided. The effect of these interactions was that Samantha was finally able to get the help she required after speaking to the nurse.

How did the nurse nurture Samantha, living caring and growing in caring?

The nurse progressively took care of Samantha over the weeks letting her rest when she complained of dizzy spells. She attended to Samantha in love and understanding without pushing or prying why she didnt want to call her parents until Samantha felt she was comfortable enough to let her in. this ensured that at the end of the interaction, there was a solution to the root of the problem rather than just its after-effects.

Describe how the personhood of the nurse and Samantha was enhanced.

Personhood is the state of being a person with human characteristics and feelings and living grounded in caring (Kavanagh, Cimiotti, Abusalem, & Coty, 2013). For Samantha, her personhood grows once she is able to open up to her nurse. It is developed by allowing the nurse to partake in her life gradually to a point where she can open up. She seeks to satisfy the need to be cared not only as a matter of health but also her emotional wellbeing for as provided by the nurse.

For the nurse her growth is seen once she asks Samantha of what matters to her most. She feels for her. She has grown from taking Samantha take rests and allow her back to class to wanting a more innate relationship of care towards her. She is then able to accurately respond to the issues that Samantha may be facing in order to avert any possible care issues.


Campinha-Bacote, J. (2011). Delivering Patient-Centered Care in the Midst of a Cultural Conflict: The Role of Cultural Competence. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.

Haugan, G., Innstrand, S., & Moksness, U. (2012). The effect of nurse-patient interaction on anxiety and depression in congitively intact nursing home patients. Journal of Clincial Nursing.

Kavanagh, K., Cimiotti, J., Abusalem, S., & Coty, M. (2013). Moving healthcare quality forward with nursing-sensitive value based purchasing. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 385-95.

Singer, S., & Vogus, T. (2013). Strategies for improving patient safety culture in hospitals: a systematic review. BMJ: Quality and Safety, 11-18.

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