Impulsive Teenagers: A Case Study of Personality Disorders

Published: 2023-08-31
Impulsive Teenagers: A Case Study of Personality Disorders
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality disorder
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 436 words
4 min read


Based on the symptoms presented in the case study, the first diagnosis is certainly impulsivity. Difficulties with impulse control are regarded as a key aspect of personality disorders that affects teenagers as evaluated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition) (Few et al., 2015). For example, Jason, a fourteen-year-old boy is apprehended for vandalizing school property, he colludes with two other students to break into the school during the wee hours and vandalize computer facilities. They also used computers to gain access to pornographic sites. These actions are symptoms of impulsivity since it is normally defined as the inclination to act without regarding the resulting consequences.

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Based on the symptoms presented, Jason could also be suffering from Bipolar Type 1 disorder. Based on DSM-5 diagnosis; for a patient to be concluded to have bipolar 1 disorder, it is important to understand that there should be a manic episode. In particular, Jason displayed a specific period of abnormality, and persistently increased or petulant mood is seen when he was caught smoking cigarettes after soccer practice (Angst, 2013). Distractibility is also a sign of bipolar 1 disorder (Angst, 2013). From the symptoms presented it can be concluded that Jason started to steal money to go and smoke marijuana, alcohol, and smoke cigarettes after peer pressure from friends. Further, a high level of distractibility as he was only twelve years. Finally, Jason was excessively engaged in activities that have a high potential for harsh results.

Possible Interventions for Jason

An example of an intervention that can be recommended to Jason includes; cognitive-behavior psychotherapy. This form of therapy utilizes behavior interventions to accomplish behavior change through modification of cognitive processes that cause problem behaviors. Preemptive mechanisms for offsetting impulsivity during a manic episode encompass smoking cessation programs, rehabilitation for alcohol and drug reduction, and taking him to an improved school that will help tame his behavior in the case of Jason (Saeed bin Jabal et al., 2018). The second form of intervention is through medicines through drugs like Atypical antipsychotics and antidepressants.


Angst, J. (2013). Bipolar disorders in DSM-5: strengths, problems and perspectives. International journal of bipolar disorders, 1(1), 12.

Few, L. R., Lynam, D. R., & Miller, J. D. (2015). Impulsivity-related traits and their relation to DSM–5 section II and III personality disorders. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 6(3), 261.

Saeed bin Jabal, S. K., S Albulushi, K. I., M Shokri, M. E., Alsaaid, M. A., M Aloufi, A. M., Alsaedi, R. A., ... & AlKhalili, B. M. (2018). Psychological Interventions for The Management of Bipolar Disorder. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 70(5), 745-753.

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Impulsive Teenagers: A Case Study of Personality Disorders. (2023, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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