Essay Example: Politics and Millennials

Published: 2023-11-05
Essay Example: Politics and Millennials
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Population Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 752 words
7 min read

Millennials have a substantial influence on infrastructural development and even the economy. Generation Y, who were born in the years the 1980s and 1990s, have increasingly raised their demands high. At the same time, it is undoubtedly imperative that only a few afford little dollars to pay up for the costs associated with their expenditures and desires. According to the analysis of John Kingston in his article, the empirical figures and statistical variations in relation to road usages, house ownership, and general transportation provides a piece of expanding evidence that millennials have indeed posed manor pressures and stress on the infrastructural sectors. The most compelling part of the proof is offered by the housing illustration when analysis suggests that only 10% of house seekers demanded to purchase homes (Kingston, 2015). This is against a total of about 85% of those who only seek to rent houses. Besides, the same report stipulated that, among the 85%, about 45% were being overwhelmed by paying their rents on time, as most of their income was getting scraped off by the costs of houses. Notwithstanding, a majority of millennials also prefer to stay within the urban areas, and therefore most aged populations are out of the downtown. Interestingly, the central growing community in the urban areas that is majorly constituted by millennials is jobless and has no stable income to remain productive as it was in the previous two to three decades. Consequently, the central problem caused by millennials on the existing infrastructure, is that more funds are being used to expand structures, such as airlines, houses, and roads. Yet, the Gen Y population, have no income to pay up for the costs. Eventually, most infrastructural sectors are facing huge losses due to this phenomenon.

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According to the interviewee's ideas in the video, the points are crucial, factual, and accurate. In other words, there is no exaggeration whatsoever. He stated very clearly that most conservative professors in the colleges begin open discussions and forums in schools and, in most cases, promote continuity of the pre-existing cultures (“Conservatives underrepresented in Academia,” n.d.). However, it may not seem as biasness, because most conservative professors use guidelines and policies while disseminating knowledge. The interviewee further explained that the significant challenge in differences in ideas, thoughts, and environmental problems between generation Z and generation Y. It is undoubtedly factual that although most conservative colleges promote traditional philosophies in school, millennials are always given equal chances during discussions and forums to participate.

Besides, the interviewee in the Terrel Star's vides seems quite optimistic that most of the challenges and problems faced by people of generation Y will be addressed, and perhaps, the future will be brighter. However, the interviewee admits that several challenges are affecting the millennial era, such as living in conservative environments, where their modernized ideas and concepts are continually ignored (“Millennials and Minorities,” 2016). Generation Z is still dominating most of the essential areas that millennials seem to be so much interested in. Therefore, the interviewee hopes that in the future, the millennials will have full authorities or control for various operations and activities; hence they will align the in the best way that suits them most. Besides, most present leaders are conservatives, making it cumbersome for them to have equal chances and opportunities.

The PowerPoint presentation titled "Repairing the National Infrastructure" stood out because it offers various recommendations that could be used to correct the problems that have impacted infrastructure in the recent past. For instance, the presentation provides the Obama Health Care Plan suggestions that will offer insurance plans for people with small businesses. When talking about small businesses, the target population is the millennials. Moreover, this should be connected to the fact that the majority are getting difficulties in paying up their loans and rents, despite their demands. According to this presentation, the insurance plans will help to secure the millennials and make them purchase homes by having secured business, whose profits are directly used for individual expenditures and not for paying up healthcare bills. In contrast, the other presentation, also discusses how the shift can be done, but fails to identify the specific measures to be undertaken.


Conservatives underrepresented in Academia? [Video]. (n.d.).

Kingston, J. (2015). Why We Must Cater Infrastructure to the Millennial Generation. World Economic Forum.

Millennials and Minorities in 2016 [Video]. (2016).

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