Plans Needed in Crisis Management, Essay Example

Published: 2022-02-16
Plans Needed in Crisis Management, Essay Example
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Crisis management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 945 words
8 min read

During the implementation phase, it is vital to establish effective plans such as the emergency response plan. Because it is a daunting task to avert all the risks, the organization must develop a pragmatic approach to responding to crises ("Homeland Security Strategic Plan". It is essential to protect the environment, people, and the property. This plan is relevant and applies because it entails the detailed approaches to evacuation, lockdown, secure sheltering and other risks during the process.

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Secondly, the crisis communication plan is important since it facilitates communication between clients, employees, the media and other stakeholders. Every business has to establish a channel through which responses can be conducted correctly, confidently and in good time (Hale J., Hale D., & Dulek, 2015). The audience requires tailormade information which meets their particular needs and this can go a long way to improve the company's reputation. The crisis communication plan applies to the organization essentially keeps a database of all the stakeholders and the organizations which might be needed in a time of crisis. The contact information entails the names, fax, email addresses, and telephone number. The organization has had leadership changes and the crisis plans require regular updates and also when new policies are implemented.

A business community plan entails creating recovery strategies which are likely to eliminate disruptions to the business. Through business impact analysis, the formation of continuity team to handle any form of disruptions, and training of the relevant members the community plan can be made effective to safeguard the interest of the business (Business Continuity Plan, 2017). The four steps to a business continuity plan are conducting business impact analysis. It helps in the identification of time-sensitive procedures in the business as well as the resources to channel to facilitate their operations (Whitworth, 2016). Next step is recording processes of the business to help improve the overall output and performance. The third step is guiding and forming a management team to handle the smooth continuity of the business. The fourth step is to present a strategic training to the team members and to monitor the recovery process and the general plan (Business Continuity Plan, 2017).

Moreover, an IT plan is needed to help in safeguarding data and information through protection, recovery, and connectivity to vital business functions (IT Disaster Recovery Plan, 2017). The plan applies to the company as it guides decision-making in IT-connected operations as well as in the formulation of the ideal IT strategy. The plan helps the organization in identifying areas in which it can gain a competitive advantage by applying the best use of technology resources. The IT plan is indispensable in improving awareness and accountability of services. For instance, it helps in developing a framework through which tracking and monitoring are enabled to ensure accountability.

Programs Needed

The preparedness program is one of the programs utilized during the implementation phase. It entails stages such as managing, planning, evaluating and enhancing the program. Upon evaluation of the responses, the feedback can be used to make reforms of the preparedness program. Additionally, the instructional guidance and pragmatic approaches made available on publications would be essential materials in conducting an evaluation and enhancing an organization's preparedness program. During an evaluation, the shortcomings should be factored into the corrective action plan which highlights the detailed account of the deficiencies of the programs. Therefore, one can recommend what action to undertake, resources necessary, and a justification of the necessity of the course (Program Improvement, 2017). Tentatively, a shortcoming should be allotted to relevant departments in good time to manage with the intention to track the progress through corrective action database (Corrective Action, 2017).

The emergency and disaster preparedness program is one of the programs that would be used in the implementation stage. Since emergency situations are inevitable and strike when least expected, the program would be subdivided into various segments to offer solutions holistically across the organization. One subsector is the ready rating which engages the community in a participatory approach to be resilient in an event of an emergency. The program should be designed to help stakeholders become stronger by being prepared effectively for any form of emergency ("Reasons to Prepare," n.d). One major element of the program is to conduct education and awareness creation among the community and stakeholders to enhance their understanding of safety and preparedness.


During the implementation, it is necessary to recognize and assess resources needed for communicating, responding to risk and for managing the operations. The organization requires multiple resources which are inclusive of but not limited to human resource, communication devices, safety gears, funding units, pollution control systems, information materials and supplies resources.

The business would perform a needs assessment to ascertain the resource gap. Some resources can be internally developed such as protection and safety frameworks, human resource, and communication facilities. Correspondingly, some external resources would comprise contractors, business partners, emergency services and many more. In light of this, the resources should be accessible and viable for the business operations.


Business Continuity Plan, (2017). Ready Government. Retrieved from, Action, (2017). Ready Government. Retrieved from,

Department of Homeland Security Strategic Plan. (2012). Retrieved from J, Dulek R, Hale D. (2015). Crisis Response Communication Challenges. Journal of Business Communication, 42(2), 112-134.

IT Disaster Recovery Plan. (2017). Ready Government. Retrieved from,

Program Improvement, (2017). Ready Government. Retrieved from,

Reasons to Prepare. Retrieved from

Whitworth, P. (2016). Continuity of Operations Plans: Maintaining Essential Agency Functions When Disaster Strikes. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 24(4):40-63.

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Plans Needed in Crisis Management, Essay Example. (2022, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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