Introduction to Risk Management Analyses Using R - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-30
Introduction to Risk Management Analyses Using R - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Analysis Statistics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 941 words
8 min read


Every organization needs to have a futuristic prediction on risk management. Investing in any industry is accompanied by risk. It is essential to have the ideal employing method to enable the management to consider hedging risk. It is essential to have statistical data interpretation to have effective evaluation and information to analyze risk. Further, R has been the most current statistical consideration for giving adequate analytic consideration for effective risk analysis improvements. Moreover, ideal identification and the accurate measurement of risk analysis are central considerations of risk management and speculative risk management in business and organization. In consideration of having the evaluation of the uncovered losses and the legacy of company fraud process of identification require the R statistics analysis to espouse clear risk management.

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Using R

In R data is keyed in are the ideal statistical consideration of interpreting the data to have the clear variables. The parameters of measurements need to be clear. It is necessary to have the data exported to r clearly and easily that R read the easy manipulation data. The data loaded can be manipulated in static consideration (Sugrue, 2020). First, the data is statistically interpreted in considerable need of a 5-numbers summary. The testing of the analysis of variance helps in understanding the data well. Data manipulate and interpreted in the R- consideration has the practical necessity of clear pectoral interpretation of data to make a decision (Tartari et al., 2020).

Evaluation of Uncovered Losses and Fraud Identification

The importation of data to R needs the CSV files in a data frame format. The 502 observation with five variable needs clear organization in the R input for proper display (Olson & Wu, 2017). The claimer number, policy number, claim amount, money paid and the claiming suspicion score make the data frame manipulated (Winter, 2019). The evaluation of the lost and the fraud identification's uncovered consideration is elaborated from the considerable need to have effective data manipulation. The analysis in the numerical and subgroup of the data frame gives the elaborative needs of the data presented (Shiwaku, 2011). The pictorial representation graphical elaborates the loopholes of founding from the variable of the measurable parameter.

Formal Analytic Assessment of the Unaddressed Risk of Losses to Fraud

In importing data considering effective data manipulation, it is effective to have clear data interpretation. In consideration of the data-frame input, it is necessary to have a variable in clear manipulation (Jung et al., 2017). The 502 observation with the five variables' diversification gives the data clear manipulation with the variable beings the measurements' parameters. The five-number summary, t-test, and ANOVA analysis give a clear understanding of the variables (Winter, 2019).

How Claims File Used to Support Seven Basel II Risk Category

The analysis and the manipulation of data necessary for the needs of effective Basel II risk category statistical elaborated. Internal fraud is an analysis of the internal interest of the organization. The manipulation's external interest gives the variable activists committed by the third parties to the organization. Employment practice and work safety on the analysis of t-test and the 5 number summary gives the elaboration (Croce et al., 2016). Also, the consideration of clients, business practices, and production needs the organization to speculate in the interpretation of the clients’ deals. Further, the damages of assets, business disruption on system failure, the execution of the management process, and the delivery need to have clear elaborative needs of the transaction management process (Hollis, 2015). R studio gives clear elaborative manipulation and statistical understanding of the Basel II verification of the data (Winter, 2019).

Description of Analytic Method Available In R

R is a wide statistical interpretation consideration of having the effective dynamics of the description of data. The 5-numbers summary in the considerable understanding of the data interpretation is important. The analysis of the ideal needs of plotting the data in the box plot, histogram, and pictorial representation of the data (Benakli et al., 2016). The t-test, ANOVA, the variance, standard deviation, interquartile deviation, median, range, max, min have are all available in statistical r computing.


R is statistical scientific software that gives the elaborative ideal necessity of having the many dynamics of manipulating data. The descriptive interpretation of the data is important and can be done easily in R. it is essential to have the considerable needs of having the data manipulation implements. The free and opens source software R helps in the statistical dynamics of analysis data.


Benakli, N., Kostadinov, B., Satyanarayana, A., & Singh, S. (2016). Introducing computational thinking through hands-on projects using R with applications to calculus, probability and data analysis. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(3), 393-427.

Croce, A., Guerini, M., & Ughetto, E. (2016). Angel financing and the performance of high-tech Start-UPS. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(2), 208-228.

Hollis, S. (2015). The role of regional organizations in disaster risk management. The Role of Regional Organizations in Disaster Risk Management, 1-12.

Jung, A., Park, J., Ahn, A., & Yun, M. (2017). CS for ALL: Introducing computational thinking with hands-on experience in college. 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI).

Olson, D. L., & Wu, D. D. (2017). Data mining models and enterprise risk management. Springer Texts in Business and Economics, 119-132.

Shiwaku, K. (2011). Innovative usage of disaster reduction technology information. Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM) - Focusing on Pro-Active Risk Reduction in Asia, 03(01), 105.

Sugrue, D. (2020). Introducing article numbering to computational statistics and data analysis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 142, 106857.

Tartari, E., Tomczyk, S., Pires, D., Zayed, B., Coutinho Rehse, A. P., Kariyo, P., Stempliuk, V., Zingg, W., Pittet, D., & Allegranzi, B. (2020). Implementation of the infection prevention and control core components at the national level: A global situational analysis. Journal of Hospital Infection.

Winter, B. (2019). Inferential statistics 3. Statistics for Linguists: An Introduction Using R, 180-197.

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