Online Film Response - Essay Example

Published: 2023-09-12
Online Film Response - Essay Example
Essay type:  Analytical essays
Categories:  Music Culture Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 588 words
5 min read

The film is about the history of Rock ‘n’ Roll and portrays some of the idea figures who are considered to have existed in the founding times of Rock ‘n’ Roll and to what extent they were influential. One of the most influential personalities in the history of Rock ‘n’ Roll portrayed in the film is Chuck Berry. The central argument of the film is that music in the days in parts of America like Alabama created integration between white and black people. There was no discrimination when people came together for music, unlike the other times in American society. Moreover, Rock ‘n’ Roll was an integration of rhythm and blues, which was an integration of black and white context. The idea expressed in the film is significant because it emphasizes music's capability to serve as a medium of unity between white and black people without any fears of discrimination. The idea presented in the film fits and compares with the materials and perspectives found in the course because it examines a critical aspect of the integration of America. The film explores how possibly music that was initially considered to be black, enhanced integration with the white people without considering whether the audience was black or white. Hence, the theme is critical because it provides a different perspective on music and how people think of each other as fellow men. The film examines the history of Rock ‘n’ Roll as an integration of two cultures; the white European culture and black African culture, which makes an essential contribution to the discussion in class.

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The filmmaker presents the ideas about the theme and expertly examines the history of Rock ‘n’ Roll by presenting evidence from various performances. The filmmaker has also made use of interviews to draw opinions of some of the significant personalities involved in the development of the Rock ‘n’ Roll music that enhanced integration between white and black societies. There are performances of major Rock ‘n’ Roll personalities such as Chuck Berry and even the execution and evaluation of the role of an individual like Elvis Presley and their impact on the people through their musical performances. The performances and the interviews used by the filmmaker enhance the credibility of the theme presented in the film because they provide first-hand information and proof regarding the history, development, and impact of Rock ‘n’ Roll in the American society.

The role and musical performance depicted in the film include the social integration of black and white communities. Music and the musical performances are presented to have played an essential role in creating a universal ground for both white and black people of American society hence the historical significance in the integration of cultures. On the other hand, the non-musical ideas presented in conjunction with the music are the racial integration in American society and the difference that the music created among the black and white people of America. The ideas presented reinforce the perspective of Rock ‘n’ Roll music as a tool that has created a unity between black and white races and how it has integrated the values of both sides throughout its development. The idea that I learned from the critical film is that despite the social differences, sometimes music just like Rock ‘n’ Roll can be music and bring a people together portrayed by the information from the interviews and the performances shown.

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Online Film Response - Essay Example. (2023, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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