Media Influence Unveiled: Analyzing Chaos, Bias, and Persuasion in the 2020 U.S. Elections - Report Sample

Published: 2024-01-29
Media Influence Unveiled: Analyzing Chaos, Bias, and Persuasion in the 2020 U.S. Elections - Report Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Media
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1350 words
12 min read

A. Methods of Persuasion

The article is about ‘A Time of Chaos upon Chaos atop Chaos.’ The article is about the chaos experienced in 2020 that will likely increase in 2021, 2022, and up to 2024. The article is written by Victor Davis Hanson and published on 22nd November 2020 (Hanson, 1). The article is an opinion editorial where the author structurally positions his sentiments about the main subject. The article’s logical structure has an introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a concluding statement.

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The introduction and conclusion reinforce the fact that various battles are coming in the United States. However, the coming battles can only be worn if 2020 does not become more chaotic. The article uses subtopics within the body to back up evidence about the existing and looming battles and the possibility that they can all be won. The author also refers to the 2020 U.S. elections and Biden and Trump’s reaction to the results (Hanson, 1). Thus, he insists that the possibility of winning the upcoming challenges only depends on the current leaders’ ability to solve the 2020 challenges, including the coronavirus pandemic.

B. Purpose

The author seeks to illuminate the public about the media’s bias, which affects most Americans. According to the author, the media played a very important role in the 2016 elections by jeopardizing the Trump Campaign. At this time, the media would air about Russia’s involvement in the campaigns, the CIA, Justice, Systems, and the FBI’s weaponization to back up the Trump campaign. Even though part of their claims would be true, the media played an important role in dividing the Americans (Hanson, 1). From the 2016 elections to the present day, the media has painted the Trump side as a corrupt or based government.

In contrast, the same media is said to have been insufficient with information concerning the 2020 elections. The author argues that the 2020 elections in which Joe Biden was elected were largely focused on pro-Biden and Anti-Trump news by the journalists. Most journalists would discuss Trump’s loss and why he lost in important regions like Virginia and California (Hanson, 1). However, media personnel have been careful to ensure that they separate the anti-Trump news from the Biden information in support of the presidential incumbent.

The author believes that the fact that Silicon Valley exists as a monopoly in the internet and social media communications industry implies that it misuses its powers sometimes. Therefore, the author proposes a need to break the monopolists in the media industry who manipulate information to benefit their selfish interests. For instance, if a Democrat like Biden's win is high, the media will only publish information in favor of the winning candidate, which discredits a Democrat like Trump.

Instead, the author advocates for the truth in the media. Instead of the media taking sides, it should evade politics instead of revealing just the truth to the public without making the involved persons look good or bad. In agreement, a time has come for the media in the United States to be regulated. There should be regulations on the rights of the media personnel. They should not be allowed to practice professionalism only when in favor of one candidate and act freely in favor of another. It should not happen in the United States or any other part of the world. The media should use professionalism everywhere and disengage from the political side.

C. Target Audience

The author targets the United States media houses and the bias that exists in the communication. While Trump’s inefficiency in the 2020 election has been made obvious, especially in the coronavirus pandemic’s mismanagement and the increasing discrimination against native and black Americans, Biden is not as pure (Hanson, 1). The media only covered Trump’s misgivings while avoiding the Biden topic. Therefore, it became obvious that the media was protecting Biden. It is important to note that the media plays an important role in the U.S. elections. Hence, whatever is spread in media houses has a large impact on voter choices. The fact that the media protected Biden as the saint of the elections proves how this idea impacted Americans’ choices.

It is revealed that Biden was not fully vetted as compared to his political rival Trump. The more than 330 million Americans are now left to be the judges of Biden’s service (Hanson, 1). They will review his likelihood of doing the things done by his predecessor, such as holding impromptu conferences, making demands to change the country to his favor and that of his allies, or enforcing tough rules against the citizens. In 2017, the media was used to campaign for the 25th Amendment, which required the mandatory Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test for President Trump (Hanson, 1). However, it is speculated that the media is likely to avoid such a topic in 2020, especially since it advocates for Biden’s presidency.

D. Maslow’s Hierarchy

The author points out people’s psychological needs, which makes them susceptible to the information they consume. Thus, Americans are likely to believe 90 percent of the information they see or hear via mainstream media or social media. For this reason, communication monopolists take advantage of citizens’ gullibility to create content that manipulates the thoughts of Americans. In this case, the content created spoke for Biden and against Trump, which is psychological bias.

E. Aristotle’s Ethos

Aristotle defines ethos as the ability to persuade an individual or a group through character. Thus, the author uses expertise and reputation to portray how the media can impact Americans’ actions through persuasive content (Hanson, 1). The authority aspect is also seen in the monopolistic media houses that command the type of content that should or should not be published.

F. Burke’s Identification Theory

According to Burke, persuading someone brings forth some kind of identification. Therefore, in the article’s case, the media who try to persuade the public that Biden is the right candidate also identify themselves as supporters of this candidate.

G. Aristotle’s Common Ground

Aristotle’s common ground advocates that the speaker and the listener can reach an agreement and come up with common ideas (Hanson, 1). Therefore, in this case, the audience, who are the media personnel, must try to produce unbiased content that does not make one party look bad while the other looks good.

H. Fallacies of Logic

The author makes it so open that Biden was not vetted. However, this could not be logical since every candidate must be vetted.

I. Argumentative Strategies

From this discussion, the author writes an opinion editorial to explain the role media plays in the U.S elections. His argument is quite logical as he explains why media is biased and how it influences public actions.

Question Two

From this OP-ED, I have learned several aspects of argumentative content that I did not know. I have understood that theories can be applied in assessing content, such as theories from Burke, Maslow, and Aristotle (Hanson, 1). I also learned about the difference between an opinion-based editorial and other types of articles. The author does not argue based on theories that he wants to be implemented; he gives his thoughts about media roles using theories. Even though most of the content is on his thoughts and not necessarily the logical facts, several facts are given in his content.

Question Three

From this class, I learned that my colleagues had different abilities that made them unique in a good way. Thus, they use such abilities to show their academic prowess in the content and structure of what they do in class. Most of my classmates are lively and cooperative in discussions and classwork. Even though it was difficult to meet, we still made virtual communication that easily understood the content.

Finally, the class helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses in presenting written content. I could identify my important writing skills and how they are necessary for the next level of studies. My interaction with the instructor and colleagues also helped me grow my skills.

Works Cited

Hanson, V. D. (2020). A Time of Chaos upon Chaos atop Chaos. American Greatness.

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Media Influence Unveiled: Analyzing Chaos, Bias, and Persuasion in the 2020 U.S. Elections - Report Sample. (2024, Jan 29). Retrieved from

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