Essay Sample on Lincoln's Duty

Published: 2023-03-12
Essay Sample on Lincoln's Duty
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Slavery Abraham Lincoln
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 812 words
7 min read

Commissioner from the government of South Carolina, John S. Preston, believed that he had to make the best outcome of the secession cause. Preston says that the union used fearful methods to abolish slavery, "with the avowed purpose of effecting the abolition of slavery by the most fearful means which can be suggested to a subject race: arson and murder are the charities of their program" (Preston, 1).

He also addressed the reasons why the Southerners chose to secede from the union, the dreadful acts the Northerners presented to the Southerners and how they were two different entities," The citizens of not less than five non-slaveholding States have invaded a slaveholding State, and proclaimed the annihilation of its people by servile insurrection" ( Preston, 2).

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The southerners allowed northerners abuse, and John Smith Preston addressed Virginia's connection to the southerners through what they faced from the northern politics. He promised that they could reclaim their prestige and power. Preston also discusses that the northerners could survive without slavery and that slavery should be brought to a definite end.

He argued that the people of Virginia shared more with the southerners, "Believing the rights violated, and the interests involved are identical with the rights and interests of the people of Virginia and remembering their ancient amity and their common glory" (Preston, 3).

Lincoln, the first elected Republican president is addressing a divided nation; his first inaugural speech talks about slavery. Lincoln dispelled the fear southerners had about their slaves, he quotes one of his statements that southerners do not need to be worried about their slaves or the extension of slavery to other states, "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists" (Lincoln, 1). Lincolns' party validated the states' rights and swore to uphold the oath he made.

There was a problem of free people being held and sold into slavery, and it was hard for the southerners to prove their freedom. Lincoln proposes that all should follow the laws and wait for the issue of slavery to be solved because it is a more challenging time for him. States seceding wanted out, but Lincoln advised that the union should not split up. He says that there is no authority for the destruction of the union, "And the Union will endure forever, it being impossible to destroy it except by some action not provided for in the instrument itself" (Lincoln, 2)

Any states that carry out slavery has no right to do so; Lincoln is not going to let the southern state to separate. He refuses to start a war and turns to people who love the union. One section believes that slavery should not be extended while the other believes that slavery should be extended. The southerners would not keep on trading slaves while the northerners will stop returning the fugitive slaves, so both states will not get what they want if separation occurs, hence they have to together.

Is it legal for southern states to secede from the union? What had the North done to cause Southern states to leave the union?

Yes, it is legal for the southern states to secede from the union because a mass of the non-slaveholding States have not only refused to carry out the provisions of the Constitution and laws to defend slave possessions but have made strict laws to prevent the implementation of those provisions. Also, not less than five non-slaveholding States people have invaded a slaveholding State, and proclaimed the destruction of its people by slavish riot.

Lastly, the Federal Legislature representatives, acting on the same ultimate idea, have proposed to shape the legislation of the Government to deny the slave States political equality, by not including them from all interest in the territorial accretions of the Government. They have succeeded to the full extent, and have decreed that there shall be no more slave States admitted to the Union. This are some of the reasons why the southern states left the union.

Can states secede from the union? Why or why not? What are Lincoln's views towards the south? What are his duties as president of the United States?

According to Lincoln, states cannot secede from the union because the Southerners and the Northerners needed each other so the Southerners would keep trading slaves while the Northerners keep returning the slaves. Lincolns viewed the Southerners as his fellow countrymen he guarantees to protect the southerners as the first elected Republican president.

Lincoln's duty as the president of the United States was to uphold the oath and protect the constitution; his role as a Republican was to stop slavery and validate the states' rights. Lincoln's duty was also to tell the citizens to follow the laws and prevent the union from splitting up; he also formed more and more of the constitution to create a better union.

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