Is Technology Current Event 2? Essay Sample

Published: 2022-05-22
Is Technology Current Event 2? Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 435 words
4 min read

The phrase "project management" is employed to characterize the processes, skills, methods, knowledge as well as experiences involved in achieving project objectives. In an organization, project management is employed to meet all the project's goals despite the available constraints that may hinder the successful completion of the project. Today, project management is a critical role in all organizations and it is performed to facilitate the successful attainment of the entities' objectives. Nevertheless, today, the society is faced with numerous trends in project management that requires all organizational leaders to remain proactive so as to ensure the success of their corporations.

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Case Example of an Emerging Trend in Project Management

With the continued innovation and inventions in information, communication and technology (ICT), information sharing platforms like Twitter and Google has found the need to adopt the trend of acquiring highly efficient online data storage systems. Moreover, such platforms are perceived to be both efficient and effective in information storage and transfer and in the process, they facilitate the better execution of the organizations' objectives. Fadilpasic (2018) has recently published an online article that provides information on how Twitter has decided to transfer its Hadoop clusters and cold storage features to the Google Cloud Platform (Fadilpasic, 2018).

The move by Twitter is a perfect example of how corporations' have accepted the trend of improving services delivery to their target personnel through creating an easy and fast means of sharing information. Additionally, according to the online publication, by adopting this trend in project management, Twitter will be in a position to increase its information capacity provisioning (Fadilpasic, 2018). In this case, information sharing will be faster and more flexible, and in the process, the delivery of services by Twitter will be highly improved. Ultimately, this objective by the Twitter Corporation will be in line with its corporate objectives, which include producing quality services at all times to its targeted clientele.


In conclusion, today, the society is faced with numerous trends in project management that requires all organizational leaders to remain proactive so as to ensure the success of their corporations. In an organization, project management is employed to meet all the organizational goals despite the available constraints that may hinder the successful completion of the project. Ultimately, Twitter's decision to transfer its cloud functions to the more enhanced Google Cloud Platform is a good example of how institutions today are adopting project management trends to improve their service delivery to their clients.


Fadilpasic, S. (2018). Twitter moving cold storage and Hadoop clusters to Google Cloud Platform. Retrieved from IT Pro Portal:

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Is Technology Current Event 2? Essay Sample. (2022, May 22). Retrieved from

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