Essay Sample on Whether a Business Degree Worth It

Published: 2017-12-26
Essay Sample on Whether a Business Degree Worth It
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Business
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 1964 words
17 min read

Is getting a business degree worth it

Globalization is one of the tremendous changes in the world of business that need bright and talented fresh graduates to help create a stable economy for our future. There is an increased demand for creative, hard-working and innovative students to promote large business in every country in this universe. Business people are always working hard to set up a remarkable start-up in their businesses. All these things have motivated many students to take business courses such as business administration, business management, marketing, business finance and international trade. These educational programs are always demanding, high intensity and academically thorough. To succeed in the business world by a student, he/she needs to major in a single course. This essay, therefore, will help shade light on whether a business course is worth it in the world of today and enable us to understand its advantages and disadvantages at large.

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Acquiring individual business knowledge can be helpful to a student practically to any job he/she wishes to pursue. The skill one learns improves money management once he/she is on her own and makes better decisions in her daily life. The course also facilitates the progress of skills that promotes economic success. Personal finance, goal setting, and organization are some of the skills that can enable one buy a property with careful budgeting and saving money. Business courses also incorporate learning computer skills and spreadsheets that put one in line with the changes in technology (Todd, 19). A student is also equipped with skills such as communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving, leadership and critical thinking all which are crucial in interacting with people in the general public.

What can you do with a business degree

A lot of people in the world be it students, educators and even parents make the wrong assumption that business courses are taken by students who are interested in pursuing a career in business. The values and information learned in the business school curriculum are beneficial to all students in the world of today and critical to the success of any economy. All students who come out of universities should have a shared understanding of how economies in their various countries operate and the major role of business in the success of the economy. Students at any level have desires to start their businesses, yet few of them acknowledge having skills to run the businesses. Also, it's well known that graduates nowadays change their careers due to high competitions in the job market. Thus students are expected to be equipped with skills and knowledge to enable them to become lifelong learners and to control the force of the business world to their benefit.

There is a multiple of benefits one acquires from a business school. Rapid technological changes experienced in the global world, developing business models and shifting markets, every organization is looking for better schools to train their employees. Although people believe that one gains experience in the place of work, corporate training programs offered by best business schools in the world equips learners with skills and tools that are impossible to acquire in the job place. Top business schools offer leadership skills at every line of the business stage for executives from supervisors' level to Chief Executive Officers. Students also acquire a specialized executive education that helps them tackle complex issues and learn most excellent practices. Personalized leadership training offered in business schools contribute to inspiring managers and motivate other employees and assist in the resolving of conflicts whenever they arise in an organization.

MBA benefits

A business course also allows an individual to build up practical skills that can be of great use in various industries in an economy. Skills in budget management, leadership and marketing are usable in every industry or occupation. When one desires to lead in any organization in the competitive economy of today, he/she must learn basic business courses that will allow him acquire the relevant basics to run an organization and be considered valuable compared to other employees. Business courses also create a balance to the overall education of a student (Nabi, 365). A student who is creative in nature, learn skills that enable him/her tackle analysis on data. If a student considers qualitative data analysis to be easy, majoring in business may enable him/her build know-how to increase strategic marketing initiatives and managing people in an organization.

Students graduating with a business degree are advised to challenge themselves to match their degrees with other fields and as such one earns an edge useful in the current competitive job market being experienced. When a student majors in business, it is recommended that he/she opts for a minor course where she has a true passion. Choosing a minor needs an individual to be thoughtful in order to make the right choice. Thus, one should know in which industry she is likely to apply her skills in business. If the student wants to work in international organizations, then he/she should minor in international public relations and if one wishes to work in a large technological corporation, then computer science can be of great help as a minor course (Todd, 76).

Is a business administration degree worth it

When all things are said and done, advantages of earning a business degree eventually depend on the level of school you attend. Always best skills and knowledge are acquired from top-ranked schools of business in the world. Financial Times, Forbes and The Economist are some of the independent sources that rank schools on a regular basis by providing reliable assessments related to business administration institutions and their regulatory programs. Thus, for an institution to be ranked among the top consistently, they must exhibit high levels of innovation in technology that help produce outstanding world leaders. The business school must also offer programs that tend to tackle real challenges that face top executives around the globe, (Anderson, 23). Active collaboration with large organizations enables schools to teach customized executive training to meet particular challenges. These schools are therefore expected to offer courses that allow students learn management skills that have a cutting edge in the interconnected marketplace in the world and give first-hand practice on how best organizations operate in different states.

