The Social and Economic Conditions on Gaming for Economic Development - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-03
The Social and Economic Conditions on Gaming for Economic Development - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Government Social activities Community
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 628 words
6 min read

Traditional gaming was a common aspect in the Indian country before the enactment of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act abbreviated as IGRA. The major concepts and issues that resulted from such controversies were associated with the economic and social conditions in line with tribal governments and how they offered development with regard to providing gaming activities (Akee et al. 186). It was the role of tribal governments to give regulations concerning eyeball gaming. Still, they preferred an outright ban and later directed grants to the jurisdiction of the States as per the 1998 review. The aspect promoted state-tribal agreements created by a patchwork which contributed to the uneven policy outcomes (Kate n. p.). The element also promoted inequalities in social and economic development. The analysis of economic and social changes in Indian gaming activities is associated with both tribal and state policies and the effect of the patchwork of state-tribal agreements in gaming activities. It is not about that tribal-state compact negotiation process that lasted for 12 years after the California constitutional ban was exercised on Las Vegas-style gaming. Negotiations associated with millions of dollars invested in the initiative were done for a long time, and most voters in California approved the tribal-state compact

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Indian government reconsidered its division with regards to gaming. It attested that Indian gaming as a community is an efficient contributor to economic development, and Indians are attributed to the rights to self-government. The right to autonomy promotes development in terms of social educational and medical services of the society and which can be enhanced by allowing the community to engage in gaming. However, the underlying conditions that resulted from failure to regress the dire circumstances that were led by tribal clashes were a challenging aspect with regards to disadvantaged minorities. The challenges were also linked to the minority groups, i.e., the Indian Americans.

Three of the well-known myths about tribal government gaming

Indians value self-rule. According to the video by Kate (n. p.), there are several myths about tribal government gaming that might affect social and economic development in the Indian country. It is, therefore, vital to differentiate between reality and myth associated with gaming for economic and social benefits in the Indian government (Kalt and Singer, 14). The first myth is that of 'welfare queen;' it makes most of the Indians refuse to work and thereby become lazy, believing that they will make it with gaming. Laziness and an act of refusing to work have also resulted in welfare payments that were funded by the federal government. The myth is incorrect since it makes the Indian people avoid working for economic and social prosperity.

Ways by Which Tribal governments invest gaming revenues through the Possible Ways that Offer Support to their Cultures and Government

In California, there are many different languages, and, in most cases, Indian Americans try to develop a connection with their tribemates. For that reason, the governing council tries to invest in gaming revenues by focusing on Indian gaming behavior and plan. The rest of the gaming act supports their cultures as it makes them enhance their relationship and intercultural communication (Kate n. p.). Language seems to make them be connected. Thus, State governments invest in gaming practices as a measure to promote social cohesion. The video demonstrates that through gaming, individuals can express themselves hence improving their social relationships.

Works Cited

Akee, Randall KQ, Katherine A. Spilde, and Jonathan B. Taylor. "The Indian gaming regulatory act and its effects on American Indian economic development." Journal of Economic Perspectives 29.3 (2015): 185-208.

Kalt, Joseph P., and Joseph William Singer. "Myths and realities of tribal sovereignty: The law and economics of Indian self-rule." (2004).

Kate, Spilde. Ancestral Languages.

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