Free Essay. Portfolio for Professionalism in Home Economist Context

Published: 2023-08-24
Free Essay. Portfolio for Professionalism in Home Economist Context
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Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1711 words
15 min read

The notion of social context as a profession is one that requires evaluation and considerations; partly because of the specific position of social background in relations to the state and part because it is a section of an increasing globalised profession (Turkki 2005). Professionalism in social context can be mentioned to be less or more professionalised, depending upon the criteria used to define it. Home Economics has been rapidly progressing towards the aspect of a full profession across distinct variables such as registration and protection of title, the development of a specific knowledge base, and the development of code of ethics (Ermisch 1979). The paper evaluates the issues of professionalism and professional practice concerning the social context.

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Part 1 A. Professionalism and Professional Practice in a UAE Context.

A profession is an attribute, defined by the shared training undertaken by people in that particular field; distinct from other occupational groups, and with responsibilities, and roles reserved only for the members that belong to that profession (Turkki 2005). Additionally, it is an organised group of people, with a minimum standard set for entry to the business, and identified membership qualifications. International Federation for Home Economics has a well-recognized professional identity that gives it authority and social distancing to express opinions and promote policies (Ermisch 1979). When (United Arab Emirates (UAE) professionals take part in and with their professional practice, they entail a claim of extraordinary knowledge. The reason is that the professional application of knowledge has an in-depth concentration on the well-being of others, and henceforth is what makes up the professional practice. For instance, Home Economics teacher in UAE engage in professional practice whenever they relate with leaners and their families to formulate a capacity for a life well-lived. There have been critical considerations and discussion concerning the value of educators being reflective practitioners.

Nonetheless, there is always a gap left when it comes to the field or profession within the education profession determined to reflect upon its objectives, intent, and recognition within the broader educational context. The aspect of engaging in the reflection of prosperity, perceiving them as opportunities and challenges, is a significant aspect of professional practice in UAE (Robinson 1977). It is imperative that when educators have a representation in regards to their professional practice, they need to understand the adequacy of their professional knowledge as it associated with both social desires and challenges. There are distinct ways of perceptions concerning professional expertise: Firstly, as a rational, technical activity.

This concept is based on the notion that professionalism and practice are associated with precise scientific understanding and knowledge. This is illustrated as a concept based on accredited authorities; evidence-based, written, publicly accessible, and materials that entail scientific analysis, and the recommendation of specific strategies of intervention (Pang et al. 2019). Professional practice in UAE is an under the theorised notion, in which profession and practice have been contested but have been deserted for each to be used in unproblematic dimensions. Henceforth, profession and practice are put in most contexts with the proposition that what is meant is shared. By that, the recipient understands and knows the meaning of the framework?

According to Worsley et al. (2015), there has been an increasing mismatch arising between professional understanding and the conditions of practice due to factors such as instability, complexity, and value conflicts in UAE. Home Economics, perhaps exclusive, relies on the history of considering its philosophical positioning and capabilities as much as its realistic responses to describe its practice. By this, it does not mean that there is one dimension within or across the Homed Economic profession, however, what is shared is the concentration of professional practice of family in all of its diverse positions, and the declaration is action-oriented.

In the exploration of what professionalism is, there is the disagreement with the more traditional opinion of professionalism as being an individual who works in a specialised occupation defined as a profession such as law, accounting or medicine in UAE (Robinson 1977). Instead, he asserts that professional chooses and per takes their responsibility with a determined intent to concentrate on the well-being of others. In that perspective, there is a distinct type of duties that can be assigned as professional where the practitioner is in being with the responsibility, or where the practice is an adjective instead of a noun henceforth including allied health, education, and trades.

In this dimension, professionalism is attributed to the individual character of the professional as an individual. It consists of worth or value, individual excellence, and the ability to promote healing through personal intervention. Another dimension is the aspect of understanding and promoting justice. The reason is that professionals have absorbed normative strategies, practices and disciplines through a prescribed form of training to the profession and have inducted the "culture, and value' of the profession (Scott 2004). In that perspective, professional integrity, ethical conduct, and moral responsibility have long been held to be the main characteristics of the professional and code of ethics that defines the aspects of the profession. Professions in UAE, with a strong fundamental in self-regulations, the occupations are desired to monitor and evaluate the conduct of their members to ensure ethical integrity, discipline, and honesty are maintained and thus regulate professional behaviour (Pang et al., 2019). Therefore, the commitment to traditional standards of moral codes and conducts continues to the modern times to constitute a characteristic, not only of well-established professions but as well as occupational groups and upcoming businesses aspiring to 'professional' status.

