Paper Example. Patterns of Othering

Published: 2023-04-02
Paper Example. Patterns of Othering
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination Multiculturalism American history American literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 578 words
5 min read

Othering includes a framework of expression of the prejudices of people in terms of their behavior and attitudes towards lesser societies. It takes the form of tribalism, segregation, exploitation, and racism, among others. The struggle for identity between Native Americans and settlers was always a great challenge, especially during the colonization period. There were, however, some notable authors such as Thomas Harriot and John Smith, whose work significantly contributed to the pattern of othering in which difference is perceived as inherently inferior. Their move set a stage for future contact between the settlers and the Native Americans on various fronts, as discussed in this paper.

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Harriot, for instance, in his book, "A Brief and true report of the new found land of Virginia," he found the new unexplored lands in Roanoke that consisted of amicable Indians, wild animals, lush vegetation, etc. His writings explored the Indian's culture and how they lived with the inclusion of their religious practices, attire, dishes, housing, activities such as hunting and fishing (Harriot, N.Y). White, who had accompanied him, made paintings that represented the Indians culture. Whites' paintings and Harriot's writings gave a new world to the English readers which they wanted to settle in as it was an ideal place for colonization.

Moreover, the Native Americans found themselves as being inferior due to their language. Harriot was taught some aspects of the Algonquian language to communicate with the Native Americans. John Smith, on the other hand, wrote A Description of New England, which was based on North America that consisted of fertile land, wildlife, and landforms like mountains (Baym, 1820). However, the new land according to Smith, seemed dangerous due to changes in weather, presence of wildlife and Native Americans. The surplus resources encouraged the English to test the waters of settling within the lands as they wanted to exploit the resources available.

The struggle for identity between Native Americans and settlers was also a great challenge, especially during the colonization period. Authors such as Langston Hughes and Walt Whiteman, whose work significantly contributed to the pattern of othering in which difference is perceived as inherently inferior set the stage for future contact between the settlers and the Native Americans. At a time when ethnicity and identity were serious challenges in the United States, Langston Hughes' work titled '' Will V-day Be Me-Day Too?'' significantly impacted the perceptions of Americans. He was a black American who participated in the Second World War. Despite his skin color, he played an active role in the US during the war with the hope that when victory comes, there will be liberation not only in the world but also in the U.S. so that people can celebrate together no matter their race. His actions made many people stand for democracy.

The African American stories by Karl Halloway also played a critical role in setting the stage for future contact between settlers and the Native Americans. The author described various miseries the black people experienced which included loneliness, violence, as well as death in mournful collectives (Tsai, 2009). These stories shaped people's perspectives on black folk. A sense of humanity was, therefore, restored and people began embracing the fact that even if the Africans had to die, then it ought to be a noble death.


Baym, N. (1820). The Norton Anthology of American Literature.

Harriot, T. (N.Y). A Brief and True Report of Newfound Land.

Tsai, R. L. (2009). Langston Hughes: The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship.

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