Paper Example. New York Theatre

Published: 2023-05-07
Paper Example. New York Theatre
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Tourism Theatre
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 762 words
7 min read

In the coming week, there will be a couple of shows in New York City. The Edge Theatre group, of which I am a member, is proposing a five days trip to New York to attend four shows. The proposed budget for this is $7,000. The theatre group comprises of ten members, six males, and four females. The flight to New York City is approximately $30 per person; therefore, this will cost $600 to and from New York for all groups. The group is planning on booking five double rooms at the Roosevelt Hotel. The double room has one double bed, which costs approximately $134 per night inclusive of breakfast; hence the total budget for accommodation for the five days will be $3350. The group approximates the show cost and seats to be $1300, and travel and food cost to be almost $1,000.

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Blue Man Group is an international performance art company that is famous for its stage performances. It mostly incorporates different kinds of art and music, both famous and obscure in its performance. The theater group will be hosting an off-Broadway show at Aster Place Theatre in New York City on 5th April 2020, at 2.00 p.m. The ticket for the show will going at $ 29 per person. We have chosen to attend this show because of its original comic musical and artistic exhibits, which feature interaction between the casts and the audience. The show aims at generating excitement experiences from within its audience. The stage set up is also captivating with a charming light display and intriguing sound system (By Laura Collins-Hughes of the New York Times) "The lights in the theater's entryway turn us all blue as soon as we walk through the door. That's charming, and so is the ridiculously upbeat song playing on speakers in the lobby bathrooms". Some of the popular casts in the group include Gideon Banner, Chris Bowen, and Michael Dahlen, among others.

Rock of Ages is an electrifying metal music band. It is popularly known for its jukebox musical playing classic rock music dating back to the 1980s. The group will perform an off Broadway show at 340 W 50th St in New York City on 7th April 2020. The tickets for the show will cost $39. We have chosen to attend the show because it is much entertaining and full of humor. The stage display is captivating as well ( By Debb Miller of DC Metro 'Rock of Ages') "The Off-Broadway revival of Rock of Ages is as ridiculous and enthusiastic as it ever was, with a colorful design, an uproarious cast, and a rib-poking revisiting of the taste (or lack thereof) of the '80s. It's loud, lewd, and lots of laughs." The band will also be having an exceptional performance on the same day 10th anniversary at the New World stages. Some of the famous casts in the band include Tom Cruise, Diego Boneta, Alec Baldwin, among others.

"Tom Gold Dance" is one of the shows we have decided to see during its annual spring season. The show will be playing at the Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College on Wednesday, April, and Thursday, 2nd April 2020, and the ticket prices will be ranging from $23-$43. The world premieres from company founder and director Tom Gold and the price winning composer Caroline Shaw and John Zorn will give the music. The main reason why we choose Tom Gold dance is the quality of his choreography, which we intend to learn the details of quality and creative choreography. Jerry Hochman of the Critical Dance calls Gold's choreography quality given. "I'm continually surprised at the variety, as well as the skill that his choreography reflects. The common denominator among all his pieces is that there is no common denominator".

The other show we will be attending is the" Cinderella: A not so perfect love story." The ticket will cost $23, and the venue for the show will be at Smithwick Theatre at Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills, on 4th April 2020. The Foothill College Theatre Arts Department produced it. Daniel Feyer, Musical director, and his orchestra will coordinate the music through the play. Currently, our theatre group is developing a play which has similar themes to Cinderella; this is the main reason why we would love to watch the show. It will act as a learning tool for the entire group and individually on different critical aspects, for example, the costumes. Joanne Engelhardt of mercury news points out the details of the play. "Lee Ann Payne provides the choreography, and, although there aren't any standout dancers in the cast, several production numbers are nicely done."

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Paper Example. New York Theatre. (2023, May 07). Retrieved from

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