Some of the disadvantages of earning a business degree are that a basic business degree cannot help one fully in attaining his/her desires in life. This is because one learns a variety of business related disciplines without specializing in an area and thus making it hard even to employers to hire such people due to lack of expertise (Chan, 56). There are also chances that companies opt to hire candidates without business courses with low salaries and train them instead of graduates who demand higher salaries yet have little experience. This means that business graduates need an extra mile apart from their degree such as learning foreign languages, volunteering to organizations to gain experience or even specialize his/her degree.

Is a business management degree worth it

Choosing a course to take in high educational levels needs a lot of considerations. This is due to the challenges that come along in one's career. Thus, one should choose a course which from it, he/she will receive pleasure, would love, be of one's interest and above all offer a better job in the upcoming days. A person should choose a course to undertake carefully without group interference. This will enable one to stand up for his/her own and present well-built ideas to defend his/her career. Success to every individual in society is valued on the kind of job one holds or his/her achievement in business activities. A business course is a practical investment to any individual because there is a variety of employments that are associated with the subject and this makes it easier to secure one (Todd, 17).

According to the research conducted by National Centre for Education, the increased intake of business courses by students results to a surplus of fresh graduates in the job market. Business majors find themselves competing against many new graduates with the same attributes. Thus, business students should look more on the consequences of under-employment on individuals' attitudes towards our careers, our jobs and our lives in general. Unemployment is one of the greatest challenges in the world of today in every field one majors in higher education.

Some of the solutions that may help solve the problem of graduate's unemployment are by; a) companies should commit themselves to employing, training and mentoring fresh graduates on how various jobs available to them are done, how to be loyal employees which in return will benefit them to acquire jobs when promotion arises. On-the-job training works as a better strategy in responding to employee shortages in any organization at any level. b) Holding work experience programs and dual training by schools and employers with their primary focus to deliver relevant skills to the students which are directly usable in their various workplaces. These programs expose students to real needs and opportunities that come up in the economy. c) Programs such as training-to-employment focus intensively and carefully to specific requirements of available posts and include a component of post-training placement based on earlier hiring commitments from various employers. Here companies can address the problems of skill shortages and create an efficient expansion of job opportunities for people who may have failed to acquire such jobs by themselves. d) Give adequate support to information projects that provide employment and labor market-related information for young graduates seeking jobs. Mobile devices, internet and technology in social networking allow young people to access more transparent information concerning the job market. (O'Shaughnessy, 13). Employers have an easy target to find job seekers through such networking and can also work and cooperate with advanced initiatives that are mainly designed to provide the youth with information on career opportunities and current trends.

In conclusion, from my three sources, we can see that the business major has many merits and demerits. In general, three sources all talk about the serious problem of business graduates employment or unemployment. Meanwhile, three of them mention about the advantages and disadvantages of getting a business degree. Even there are some unusual sounds on business jobs and business degree. I still suggest a student who wants to involve business field it's better to get a business degree. As we know, compared with other colleges' populations, the population of business colleges is bigger in capacity. Just in Lynn's source said particular business majors were having a tough time juggling career and home life. This carries with it an invisible pressure of employment; also with a substantial population number, the quality of business education is low. However, no one is born an entrepreneur. You should find your route, and to identify yourself to figure out if you enjoy the business degree. Because whether being an entrepreneur or engaging in the business, people should be risk takers and be ready to change the world. Thus, if you decide to take a risk, then you become a real entrepreneur.

Works Cited

Anderson, Max, and Peter Escher. The Mba Oath: Setting a Higher Standard for Business Leaders. New York, N.Y: Portfolio, 2010.

Chan, Emily. Harvard Business School Confidential: Secrets of Success. Chichester: Wiley, 2012.

Daley, Jason. "Expert Opinions: Is a Business Degree Worth It?" Entrepreneur. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.

Nabi, Ghulam R. "Graduate employment and underemployment: opportunity for skill use and career experiences amongst recent business graduates." Education+ training 45.7 (2003): 371-382.

O'Shaughnessy, Lynn. "8 Reasons Not to Get a Business Degree - CBS News." CBNews, 20

Jan. 2011, www. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.

Todd, Darren. Pirate Nation: How Digital Piracy Is Transforming Business, Society and Culture. Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 2011.

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