Navigating Ethical Dilemmas: College Students and the Social Media Conundrum - Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-22
Navigating Ethical Dilemmas: College Students and the Social Media Conundrum - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  College Students Social media Ethical dilemma
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 952 words
8 min read

The current society revolves around technology as it has a more significant opportunity for people to the social network in the world. Social media networks like Facebook and MySpace have tremendously grown as they are commonly used among college students. The young population's use of social networks can create an ethical dilemma in their life and career. It is more challenging to deal with difficulties in the context of college students, ideally. Social media platforms have been regarded as antisocial in some cases of cyberbullying and breaching people's privacy. The current college students have become addicted to digital identities and forget about real-world happenings. Therefore, college students need to tackle the ethical dilemma associated with social media in the given case study.

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The case study's ethical dilemma relates to the tendency to transmit messages without consideration of their overall consequences. It tends to happen in meditated channels like text messages, website postings, as well as emails. Texts and statements are not private so other people can easily access them. It is a more significant challenge to current college students as they post unwanted messages on a social media platform that has a negative impact. For instance, in the case of posting a political statement that incites fellow students to undertake a demonstration in college politics. Some student are being charged in a court of law due to their actions.

Indeed I have a greater responsibility to censor what I post on social media due to the existing overall impact. The real victim of social media censorship relates to individual responsibility due to personal consumption of information. The freedom to choose and think about what we post on social media depends on an individual's sacred attributes. Therefore a perfect way to combat harmful posts and ideas is with good thoughts by allowing people of different opinions to have an opportunity to judge the merit of their posts and statements and make their own rational decisions.

When using social media platforms, it is essential to maintain an authentic representation of real life. Keeping a social media presence real represents a positive brand engagingly and exciting. In a real world where people show only the highlights of perfectly lit moments, it is straightforward to get trapped in comparison pitfalls. It is essential to be genuine in connecting with followers as, for instance, consumers tend to seek authentic experiences and hold brands accountable for given content posted. Also, it creates a deeper connection with people as the relationship becomes more robust. It requires people to be honest, stop, and think before posting, use their voice, and not copy the competition.

Core values are beliefs that tend to guide the behaviors, decisions, and actions of people. They highlight what people stand for. I possess various core values that have been essential in my life in making decisions and undertaking multiple activities. For instance, accountability has been a value that I possess. It relates to the personal responsibility and reliability of my stories. Indeed nothing in life can be undertaken without accountability, and it implies living in integrity, with thoughts, words, and actions consistent with one another. Responsibility is essential in sustaining long-term success for an individual, and if an individual accepts his or her actions, then it's a choice you make for overall results. Also, accountability helps prevent one from falling prey to role victim awareness is another core value that has played a significant role in my life. It is essential because it improves overall judgment and helps identify various opportunities for personal development and growth. Self-awareness helps identify personal weaknesses and strengths; therefore, an individual can easily cope with weaknesses.

Honesty has been a core value I possess in life. It is about telling the truth and being real with other people. Therefore need to live an authentic life. Honesty is essential as it promotes openness and helps people develop consistency in representing life facts. It tends to sharpen people's perceptions and clarify everything they observe in daily activities. I learned the core values through everyday life experiences from home settings, school, and even church. Since, I was all accountable, honest, and aware of my actions and behavior. I am guided by a personal motto of being accountable and honest since it is the root of success. Indeed life structured standards are also necessary as they influence the daily life of an individual. I believe in balance for every action I take and accurate to myself in that openness and honesty will lead me in life.

My online persona represents my motto since I always ensure to be accountable and honest with what I post. Any message posted may be accompanied by severe consequences and, therefore, always keen when posting. By following my values and beliefs, I expect various positive effects like personal growth and development and overall success in my life.

Indeed, I have learned a lot from the reflection as it is essential to critically understand the core values that you possess and evaluate their significance. Also, social media is a platform currently used by many people, and it requires an individual to be careful when posting since its consequences may accompany every piece of information.

Social media is a platform that has tremendously grown over time and is commonly used by college students. However, the social dilemma arises mostly when posting messages on websites like Facebook, and therefore it has created concern in the world. Personal responsibility is essential as an individual is accountable for sharing certain information. Core values are also crucial as they result in personal growth and development. People should be aware of their core values and use them in daily activities to make decisions and undertake everyday activities.

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Navigating Ethical Dilemmas: College Students and the Social Media Conundrum - Paper Sample. (2023, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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