Free Essay with Poem Analysis: Ode To A Nightingale by John Keats

Published: 2022-02-25
Free Essay with Poem Analysis: Ode To A Nightingale by John Keats
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  English literature Poem
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1676 words
14 min read

Ode To A Nightingale (1819) is identified as a Horatian Ode that was designed and primarily written in iambic pentameter. Considering the general setting, the poem is set both outsides, and inside a forest and at the beginning of the verse, the narrator gets into the wood. John Keats who is the narrator and the author made use of descript terminology in expressing severe agony of pain he was going through during the period that he was suffering from tuberculosis. The composition of the poem is viewed to have taken place after John Keats heard a nightingale sound from the direction of his window. In the circle of the circle of romantic poetic, Ode to a Nightingale stand one of his prominent poems .the poem is built from a background of eight verses or paragraphs of each containing ten lines and through how the poem was written, the poem is viewed not to have followed any specific rhyme scheme.

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The poem starts with Keats's raising complaint about the general humanity. He goes through drowsy numbness and heartaches feeling and paint of forgetfulness. Through what is indicated life is viewed to has brought him to a level of forgetfulness. Keats through his experience doesn't want to go through any more pain that life has offered, hence focus his talk about vintage that has been stored for a long period.

Focusing on the first paragraph of the poem, Keats was able to showcase the mood of the whole poem with his metaphors for his physical and emotional suffering, for example, this is expressed through drowsy numbness pains, and my heart aches. My sense (Foa,1-2) Keats continued by explaining to the reader that he was conversing with the "light-winged Dyrad" in the poem. Through the bird, it acted as the symbolism of a Nightingale that too many what is demonstrated is a great level of the vibrancy of life and happiness with the way it looked gracefully.

In the second stanza, the poem demonstrates a higher intensity as the narrator work on expressing his sweeter bitter desire rather than focusing much about it. However, focusing on the third stanza, what is expressed is the world where human world is framed. However, the depressing lull is the existing motivation in shifting the wide gear to bring an escape strategy. On the fourth stanza, there is a return on the exclamation as the narrator cries out for change.

Through the expression with the phrase: "And with thee fade away into the dim of the forest" Keats provide a better explanation that he had in the past wanted to wander off and disappear into the forest so no individual would not bother with it again. Through the fourth paragraph, Keats expressed herself to the Nightingale and directly told it to leave him alone and go off, leaving him alone was important since, through his belief, he was staying with the belief that death was on its way and he didn't want any reminder in regards to his sad fat. Through statements that Keats went on uttering like, "I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, neither the soft incense that is hanging upon boughs, however in the serious darkness (Foa,42-44). This demonstrated that he didn't know, neither did he knew what was going take place, the only thing that was remaining next was an experience of his death.

What followed next was an illustration of all the things and the creatures that would experience a longer life than him; some of the things he demonstrated will live longer than him, was the wild fruit tree and the thicket in general(Foa, 45)

Moving on to paragraph six of the poem, Keats showed an expression that he had listened to Nightingale beautiful voice which then came as a reminder on how at specific level of his life. He was able to raise the question about death and with time he realized that he was infatuated by the thoughts that he was going to die. This is demonstrated by some of the statements like for many a time. I have experienced a half love with easeful death, identify him with soft names (Foa,52-54). However after quickly recalling that memory, he made statements like still wouldst one sin, and I get the voices in vain (Foa,60-61). In this case, he was demonstrating how the darkling produced a beautiful sound through her songs. However, he is viewed as just a mask for the fate that everything was directing him to his deathbed.

Through the story, one could tell that the visionary action is the poet slowly disappearing into the world that nightingales were owning. Hence he ended up opening his senses through a bird's nature, while other people stayed quietly to grasp every other man groan. The poet is also viewing the bird to exist in a timeless environment, for there was existence of summer within the nightingale even during the mid may. Focusing on stanza seven, the poet provides a revelation about nightingale for its general identity through its symbol nature of immortal beauty. In the story, what is expressed is that the bird has gone out of the physical hindrance of the poetic world where everything is subjected to decay and death. For the bird was not born so that in the long run he might die and the story demonstrates an example of an immortal bird that is living in the realm of imaginary. Its life is shown to be falling outside the human world "where it is impossible for beauty to continue keeping her lustrous eyes." However, through the poem, this profoundly impacts the poet that he is left wondering on whether it was a waking dream or an actual vision.

Going through the poem, Ode to a Nightingale stands as one of the writer's prominent poems. This happens because the poem's main focus is on the central figure that the Nightingale, hence, in the long run, it has remained to be ambiguous and elusive. For example in the line "Already with thee" as indicated in the signal of the fourth stanza, from various critics, the point is perceived to have entered into a trance. This is actually fantastic since Kate in the poem was not anywhere recognized to be taking hard drugs or even mind-altering drugs such as opium or even bhang. The ambiguous language, for example, the one that is realized in the line is contributing to the poem's overall appeal and creating an allowance for the modern readers to experience a connection to the motifs and the themes of the work.

Additionally, in the poem, it is important to take into consideration on how Ode to a Nightingale continues to express the theme of self-consciousness and subjectivity that are recognized in his other work. Generally, in Ode to Nightingale poem, Keats through the poem brings out the power of imagination that allows one to escape the often painful and ordinary reality. For example in the six-stanza Keats demonstrates that

I have been half in love with easeful death

To take into the air my quiet breath;

Darkling I listen and for many times,

To cease upon the midnight with no pain,

To thy high requiem become a sod.

Still, wouldst thou sing, and I have in vain

Generally, through these stanzas, the power that Keats put on imagination is exemplified. It is demonstrated that as the speaker focuses on listening to the birds, he is viewed to be escaping thoughts of an easeful death which in the long run lure him to his deathbed. With the speaker taking into consideration on the feeling of death, he could get the sound of a bird who is pouring what is in its soul. In such ecstasy, here is what is demonstrated in the death of the narrator. However, what is happening in the final stanzas was that the narrator is capable of realizing that death will, in the long run, bring an end to the nightingale's song which is interpreted as an end of art in general nature. Focusing on the continuation of the poem, the focus on the bird becomes less enchanted who many critics are interpreting it as immorality symbol. In the long run, the nightingale provides a representation of flight and an element of escaping from reality as a symbol that Keats is rejecting.

Focusing on various themes in John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale, the theme of nature is demonstrated through various beautiful qualities which are demonstrated in the poem. On the other hand, as symbolized by the nightingale and the pain that one experience in leaving nature, a symbolism of death is demonstrated. The symbol of immorality is featured in nightingale as demonstrated with what Keates was going through during the period that he was writing the poem. Going through the poem, Nightingale is also featured as an art symbol through the nature of songs that were coming out and a symbol of nature and time as a factor. This is made through the comparison of other parts of human life and death in general. Taking a keen look at the poet, the desire to be like the nightingale is demonstrated, and not to focus at all on various worries that are has a great association with death. Additionally, a great desire to move out of his world and join the nightingale is also demonstrated.

The poem brings a great reflection on some of the things that Keats viewed to be significant in his life, some of this things include death, imagination, and life in general. Through the poem, Nightingale has been embodied to express the aspects of Keats in the struggle of between death and life. One thing that Nightingale is representing to Keats is death. Basically, this is not a big surprise as he is experiencing a life which is near death and has a significant impact on how one is thinking.

Work cited

Foa, Giovanna. John Keats in 1819: Lamia, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Autumn. Milano: La Goliardica, 1956. Print.

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