Paper Example on Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Published: 2023-01-23
Paper Example on Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  Risk Analysis Community Homeland security
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 543 words
5 min read

Threat and hazard identification and risk assessment (THIRA) is a methodology that outlines a framework for organizations to manage emergencies by defining threats as well as hazards that are of importance to a community (Islam & Ryan, 2016). The methodology also assesses capabilities which are targeted by organizations to handle impacts of the established threats and hazards (Derr, 2016). The following paper will to two provided threads by classmates, stating if I agree to their threads.

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In the first thread, Timothy defines THIRA as a four-step process. I agree with the identified steps outlined for THIRA. Brown Jr. and Ghilarducci (2014) highlighted the four steps as; identifying hazards and threats that are of concern, attaching context to the identified threats and dangers, establishing capability targets and finally applying results. The four necessary steps in the risk assessment process facilitate a community in better understanding its attached natural hazard risks and as well as approximate its capability requirements(Adaptation Clearinghouse, 2011) as such communities are in a position to map their risks to their primary capabilities and determine the desired results, capability goals and the required resources in achieving the desired capability targets. The results from the process are used to make informed decisions for a range of emergency management efforts such as hazards mitigation planning. I also agree with Timothy's thread that THIRA can be applied by using FEMA grants. Adaptation Clearinghouse (2011) asserted that the "FEMA's Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG)" guides communities in conducting THIRA.

In the second thread, David described THIRA as a tool used in identifying, assessing and prioritizing both natural and humanmade risks by government agencies. Again, David reports that THIRA is useful in strategizing and planning for different hazards and designing responses to the identified threats and also implementing mitigation strategies to communities. I agree with the thread since Homeland Security (2018) identified THIRA as a process that includes a standardized language and one that describes the threats as well as hazards impacts alongside capability targets. Again, THIRA allows communities to gather quantitative information that is more specific and also provide crucial context (Homeland Security, 2018). Still, Bradley (2018) indicated that FEMA promulgated THIRA in 2012 to standardize the way significant states and cities assess their preparedness. As such, THIRA is concerned with identifying, responding and mitigating threats and hazards that are vital to a community.


Adaptation Clearinghouse. (2011). FEMA Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA). Retrieved from

Bradley, D. J. (2018). Applying the THIRA to Special Events: A Framework for Capabilities Based Planning Adoption In Local Governments. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey United States.

Brown Jr., E. G., & Ghilarducci, M. (2014). State of California Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA). Retrieved from

Derr, R. (2016). WITHDRAWN: Mitigation and Preparedness. Threat Assessment and Risk Analysis, 117-132. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-802224-5.00011-7

Homeland Security. (2018, May). Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) Guide Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201. Retrieved from

Islam, T., & Ryan, J. (2016). Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Hazard Mitigation in Emergency Management, 255-269. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-420134-7.00008-4

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Paper Example on Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. (2023, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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