Free Essay on Making Political Campaigns and Elections Better

Published: 2019-12-13
Free Essay on Making Political Campaigns and Elections Better
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Political science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 668 words
6 min read

The recently concluded general election has seen a new twist of events to the voter turnout as well as in the results. Millennials are suggested to be an extensive part of these elections and hence progressive elections should be able to sustain the escalation of numbers among millennial voters. The percentage of millennials in the voting statistics is approximately 31%, and hence there should be incentives to nudge this quota of individuals to participate in the improvement of their nation. In prior periods, millennials have been accused and proved to have a lowered turnout parallel to other demographic of voters and hence efforts to promote their participation should be devised and strengthened. Political campaigns have an enhanced influence in the turnout of this group and hence an improvement of this phenomenon could culminate in better turnout at the poll stations. This essay seeks to present a comprehensive means by which the millennials can be enticed to not only register but also to indulge in the actual voting exercise.

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Tennery & Fares (2016) highlight that millennials have been enticed into signing up for registration through reminders and campaigns on social sites that are highly familiar with them and the involvement of their celebrity icons in these campaigns. This method has been highly effective. However, it has not achieved the purpose of pulling the millennials to the poll stations for the actual voting process which is the core agenda. The online system of registration has also managed to pull in a heightened amount of voters among all demographics but especially millennials who are for getting things done swiftly. Tennery and Fares (2016) add that one of the ways of pulling these groups to the poll station is through the use of homogeneous techniques that have lured them into registering for voting.

Madland & Teixeira (2009) highlighted that Millennial are progressive individuals and hence they intend to sustain this fact for the longest period ever. In combination with the sentiments of Fry (2016) who suggests that the candidates participating in the election are the determinant of the turnout of millennials then one can comprehend a way that can be employed to improve the quota of voters in coming elections. Allowing the participation of more progressive and competitive candidates will elevate the morale of the millennials as they feel like their values and needs are highly represented. On the other end, the millennials can feel more comfortable participating when they are certain of the direction of the nation based on the promises of the candidates. Millennials hold the notion that the older candidates are more ignorant of their requests and are not risk takers like their generation.

The young voters have always felt left out in the formulation of decisions based on the heavy investment in their ideas of progress but low consideration of their voice in terms of policy implementation. However, the recent civil authority has signified extensive involvement in fighting for the voices of the young individuals hence riling them up to be part of the voting process (Kolinsky, 2013). One of the ways in which the young people can actually resolve to participate in the polls is the assurance that their needs will be met and hence the campaign candidates can make an effort to approve their concerns before the elections. For instance, the issue of gay marriage has made the youth feel encouraged to stand up for their preferences and hence can feel confident to indulge in the future voting process.


Fry, R. (2016). Millennials match Baby Boomers as largest generation in U.S. electorate, but will they vote? Pew Research Center. Retrieved 12 November 2016, from

Kolinsky, C. (2013). Millennials Will Be 40 Percent of the Electorate by 2020. Mic. Retrieved 12 November 2016, from

Madland, D. & Teixeira, R. (2009). New Progressive America: The Millennial Generation. Center for American Progress.Tennery, A. & Fares, M. (2016). Social media helps U.S. millennial voters register, turnout worries linger. Reuters. Retrieved 12 November 2016, from

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