Free Essay. Philosophy Colloquium Podcast Response Piece

Published: 2023-05-22
Free Essay. Philosophy Colloquium Podcast Response Piece
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Philosophy Social change
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 592 words
5 min read

The interview on the podcast Philosophy is a true definition of the role of philosophy in human beings' social change. It much clear that there have been so many factors discussed in the interview that is moving and compelling to influence some people who are tough-headed about philosophy and what impacts it brings to society. For instance, the fact of Dr. McHugh using her example as what inspired or contributed to her becoming a philosopher and always argues her events in a philosophical world. From a personal point of view, philosophy plays an essential role in a comprehensive perspective of human beings living, and it is upon the individual to decide on how to argue philosophically to make a change regarding the economic or political issues in society. However, from the interview, there are some points that Dr.McHugh presents that do not align with what philosophy is all about, and that is why it's professional to have critiques about any piece of work or book written by an author to find its flaws and strengths. This paper will critique the arguments of Dr.McHugh regarding the effects of philosophy on social change.

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The first segment of the interview of how Dr.Nancy began to love philosophy is much accurate, and I agree with how she outlines the philosophy from a broad perspective that covers every individual. The fact that philosophy consists of tools that help answer hard questions regarding every situation that human beings find themselves into in the world is fascinating because of most of the hilarious things to an individual which eaves that person with so many unanswered questions but with philosophical knowledge, one can solve the issues (Ep47 - Philosophy and Social Change). However not every situation is related to philosophy as the doctor puts it some are as a result of nature, for instance, some occurring natural events like earthquake they do not need philosophical reasoning since they are nature course but if related to the political or social lifestyle of an individual then analytical techniques are required to solve the problems.

Also, in Dr.Nancy's books, (limits of knowledge and inside out prison exchange programs) are critical measures that society adapts whenever bringing change to the community, such as behavior change among criminals and so forth. Limits of knowledge have so many approaches or kind of investigation that researchers need to employ when carrying out precise research to find out what happens in reality rather than depending heavily on the lab tests (Ep47 - Philosophy and Social Change).

However, it is of more importance when both of the tests are combined to come up with clear findings on how to solve a situation with minimal adverse impacts and hence Dr.Nancy integrated approach is the best strategy to be used by many philosophers and does not offer a lot of room for other disciplines. Therefore, the book limits of knowledge and the inside out exchange program brings a lot of change in the society because they focus on the individual's transformation process.

To conclude the broad interview parameters which are essential when it comes to the use of philosophy towards bringing positive change to the society. However, with the inclusion of other theories from other disciplines will drastically fasten the shift in culture. Therefore, the interview was more educational and exciting and equipped with someone with the critical thing ability to argue in a philosophy manner in everyday activities.


Ep47 - Philosophy and Social Change. (2018, August 28). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from

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Free Essay. Philosophy Colloquium Podcast Response Piece. (2023, May 22). Retrieved from

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