Introduction: Takimaki Proposal for Expansion in a New Market

Published: 2022-05-19
Introduction: Takimaki Proposal for Expansion in a New Market
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  International business
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1285 words
11 min read

Takimaki faces a great opportunity with the challenges that come with it. First of all, the change that Takimaki wants to make has a potential of making it a big company. It also poses unique risk whether Takimaki is ready and has enough muscles to make those changes it wants. Developing new products exposes the skills they have developed. Diversifying the range of products, they are offering sort of weakens or strengthens their brand image for example. When one thinks of iPhone, it's "Apple." When it comes to a soft drink like soda coca cola or Pepsi is what may appear to the minds of many. These companies have one thing in common, one product serving as the company's brand's image. Something that Takimaki should have in mind as they intend to be internationalized. Something that Takimaki should invest in, building a brand for itself. Expanding to the new market with a product in mind is the best direction to go in the journey of making it in the international market. While there is a clear view of what the automotive industry is like, given the consumer needs, environmental protection, and safety, sustainable power, reliability and tracking sensors.

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Available Opportunities

In the current automotive industries, it has some opportunities. Takimaki should explore this opportunity given the future. Exploring current opportunities while looking at the future, simple services like mobile mechanics, where clients can fix their vehicles and other electronic devices while sited at their homes. This is a great opportunity that exists for the future of Takimaki. The mechanic can approach the office or home or road where the users are experiencing troubles. In this way clients can build trust and also Takimaki will have a significant market. The only challenge would be the current developments of most mechanic shops and other events made in most of the countries like Japan and Germany. Most of the developed industries regarding automotive which is why this move might work with a grand marketing strategy that has been imploded. What the success of any course of action Takimaki takes is depended on the marketing that they will do.

You cannot talk or think the future and the present of the automotive industry without mentioning telematics. Yes, telematics, also referred to as black box insurance, which measures a client's aspects of driving the how, where and when. This device is collecting information on how one operates something that Takimaki should explore as an opportunity for the future. Having features like the GPS, Motor Sensors, a SIM card and software provides the perfect functionality of the device for its operations and design functions. It helps the people to know how correctly insurers should charge for car insurance premiums. The fact that it is a satellite-based service it offers significant advantages and coverage. In the future of the automotive industry, these are the services that companies like Takimaki should aim at improving. Not to forget that vehicle telematics is also used for tracking.

With most countries globally moving away from fuels such as diesel and petrol. For instance, UK intends to have banished use of diesel and petrol fuels. In this way Takimaki can look into the use of sustainable energies or before we get there, Takimaki can manufacture petrol and diesel cars with low emissions. Besides, biofuels such as hydrogen, gas are seen as a sustainable source of energy. Moreover, car batteries provision is something that Takimaki could look into. It provides a feasible solution to car batteries in the new market Takimaki would thrive greatly. Perhaps electric cars, with innovations like Tesla's taking over the world. Takimaki should look for a way that they could breach this market.

Where to and Why

Given the above opportunities, the best market to develop its electronic products and market would be a country like India. India demonstrates a market growing demand in the automotive industry. According to the Mckinsey Global report on the road to 2020 and beyond, India and the rest of the countries in BRICS provides a market of 66% of the Global automotive industry. Given these factors, it is up to Takimaki to develop its marketing Strategy and establish a right sector to work with. In the automotive industry, Takimaki has the option of setting up spare parts or retail shops in India. Expanding to a market like India would be a good fit. India's culture and customs are not hard to adapt to given that Takimaki comes from Japan thus a bit of familiarity and experience. One thing Takimaki should keep in mind is the patriarchal system in India regarding business culture, family names mean a lot and recognizing the person in charge. Always a right handshake starting with the most senior.

Indian business culture also involves occasionally use of namaste and occasional small talk before the business starts, occasionally asking a bit about family matters as a way of building trust. Occasionally use of titles as a way of building trust among the business colleagues. Observing the formal attires , english language, normal working hours starting at 10 am.Learn when 'No' means 'Yes' and 'Yes' means 'No' and check the Calendar.

For the holidays in India. In terms of the corporate culture middle management normally do not take part in key decision process. Practicing patience and flexibility in India is a key thing in India. India's ease of doing business ranks at 100 according to the world bank report on ease of doing business in the world. Starting a business is in India is simple as the registration is simple and so is the procedure. With a plan in place the business registration is simplified.


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Introduction: Takimaki Proposal for Expansion in a New Market. (2022, May 19). Retrieved from

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