HR Essay Sample: Post-Training Evaluation Plan

Published: 2019-05-28
HR Essay Sample: Post-Training Evaluation Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1614 words
14 min read

This paper develops a Post-Training Evaluation Plan for a training program which was specifically designed to target the employees within the Technical Division at VitaL Chemical Company, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. The evaluation plan aims at enabling trainers and trainees to review the training outcomes in making appropriate targets, identifications and resolution of the issues within the Technical Division. The trainers acknowledge that in order for VitaL Chemical Company to be existent, the company must have a stable continuing growth, as well as strict safety measures in place, to protect the health of the population and environment. Vital Chemical Company is a privately owned firm that handles blending, packaging, and distribution of chemical products; whose mission is to provide chemical solutions to various businesses that are diverse in the chemical industries, ranging from oil and gas, to agrochemicals. The company has strong values, which pivots around giving the customers an edge in their specific market. This is aimed at saving the clients time and money, while reducing risks associated with producing and handling of hazardous materials. To accomplish all these, the company needed to furnish its employees especially the unit managers with an all-inclusive training to augment their skills and expertise in their roles.

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Evaluation of Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Referring to the training program that lasted fundamentally a whole week, the evaluation plan of the training needs analysis is herein founded on Kirkpatrick's levels of reaction, learning, behaviors, and results. A questionnaire is also created to examine the level of reaction from the trainees as well as learning from them.

Reaction Trainers will generally observe the attitude of trainees towards the training program. The facilitators will be in position to learn the trainees feelings about the training, whether it was worth their time or it was not a mere waste of time. With respect to this, the trainees will be expected to emphatically delineate whatever they would have learnt. These would be noted from their comments after filling in the questionnaires prepared by the facilitators. Trainees ought to admit whether the sessions of training were well conducted and whether the training program was fruitful or not. Similarly, these trainees will also cite major strengths and weaknesses from the training to assist the facilitators in reviewing their manner of planning for the subsequent training programs in future. In the same breath, they should make comments about the methodology adopted throughout the training program; by making relevant comments about it. From their comments, the facilitators of the training will know whether or not to make adjustment and the manner in which that should be done. The facilitators will also estimate the unanimous mood of trainees before the start, during and after the training sessions particularly regarding the time taken in completing specific modules where subsequent demonstrations were needed. Ultimately, the trainees will be obliged to make comments about the venue where the training took place and whether it would be needful to have change of venue. Worth noting should be the feeling about the trainees learning styles and whether their desires were fulfilled or not. This would be revealed through their responses to the questionnaire lists issues to each one of them.

Learning To gauge whether learning really took time, the post-training evaluation program facilitators will assess the manner in which trainees identified proper ways of handling and disposal of waste product through creation of the foundation of a clean and efficient industrial process. They should also have recognized that the accumulation of waste products in production areas is not only a health hazard, but also a violation of the general manufacturing practices regulations. Trainees ought to fully comprehend that industrial effluents pollute the environment, which may be linked to health complications and diseases, such as cancer and cholera. As a chemical handling and manufacturing company, trainees need to measure and confirm that VitaL generates a copious amount of solid, liquid, and gas waste materials. Facilitator ought to find out whether trainees would have gotten efficient knowledge and skills that are critical, and required, for the proper management, disposal, and safety of these hazardous materials. Trainees should further demonstrate the knowledge required for proper waste disposal involving the understanding of the source nature of the waste, and its disposal mechanisms. They should also recognize that it is a significant requirement to identify the point of generation of a particular waste material. This may include point and non-point sources. The knowledge of the source is especially important when advising proper control and waste reduction measures. Knowing the nature of the waste will enable the trainee to recognize the reaction of exposure to the atmosphere, physical properties, and the effects on both, living and non-living environments. The nature of the waste material is also useful in recommending techniques of waste disposal. Finally, the skill and ability trainees should be proven to possess the required proper waste disposal, including waste classification, handling, and elimination skills. Facilitators will also check whether certain precautionary measures are adhered to by the trainees when handling waste, to avoid harm to oneself or others, and to eliminate a possible leak into the ecosystem.

Behavior The facilitators of the post-training evaluation plan will compare the current behavior of trainees and the time of their admission in the training. The influence that the training would have had on their skills will be well established through observation of the behaviors displayed. One way through which trainees expertise would have improved is anticipated that most of them will begin immediately implementing the knowledge and skills they would have acquired from the training. Reports that would be received from routine inspection by the programs field officers will be a true revelation of the trainees ability to impart their new knowledge, skills, and share their positive attitudes with other company workers across the cadres. At this point the facilitators will fully establish whether the trainees will be cognizant of their augmented skills courtesy of the training program. The facilitators will substantiate this expectation by observing how some of the trainees approached the challenges spotted in the unit departments and the processes of finding the resolutions.

Results Facilitators of this post-training evaluation plan will carry out an assessment on the general improvement among trainees in terms of skills and expertise after the training program. This will be done through the observation of the manner in which trainees handle their duties in their respective departments and how they interact and impart that knowledge to their acquaintances in the same departments. The frequent departmental reports will also portray whether workers across cadres will have begun appreciating the work that various trainees were doing in dealing with the challenges in their respective departments. Generally, it will be gauged whether there will be an augmented employee awareness regarding the question of mitigation of pollution of the environment following the activities done at the company.

Recommended evaluation methodology:

The facilitators will be obliged to adopt the pre and post training methodologies in evaluating the scope of the training. This will first entail sampling of various departments especially those which have registered increased pollutants in the past before instigating the training program. The same departments of the Vital Company would be given first priority in the allocation of the number of trainees so as they can exhibit their knowledge and expertise acquired through the training. Looking at these departments later, there will be an unconcealed fact whether a pronounced difference in their manner of operation would have been realized or not. It will be observed whether managers of different departmental units could work harmoniously and especially with their untrained juniors yet deliver the expected results as set by the administration.

Moreover, the facilitators of this post-training evaluation plan will adopt a control group where certain departments in the company will not get an allotment of the trainees from this program. This will be done deliberately to serve as a control experiment in comparison with department in which a number of trainees would have been allocated. A difference will thereafter be proven between these two categories of manager trainees. This is what will actually affirm the credibility of this training program and whether or not the modules should be embraced and adopted in totality by the Vital Company.


In order to receive effective results in this post-training evaluation plan, the above outlined methodologies will be measured through varied ways. First, a 20-question survey will be created to gauge Kirkpatrick's evaluation level for training. This will require a mixed method questionnaire that will incorporate 15 closed-ended questions in which trainees will respond to by use of a 5-point liker scale and 5 open ended questions. These questions will be all-encompassing, at the same time specifically targeting different levels of reaction and learning among all the trainees. Each trainee will be expected to get a questionnaire list upon which they will respond appropriately to the highlighted questions.


The pretest/posttest training evaluation method will be the most appropriate methodology to be adopted in this evaluation process. This will be relevant since through it, proper, credible results of the training will be examined. The methodology is anticipated to provide a proper picture of whether the training would have been relevant to the trainees since relevant observations would have been made before and after the commencement of the training.

Evaluation Justification

This post-training evaluation plan is a standard and credible, for it has ever been sufficiently used more than once in evaluating the outcomes of a training program on conflict management in several counties in some states in the USA. The outcomes of the valuation plan have since become a reality several decades after the training program was instigated.

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HR Essay Sample: Post-Training Evaluation Plan. (2019, May 28). Retrieved from

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