Physical Exercise on Bone Density - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-15
Physical Exercise on Bone Density - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1096 words
10 min read


Older adults should exercise as a primary preventive measure of Osteoporosis since literature states that the rate of bone loss for postmenopausal females increases at a level of 1.1-1.4% for the femoral neck and 1.5% for the spine from their first four to five years of their senior years. It is evident that exercise increases bone mass among younger people; therefore, reducing bone loss in their senior years. Over the years, studies have provided consistent beneficial upshots on the impacts of exercise on the spine's bone and the femurs level of mineral development in the elderly age. Some exercises have proven to increase bone mass, and others are practised to increase the body's muscular levels. However, it is not clear which exercise is appropriate to provide precise results within a given period since the SIOMMS guidelines suggest walking for at least thirty minutes daily as a minimum exercise, although there is no enough evidence that this would function appropriately. In prospective clinical exercise of the elderly must be evaluated carefully in light of that this paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of nutrient intake between men and women.

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Scope of the Study

Search engines such as Cochrane library and Pedro were being studied using words such as dowagers hump and vibrations or Exercise and Osteoporosis. Filters such as articles in the English language for individuals aged sixty-five and older were being applied. Subsequent elections regarding primary Osteoporosis and exercise based on abstract analysis and titles of the articles were performed. Critical issues limit the finishing of the review, as discussed in the Cochrane reviews. Furthermore, follow-ups have reported different studies regarding sample sizes with the number of postmenopausal years, and presence of control groups is becoming diverse. The BMD (bone mineral development) is a criterion used to measure the exercises' effectiveness. In the incorporation of the BMD, studies have considered fracture risk reduction, Aspects such as bone quality, muscle strength, and body mass. Discoveries highlight bone densitometry levels concerning the provision of accurate BMD measurements in the determination of shape, size, and bone structure. Most improved studies focus on bone imaging techniques such as hip structural analysis (HSA) and magnetic resonance imaging. Training programs such as resistance and strength, multicomponent training, vibration physiotherapy intervention, and weight aerobatic exercises were used.

Results of the Study

An estimate 44 reviews were obtained from PubMed under the utilisation of words such as weight-bearing and Osteoporosis using whole-body vibrations. One of the most aerobatic training is exercising and walking by older people since it is not harmful to their bodies, easily practicable, and self-managed. Meta-analysis has shown the existence of some effects on the neck or the lumbar spine attempted by walking. Furthermore, from the studies of Gomez Cabello, it is no evidence the correlation between gait exercise and BMD increasing. It is advisable to influence factors such as speed walking as an essential of minimum body exercises. Interventions of more than half a year may positively affect the BMD on the femoral neck for young and older women. Tai Chi is very helpful for the body since it covers both the bipedal and monopodial static exercises.

Resistance and strength training are the most applied exercise to increase bone mass among older people. Activities that have no impact on the body carried out when loading or offloading since the Strength exercises have same qualities with weight-bearing exercises. Both ensure the strengthening of the muscle as common reaction in the provision of a clinical benefit to the lumbar spine at a greater extension on the neck. Strength training of the spine and hip is related to the training's quantity. Exercises require large amounts of weight for eight to ten repetitions, three sets for at least one year three times a week. Investigations have provided dosage response regarding their effects on the older adults and gave a conclusion that gaining bone mineral development at the femur is independent of isotonic exercise for the upper and lower limbs. Other considerations are that women require an immense exercise to obtain higher bone mass; therefore, it is advisable to consider that higher speed during exercises results in greater osteogenic stimulation.

Multicomponent training combines different exercises such as dancing, progressive resistance, strengthening, aerobatics, and balancing, aiming to strengthen or increase bone mass. The association of the different activities is advisable to patients who need to counter bone mass decrease. A combination of various exercises has three significant effects: greater trochanter and femoral neck, but the most significant advantage is achieved at the spine level. According to Marquez, the combination of aerobic and balance exercises increases BMD at the neck and the lumbar spine. Giangregorio et al. stressed that vertebral osteoporosis fracture engages in multicomponent exercise with balanced training and resistance training.

The whole body's vibration is physiotherapy based on the utilization of high-level frequency mechanically generated vibrating platforms that activate the bone, favouring osteogenesis. Reports have shown that training durations of two to twenty-two months with two weekly sessions lasting about twenty minutes is helpful in the obtainance of better results in training while using a vibrator with a minimum frequency of twelve-hertz amplitude of 0.7 to twelve millimetres. vibrations cause significant effects on the neck and the lower hip without any interventions.


Indeed, the different forms of nutrient intake between men and women have been thoroughly discussed. Walking is one of the most aerobatic exercise methods for elderly people since it manageable and it is utterly harmless to the body. Resistance and strength training are one of the best techniques that help to increase minerals on the hips and the neck of the older people. Women require a large amount of exercise to acquire large amounts of bone mass as compared to men. Multicomponent training is a combination of different exercises to increase bone at a higher rate. A variety of the many activities has three effects on the body: greater trochanter, femoral neck, and advantageous to the spine level. Vibrating the whole body helps in the activation of the bone activation osteogenesis. It is advisable to use a vibrator of a frequency of about twelve hertz, with an amplitude of about 0.7- 12mm for two to three times a week to acquire better results in the strengthening of the bone mass. Vibrators cause immense effects on the lower hips and the upper neck.


Benedetti, M. G., Furlini, G., Zati, A., & Mauro, G. L. (2018). The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients. BioMed Research International, 2018, 1–10.

(Benedetti, Furlini, Zati, & Mauro, 2018)

(Benedetti et al., 2018)

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