Paper Example: Process Emphasis

Published: 2023-07-10
Paper Example: Process Emphasis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Knowledge Personal experience Nursing leadership Leadership development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 642 words
6 min read

Process Emphasis is my highest score out of the six dimensions. As the text suggests, leadership is an influence process. As Northouse (2012) puts it, leadership is a process whereby a person is able to influence a group of people with the purpose of attaining a common goal. Therefore, influence is key to the leadership process due to the fact that leaders influence followers. They direct their dynamism towards influencing a group of people to achieve something together.

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Dimensions most similar to my perspective

The fact that I scored 18 in the process dimension clearly shows that this is my strongest belief. The next highest score is 16 which is behavior and relationship dimensions. Out of the two dimensions, the most similar to my own perspective is behavior. This is basically what leaders do when they are pursuing leadership role. When someone is a leader, their behavior says a lot about them both on and off the job. Leadership behaviors are usually visible, unlike other dimensions like skills traits, and abilities (Northouse, 2012). I believe that a real leader should always be aware of who is around them as well as their surroundings and they should always portray their best behavior. In addition, knowing what type of reaction to display in different situations as well as what tasks to put in place for the day or which kind of process to use or demonstrate is very important.

Trait, ability, and skills dimensions are least like my own perspective. Most people prefer leaders who have unique traits. The text suggests that describing leadership as a trait means that each person has a specific feature that influences the way they lead (Northouse, 2012). For me, I believe these features can be imitated. Leaders are still capable of influencing others even if they possess negative traits. For the ability dimension, I believe that they are learned along the way in life. Although I do think that people can learn particular abilities to be leaders, I do not necessarily believe that leadership is a skill in itself.

The scores that I received on the questionnaire give me a sight on my leadership style as well as how much I give emphasis on trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, and process. I have come to understand that leadership is all about being capable of inspiring people to do the right thing as well as being able to encourage and motivate them in order to get the job done. My scores suggest that the fact that I feel a leader must be able to influence people and portray good behaviors, the ability dimensions still play a significant role when it comes to leadership. Leaders should be able to understand what they need to do as well as how best they can be able to do it.

Scores Implication on Nurses as Leaders v.s Managers

Based on my scores, I have also come to understand that the most crucial thing for leaders is to have the necessary traits that a certain situation requires. Effective leadership takes place when leaders engage in the correct traits at the right time and in the right place (Northouse, 2012). For instance, a disordered emergency room in a hospital requires a nurse leader who is resolute and sensitive and one who is able to bring calm to the situation. On the other hand, in a classroom setting where students are bored requires a teacher who is exciting and creative. As a leader, these results are beneficial to me as I can be able to use positive means in order to attain positive results. Again, they will help me to acquire an understanding of the leadership aspects that are most important and the ones that are least important.


Northouse, P. G. (2012). Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

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