Essay Sample on Masculinity, Cultural, and Gender.

Published: 2023-02-21
Essay Sample on Masculinity, Cultural, and Gender.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Culture Sexes Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1121 words
10 min read

The "Guys club" section in Rereading America clearly shows the choices women and men face from their childhood earliest stages. They are ought to conforms and follow cultural assumptions of how different gender should perform, look and act, or will they follow their instinct by deviating away from the norms and risk putting themselves in the category of those insulted or even taken as violent. Perhaps those who go against these societal guidelines claiming it to be rigid often have a difficult moment in society. Men have expected others to strong and stoic. They were expected also to use strong and commanding language which includes calling others "faggot". whereas women were taught from an early age by culture and their models' images on being beautiful, nurturing nature, accommodating behavior and allowing suffering and internal pressure as well as endure physical ham usually caused by violence to match up with the culture's needs and demands. For instance, they color their nails to look beautiful. Indeed, the issue of masculinity and gender disparities issues are self-evident in our society.

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The expectation in society has a significant effect on men, who are under extreme pressure to fulfill a set of criteria within the society that define the real meaning of becoming a man. As Kim describe, the accepted code of masculinity can be explained as the act of men being dominant at all particular time, have a reserved emotion, and any sign that portrait weaknesses are strictly prohibited. General and most common concepts regarding gender equate individual strength with masculinity whereas weakness was related to being feminine. Therefore, in quest of the pursuit of masculinity has generally place male counterparts' superior gender. As a result, this version has made young boys strictly avoid traits and behavior that are usually associated with femininity such as vulnerability, being dependent and emotional sensitivity. For instance, the boys were not supposed to color their fingernails because it was considered girly things. The negative association of emotion sensitivity to weakness results in anger and stern man behavior because of fear of showing weakness. Instead, they withdraw and pose a stoicism mask.

Though men are affected emotionally due to the adherence to cultural code regarding masculinity, women experience psychological suffering as they try to fit and satisfy the expectation seen as unrealistic to limit the society stereotypes The expectation is cultured into girls at early young ages through various ways and methods such as using dolls with ideal feminine body and movies featuring princess who are in state of helplessness waiting for a man with strength to rescue them. These experiences and practices make the girl gender to learn and instill gender curriculum without being told anything. Certainly, apart from biology, observation and imitation play an important role as a factor accounting on gender traits. Femininity traits such as submission where women are required to be sexy and show total submissiveness even during sex. The idea of beauty and traits of submissiveness is reinforced from cartoons, young girls brought up, teen magazines and also pornographic contents.

Women suffer most from frequent physical violence and often sexual assault they endure from time to time. Research shows that one out of five women suffer from rape or attempt rape. Moreover, an estimate of half of the women population has experienced physical assault. The attack has a record to have happened before they reach the age of seventeen and usually happens at the hands of their husbands and partners. The reality of assault is often described to be unavoidable. Furthermore, the media help to reinforce the conspiracy. For example, the wall street journal story had it a headline that reads "Ladies, you should know better." The message passed out was clear that despite the attack on women they are to be blamed on their assault. The portrayal of women by media is evident but cannot account for available staggering facts. The imagery projected by the media in the society which are considered pervasive imagery of cultural gender mainly relies upon dominance and women are certainly not the dominant figures. Advertisement portrays masculinity by using strong men and women who are diminutive. Moreover, shows men who are dominating women physically wherein violence simulated scenario women remain helpless and submissive. Thus, showing the superiority of masculinity in almost every aspect. I tend to differ from the way society view masculinity and gender biases. Men who are facing extreme pressure from their colleagues to conform to society to be strong and stoic, they usually suffer internally because of psychological build that is caused by repress emotions and relationship disconnection. Additionally, the social nature of making women a victim of violence and physical assault is downing as well as discouraging. Ultimately, the traditional perspective on the roles of gender brings more harm to women more than men. Sensitization of equality and shared responsibilities should be thoroughly done to cast away the barbaric societal culture ranking the male gender as untouchable.

To add to that, the dynamic of masculinity has a long-term effect on the boy's growth and emotional lives. Therefore, the drilled idea of being tough and self-sufficient make most of boy immune to receiving instruction from others or adult who might instill mature guidance and perspective. Therefore, the resistance behavior can lead to prolonging immaturity and emotional disconnection as they approach adulthood. Men at the end suffer in self-created isolation state as they prioritize on in putting forth their masculinity superiority to get to the highest level of societal hierarchy forgetting to nature and understanding their own emotions. As such it proves to be harmful and I don't support it at all costs.

To add to that, the dynamic of masculinity has a long-term effect on the boy's growth and emotional lives. Therefore, the drilled idea of being tough and self-sufficient make most of the boy immune to receiving instruction from others or adult who might instill mature guidance and perspective. Therefore, the resistance behavior can lead to prolonged immaturity and emotional disconnection as they approach adulthood. Men at the end suffer in a self-created isolation state as they prioritize on in putting forth their masculinity superiority to get to the highest level of societal hierarchy forgetting to nature and understanding their own emotions. As such it proves to be harmful and I don't support it at all costs.

Conclusively, the "Guys Club" section in Rereading America captures the society's cultural practices and beliefs in gender. It has elaborated clearly on how masculinity is superior compared to femininity. Therefore, portraying the real picture and practices that happen between cultural boundaries. However, I believe the individual should be more open-minded and engage in thing that can bring equality and unity rather than traditional power and hierarchy concepts.

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