The considerations of what is defined as professional practice for Home Economics is specifically valuable in a period that has de-professionalised feminised practices such has home economists and teaching. Rauma, Himanen and Väisänen (2006) explains how ideologies, philosophy, and paradigms can have a significant impact on the practice of home economists while at the same time assuring the "home economist the capability to alterations". It is critical, especially when financial growth is put ahead of individuals, environment, and society.

Practise in an individualistic since it concentrates on the practitioner's knowledge, understanding, and knowledge. The construction of practice is due to the association with the cultural, histories, social connections, and settings in material-economic exchanges and arrangements. In that perspective, training is a critical element of what home economics do (Rauma, Himanen and Väisänen 2006). The formulation of practice in UAE exists between Home Economic and with scholars that undertake their sessions or the clients that work in the society, each a favourably different community of practice (Scott 2004). It is within the community of practise that there are chances for developing attributes and capacities for individuals, relatives, and societies to reside and formulate better lives. The consideration of what is professional practise for Home Economics is especially significant in a period that had de-professionalised feminised departments such as Home Economics and teaching (Kozina 2016). Nonetheless, notions and paradigms can have a considerable influence on the work of home economics since it gives the potential for alterations and a chance to practice distinctively.

Part 1B. The Distinction Between 'Professional' and 'Academic' Knowledge in UAE Context

Professional practice in Home Economics invariably involves a balance between practical relevance and theoretical rigour with a different tension within the association between the two concepts. According to Renwick (2015), there are two perspectives on the association between theory and practice in UAE. He believes one as a normative relationship in which method is desired to adapt to approach, and is in-depth defined by (Meludu and Njoku 2010) as when method and strategies are applied to practices via its instrumental challenges. In that perspective, learning about practice is no longer a situated learning process. The second difference is that academic theory in UAE is illustrated through practice, and described as learning through actions. It is the second formulation that is proximal to the notions contained with the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) Missions Statement (2008) that initiate with the emphasis on what takes place in families and households in which later moves to the position this practice in the aspect of economic, social and environmental context. While the theory is generally understood as everything that is not practical practice, both academic and practical professionalism have specific knowledge. (Renwick 2015) developed a distinct strategy of understanding knowledge associate to its objectives and functions, and that it correlated to intellectual capabilities. She claimed that Home Economics is transformative since it encourages and generates action because it gives people into the field to ask questions such "What should I do next"(Dear 2008).

Additionally, it provides room for several responses that are integrated with how things turnouts, all of which desires more than action and technical knowledge. Barnett (2000) asserts that Techne (implication of known principles) is a form of social practice that concentrates on the production of something that utilises skill, strategies, and techniques. Techne focuses on the practitioner to make a rational judgment concerning how an objective should be achieved both consciously and pragmatically. The profession of Home Economics, as an instrument form of knowledge, has a robust disposition for techne via effective practice.

Consequently, it is adequately represented in the preposition on how "the perpetual family desires nourishment, shelter, resource management, clothing, and personal development. Henceforth, academic knowledge and practice have a reciprocal association that is important in defining what the specialty in a field of professional practice is (Barnet 2000). Such understanding enables the interrogation of Home Economic profession and practice concerning human action.

Part Two- Reflective Account

Part 2A. Critical Discussion of Reflection and Reflective Practices

Professionalism is a significant element desired to succeed in any given department or business. However, professionalism in any given social context is achieved through constant practice. Training enables ones to learn the skills and knowledge needed to associate with people professionally with minimised or no mistakes (Sandhu and Gupta 2014). Therefore, to horn my skills and understand what is required of me in any given social context, I decided to practice by working in a distinct department in different organisations.

Firstly, to become an active strategic consultant in the education department, I worked as an assistant of the Assistant Head Teacher for Quality Assurance and Curriculum for 20 years. My primary objective was to encourage students to enhance their critical thinking and learning interests.

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