Free Essay: Poverty and Security in South Asia

Published: 2022-12-26
Free Essay: Poverty and Security in South Asia
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Research India Asia Diversity Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1177 words
10 min read

South Asia is faced by a number of issues that have for a long time affected the way the people in Southern parts of Asia lead their daily lives. Some of the main contemporary issues that are facing South Asia are poverty and security concerns. Discussed in this scope are the two main contemporary issues and how they affect this particular region. The discussion about the issues begins with a brief historical context of both. Later, there are proposed solutions that would be applied to deal with the issues in an effective manner. Poverty and security, therefore, are important aspects that are supposed to be focused on because each is a potential weak point in each and every nation.

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Looking at the historical background of these challenges, important is where South Asia fits on the developing or rather evolving international order. Despite the problems of democracy in various regions, South Asia mostly in its largest states which include Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India are more democratic as compared to other regions. These major states of the region are said to be contributing little in global matters as compared to other regions over the world and also are the poorest compared to their other counterparts.

Background of the Problem

Due to ethnic, and linguistic differences in classes being expanded by the factors of sectarianism as well as caste, South Asia becomes more complex socially. Besides, the greatest duty for South Asia is to ensure that this social complexity is managed properly and also ensuring that systems of democracy are preserved. The politicians of South Asia try to spend a lot of their time providing a solution to any challenges and making sure that things move on well. This is actually the heart of democracy. In particular, Pakistan and India have realized that there is a great negative effect on short-circuiting democracy since things get worse in the long run. This is due to the usage of force in managing complexity in ethnic differences hence less impressive (Wiggins,2009). This has not been imposed only in the states of South Asia but also in the surrounding neighbors and supports their ethnic groups.

The war which arose in the year 1947 to 1948 and the conflict of Pakistan and India in 1965 and the war of 1971 which brought about the creation of Bangladesh were all about irredentist and ethnic conflicts. This was due to the intervention of India in Sri Lank and also the conflicts between India and Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Burma.

In most cases, these wars and conflicts had consequences that were terrible. This was notable when there was the support of Tamil Tigers by India. It is also a problem for Pakistan to support the Taliban. The only war that can be regarded as a territorial war is between India and China in the year 1962. This cannot be termed as ethnic rivalries although there were complications about the concerns of China on the support for Tibetans by India. In addition, the records show that the security system put in place is poor. They are much interested in the European community and Asian growth as they envy it.

The following are several reasons for regionalism to have slow growth. One of the reasons is that India, which enjoys more of culture and economy, feels secure and therefore regards Pakistan as the entry point by the people from outside, and especially the US and China. Furthermore, Pakistan's fear to be left alone with the India dominating the region hence regards their outsider's cultivation as insurance which is legitimate against the turn that is wrong in the policy of Indian.

Through this, the outsiders have put in a difficult situation or rather a position. Geopolitics classic provides two strategies. One of the strategies offered is to allay with India which dominates the power of the region, hence allow the limitation of Delhi ties with Dhaka, Islamabad, Male, Kathmandu as well as Colombo. The other provided strategy is to keep connected with its neighbor of India as a way of keeping India under pressure.

Solving this challenge, it is believed that the problem can be solved by pre-emptive restraint and generosity of Indian policy. One of the tremendous efforts was the Gujral Doctrine as well as the government's concerns of Indian neighbors.

In summary, there is a lot that can be learned from South Asian's problem in security. This is through how there is proper management in diversity by the region. Various countries and other state regions have benefited widely by borrowing strategies and ideas developed in India. There might have been setbacks but the progress seems to be well.

In addition, the lesson of managing the relationship between the regions has enabled much desire towards South Asia and that there is no fault within the region. It would be urged that at some point the policies of the US, as well as those of China, had made it difficult for India. This can also be noted in the past Soviet Union. Nevertheless, the policy from America was not guided by the strategy of India to be countered. Policies should be set, which will effectively handle security challenges. Policies of giving solutions and not manipulating are what all-region states should be focused on.

Most of the time there may be discontented powers but there is no policy contented by violence that has shown a viable strategy. The key solution to these security problems is proper management, transformation as well as evolution. The current world should employ proper management strategies and routines that will enter the bad from developing into worse. Although there may be poor management and poor strategies in solving the challenges of insecurity, this should not be taken lightly in regard to the importance of contacts and routine diplomacy amongst the states.

Sometimes, there can be supplementation by non-officials to take place in security dialogues, but it is most important that the states in insecurity matters participate fully in settling the issues. There is also a need for being more vigilant on evolutionary trends, which may compel changes either in or out of the will. The leading governments may not be at the forefront in identifying these evolutionary trends but they should ensure that they play an essential part in handling them.

However, relevant bodies should be very much alert in possibilities of handling or rather solving the solutions mentioned above in a more transformed manner. Realpolitik and conservative cynical advocates dominate strategic issues. They believe that humankind is inclined to wars and conflicts.

The world can be properly managed by those with a great common idea or rather common interest. Having said that, even though it may be difficult to handle the issue in absence of the greater powers, most of the states are influenced by other regions, it has been seen that great challenges which are seen to have impossibilities in solving them being resolved. This is to mean that it is much possible sometimes conflicts to be transformed.


Wiggins, S. (2009). Can the smallholder model deliver poverty reduction and food security?

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