Paper on Unveiling Potential: A Strength-Based Approach to Student Assessment and Improvement

Published: 2023-11-10
Paper on Unveiling Potential: A Strength-Based Approach to Student Assessment and Improvement
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Disorder Cognitive development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 983 words
9 min read


The strength-based approach is aimed at building the client on his strengths, particularly perceiving him as resilient and resourceful when they face adverse situations. The approach is client-led, and it is centered on the results in the future set of strengths of a person. The paper provides a summary of the results, the application of strength-based language when delivering the results to Bob, and a summary of the recommendations that he needs to make to improve his situation.

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Summary of results

The report includes your findings from the measures taken to establish your cognitive functioning and achievement. Various approaches were applied to arrive at the results obtained. They include the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence 2 (WASI 2) and Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT 4) (Kumar & Darolia, 2016; McGeehan et al., 2017). The approaches are commonly applied in a school setting to establish the cognitive functioning and achievement of a kid. The methods applied provided outcomes depicting certain elements of your functioning and achievement. each method has certain outcomes.

The WRAT 4 method established that your strengths mainly lie in the areas of making similarities between words and English vocabulary. You have an excellent score, especially on the Verbal Comprehension Index. The outcome is an indication that you have commendable abilities of language mastery based on verbal communication. Further, it is also established that you have abilities in the areas of nonverbal problem-solving skills that contribute to the high scores from an analysis of the Perceptual Reasoning Index.

Additionally, the analysis of WASI 2 demonstrates that your strengths are mainly found in the areas of sentence comprehension, word reading, and reading composite. The outcomes are depicted by the high scores recorded in the above-identified areas. As a result, it helps in supporting your excellent performance in language.

The analysis using the WASI 2 tests identified some of the areas that appear to be your weaknesses. It showed that your weakness is found in the areas of matrix reasoning and block design. Further, it also identified that your spatial skills are below average when compared to your peers. The next test using the WRAT 4 method, showed that your weaknesses lie in the areas of math computation and spelling in language. As a result, it can be deduced that you are facing challenges with complex tasks that need much cognitive involvement in class (McGeehan et al., 2017).

Depending on the scores identified from both tests, it is established that you are an average student both in intellection and cognitive functioning and attainment. Nevertheless, your abilities are found to be better developed in fields such as reading and verbal comprehension. The challenges you face lie in math computation, matrix reasoning, and spelling. The scores also depict that you have challenges in technical areas that need much cognitive reasoning. It is established that you struggle with complicated tasks that impact your overall class performance. Complex tasks have the potential to influence your academic performance. Consequently, it is also likely to influence performance in other given areas. Your overall intellectual functioning and achievement are impacted when you exhibit challenges in a particular area. Generally, the above weaknesses potentially impact your perception of learning.


Following the analysis of the situation of Bob, the primary focus will include his weaknesses. It will require the application of learning techniques specially designed for Bob’s needs to enhance his intellectual and cognitive functioning and attainment. The teacher will be required to examine the scores identified from the tests. Besides, the teacher is expected to communicate the findings to the parents of Bob regarding his learning disabilities. It is important to recommend a suitable action that can be taken to enhance Bob’s learning (Miciak et al., 2014). Besides, the scores can be offered to a psychologist to diagnose the particular areas of his learning challenges. They include Mathematics Disorders as depicted by Bob’s low scores, especially math computation, and matrix reasoning. It also includes Spelling Disorder, which is depicted by the low scores identified in spelling.

Moreover, the examination of the tests allows a psychologist to create a therapy session that potentially assists Bob to address the learning disabilities. The approach is important as it permits the enhancement of his cognitive and intellectual capacities and attainment (Miciak et al., 2014). Besides, the psychologists can apply the outcomes to establish the root causes of the learning disorder experienced by Bob. Particularly, the technique is helpful in the event the recommended measures prove ineffective in enhancing his learning disabilities. When the psychologists complete the analysis of root causes, he or she will identify a practical therapy that potentially improves the disability.


The strength-based method is applied to identify the strengths of an individual and focus on enhancing the weaknesses. The learning abilities of Bob would be affected by the weaknesses identified is measures were not taken. The tests performed helped reveal the learning disorder of Bob, which helped a psychologist establish practical therapy to improve his disability.


Kumar, P., & Darolia, C. R. (2016). Effectiveness of pass-based remedial programs for children with reading, spelling, and mathematical deficits. Man in India, 96(4), 1037-1048.

McGeehan, B., Ndip, N., & McGill, R. J. (2017). Exploring the multidimensional structure of the WASI-II: Further insights from Schmid-Leiman higher-order and exploratory bifactor solutions. Archives of Assessment Psychology, 7(1), 7-27.

Miciak, J., Fletcher, J. M., Stuebing, K. K., Vaughn, S., & Tolar, T. D. (2014). Patterns of cognitive strengths and weaknesses: Identification rates, agreement, and validity for learning disabilities identification. School Psychology Quarterly, 29(1), 21-37.

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Paper on Unveiling Potential: A Strength-Based Approach to Student Assessment and Improvement. (2023, Nov 10). Retrieved from

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