Paper Example. Implications of Moral Consideration

Published: 2023-11-03
Paper Example. Implications of Moral Consideration
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination Animals Ethics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 839 words
7 min read

Animal ethics refers to a branch of ethics that involves how and why humans should consider nonhuman animals in their moral decisions. There exist different ethical theories that try to establish how we should behave in various situations. Despite the many differences in the ethical theories, they all tend to come on the defense of moral consideration for nonhuman animals by advocating for the rejection of speciesism, which promotes discrimination against animals.

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Meat-Eating Habits

Animals are sentient beings, and the pain and suffering the animals go through is almost similar or just as real as the pain humans feel (Dimmock & Fisher, 2017). Intensive animal farming, or sometimes referred to as animal farm factory, employs various methods that do not consider animal welfare. The animals are kept in dirty, overcrowded, windowless sheds that never have to enjoy the sun on their backs. The animals have been kept in confinement cages that are very small and might be forced to stand for long periods without lying down. The animals undergo torture as some are even mutilated and injected with hormones for experimentation, during slaughtering the farms uses methods that do not take into consideration the pain plight of the animals.

Pet Ownership

Adopting a pet is usually considered an honorable thing to do as it provides most animals with a place to call home. Pets offer companionship and inflict a sense of happiness to the owner. If the animals are not kept well in a good and favorable environment, then some ethical issues emerge. The needs of the pet should be catered for entirely in terms of psychological and biological needs. Inappropriate settings consist of birds in cages, fish in tanks, and chaining of animals for more extended periods. Improper treatment comprises insufficient exercise and space and little or too much food (McRobbie, 2017).

The Use of Nonhuman Animals in Experimentations

Without a doubt, animal experimentation has been beneficial to human being due to its massive role in scientific and medical breakthroughs. But with success comes great pains at the expense of the animals since the animals undergo cruel treatment and harm. The cruelty of animals comprises injecting the animals with untested drugs that might cause them pain and even death (Festing & Wilkinson, 2007).

Keeping Animals in Zoos

Animals have an intrinsic right to freedom, hence keeping them confined in zoos is outright wrong. Another ethical issue concerning the keeping of animals in an aquarium is the diminishing the quality of life of the animals since they are like prisoners and exploited (Kuehn, 2002).

Ways in Which the Above Actions Represent Incompatible and Contradictory Moral Values

The use of the television and other digital media has exposed more people to have access to wild animals, hence impacting changing the mindset and making the public scrutinize every aspect of animal use, be it in entertainment or in scientific research (Fraser, 2005). All this while animal use in agriculture was in the shadows. Humans are very inconsistent by the way they treat animals; for example, cats and dogs are loved abundantly; the wild animals are even protected as the thought of killing endangered species is viewed as sickening. Most people consider animal lovers, but the plight of cows, pigs, and chickens are not taken seriously.

Moral Obligation in Modifying Lifestyle to Recognize the Moral Status of Nonhuman

Intensive animal farming is fueled by demand, and as long as human's appetite for meat exists; then, the industry will continue to thrive. Hence humans should seek a more alternative source of nutrition and embrace the need to convert in being vegetarians. We cannot purport to be environmentalists and, at the same time, be consumers of meat.


Utilitarian theories involve developing actions and ideas that might result in impacts that will be beneficial to all individuals (Dimmock & Fisher, Ethics for A-Level, 2017). The utilitarian theory seeks to develop solutions that are morally right with the majority of the population. In determining if an action is ethically right, the sum of all the good is compared to the total amount of harm it may cause. For example, if we consider animals as sentient beings that perceive pain and pleasure, in determining if our actions are morally right, we must factor in these factors.


Dimmock, M., & Fisher, A. (2017). Chapter 14. Eating Animals In: Ethics for A-Level. In Ethics For A-Level (pp. 219-234). Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.

Dimmock, M., & Fisher, A. (2017). Ethics for A-Level. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.

Festing, S., & Wilkinson, R. (2007, June). The ethics of animal research: Talking point on the use of animals in scientific research. European Molecular Biology Organization, 8(6), 526-530. doi:10.1038/sj.embor.7400993

Fraser, D. (2005). Animal welfare and the intensification of animal production: An alternative interpretation. Rome: Editorial Production and Design Group Publishing Management Service FAO.

Kuehn, B. M. (2002, November 15). Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos? American Veterinary Medical Association.

BIBLIOGRAPHY McRobbie, L. R. (2017, August 1). Should we stop keeping pets? Why more and more ethicists say yes. The Guardian. Retrieved August 06, 2020, from

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