Paper Example on Job Analysis Process and Design

Published: 2023-01-18
Paper Example on Job Analysis Process and Design
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Analysis Job
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 858 words
8 min read


Job analysis is a process that helps human resource managers to identify and determine the specifications, responsibilities, and duties that relate to a given job (Dessler, 2016). A successful job analysis involves the collection and collation of data which together enable a proper job description which attracts the desired talent for the position. It is a systematic and purposeful process which guides the gathering of work-related attributes of a job. The process must highlight the responsibilities and tasks related to the job, the relationship with other jobs and the environment under which the responsibilities relating to the job will be undertaken. Job analysis is essential because it helps human resource managers to determine the experience level, knowledge, skills, and qualifications that are required to successfully perform a job.

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Job Analysis Methods

There are at least three job analysis methods that human resource methods can use to conclusively determine the duties and responsibilities of a position (Certo & Certo, 2015). Using an interview, human resource management can get valuable information relating to a job from individuals holding the positions. Interviewing more than one person holding a similar position helps to collect detailed information about a job. The second method involves the use of a questionnaire. For this method, managers, supervisors, and employees fill out questionnaires regarding various attributes of a job. Focus areas in the questionnaire include the responsibilities, the tools required to deliver on the responsibilities, job satisfaction levels, and the work conditions. The third method is observation. Using this method, the human resource management representative observes employees occupying the specific information during their discharge of responsibilities. A review is then written based on what is observed. These data collection methods have varied outcomes. There exists a standard process for job analysis.

Stages of The Job Analysis Process

The job analysis process must be logical to be helpful. As such, it involves at least five stages (Certo & Certo, 2015). The first stage is the planning phase involves identifying and preparing the job analysis tools and method. The primary consideration at this stage is the objective of the job analysis. The process could be aimed to determine descriptions for a position that does not exist in an organization or to update the description of an existing job. The second case involves determining changes in the work environment, tasks, and resource requirements. The support of the senior management of an organization is essential, and this stage is used to solicit for that support. Once the planning is complete, the planning stage follows.

In the second stage, the job description analyst prepares and introduces the process. The introduction encompasses clarification on the nature and type of job to be analyzed, whether one, two or all of the jobs within an organization are to be analyzed. The role of the holders of the affected positions in the analysis process is outlined. A review of existing documentation on the particular job follows. Proper communication is key so that there is proper engagement between the analyst and the holders of the positions. It is important that employees and managers are engaged in a professional manner. Workers who are represented by unions, for instance, require that representatives of the unions are engaged.

Once the preparation is complete, the actual job analysis follows. The job analysis method used depends on the available time and the type of information that is required. Once the data is collected, it is reviewed and compiled for processing. Based on the data collected, a job description is developed. A draft for the specifications is provided. Using the draft, the analyst engages the employees and management to get clarity. Once the clarifications are made, recommendations are developed and a final job description is provided. The post-implementation phase is equally important. During this final stage, the analyst must provide room for the maintenance and updating of the job description for the analyzed job. As the organization scales down or up, the job descriptions for the position should consider such changes (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2007). Part of the duty of the human resource department is to ensure that the job description for a particular position remain constantly updated so that the workforce has the right work environment and properly remunerated.

How Job Analysis Can Help an Organization Avoid Legal Issues

Job analysis helps an organization to make compensation decisions. It helps an organization to determine the similarities and differences between different jobs (Dessler, 2016). Using such information, internal equity regarding various positions is determinable. Considering data from multiple organizations, remunerations are set within market standards. Additionally, engaging union representatives during the data collection process helps to understand the needs of the human resource. Proper work conditions are established based on the responsibilities and resource requirements for the job. A continuous improvement process helps to maintain the conducive work environment which sustains a harmonious relationship between the employee and the organization.


Certo, S. C., & Certo, S. T. (2015). Modern Management: Concepts and Skills. Pearson Higher Ed.

Dessler, G. (2016). Fundamentals of human resource management. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson.

Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2007). Managing human resources. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

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