Free Essay on the Process of Developing a Thesis or Argument

Published: 2017-08-08
Free Essay on the Process of Developing a Thesis or Argument
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Writing Creative writing Thesis
Pages: 9
Wordcount: 2234 words
19 min read

Part 1: Summary

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Process of Developing a thesis or argument

A thesis refers to an argument that states a position on a topic, describes the subject, and proves the issue. It indicates a precise statement and tries to prove the argument. The thesis helps in clarifying the idea behind the writing and gives a reader a hook to stick to while going through the document. It should be specific, clear, and original. For example, a thesis statement in the form of Humanity must save the Elephants, is universal and too general. A revised statement thesis on the same need to read, Elephants are gradually becoming an endangered species, humanity need to save them and stop their extinction." The best strategy is avoiding creating from a source or direct quotation; it need be distinct, memorable, and impressive. A definite attention grabber should form the basis of a credible thesis.

In coming up with a plausible thesis, a writer needs to find a clear focus that will be in a position to explore the topic at hand. The thesis statement need only be one or two sentences. It provides the theme of the paper and gives the position of the writer on the topic under argument or analysis. The second important tip is to look for an outline of looking closely at the evidence to be presented. The framework will help in the creation of the body of the paper, where all possible evidence is provided to prove the thesis statement.

The process involved in creating, developing, and formulating a thesis entails constructing a credible argument that is in line with the evidence that will be presented in the body of the paper. In forming, the argument, one that will involve reading, putting on paper, and critical thinking. It is important to first come up with a purpose statement that briefly sketches the background, and maybe the history of the subject matter. For example, if an assignment requires a brief history of the Conservative party and its political influence in the country since 1900, the purpose statement should aim at giving a brief history and sketch of the party and ways to which it influenced political decisions and policies of the party and the country at large. The purpose statement will narrow down the argument and strengthen the main idea of the paper.

After coming up with the purpose statement, the next step is coming up with the main idea, a summary of the entire essay or paper that will after that give way to formulating a list of ideas that may be included in the journal. After coming up with several ideas, it is important to group them and have a link to each of the ideas to the central theme of the paper. After having a central idea linking up all the ideas of the subject, a formula can after that be applied to arrive at a possible and vigorous argument or thesis statement. For example, the following statements can be used to reach out at a strong hypothesis;

Although most Republicans maintain that...the country seems to hold on to the idea of a

Political mediocrity is often a result of a more dividedbrought about by the lack of political will in

...applies and .to shows that

The above process offers a framework for drafting the outline of an argument with the hypothesis, serving only as a planning tool. To keep the paper cohesive, it is important to read the evidence and keep a reader focused. The main elements that will form the basis of the thesis are the conclusion and the evidence provided. By focusing on the central point and case of the paper, the paper will provide a better-refined thesis statement.

An assignment without a particular problem statement is challenging and may call for additional information to formulate a thesis statement. However, in such situation, as it is important to formulate the argument around the central idea of the assignment. In this case, the most important thing is to get to the bottom of the assignment and come up with a possible scenario of a challenge or problem. Or, approach the assignment from a solution perspective without considering the existence of a potential problem. Not all thesis statements require a problem to formulate an argument statement. An argument statement can be developed by taking a different approach or side of the given assignment. For example, an assignment that is based on a scenario in which a character is expected to offer guidance on the flow of the essay may call upon the writer to base the argument statement on a possible or alternative position not taken by the character in question. Then after taking a different position from the character in question, it is possible to come up with a thesis statement.

The assignments provided in the class have been diverse and broad-based, ranging from argumentative essays to plain papers, descriptive, and fact based articles. The majority of the assignments have been problem-oriented majorly tackling major socioeconomic and political issues of the society. For example, most of the articles revolved around social issues affecting the society in general, such as economic policies affecting the middle-class group, government policies such as Medicare and education strategies. Additionally, some of the problem-oriented assignment environmental issues such as global warming, solutions to educational diversity, and religious conflicts. The assignment concentrated more on coming up with tangible clarifications and possible solutions to socioeconomic and political issues affecting the majority of citizens in the 21st century.

Most of the writing focused on finding solutions and providing in-depth clarification on societal issues such as gun control, suicide amongst teenagers, the effects of the social media, government provisions, immigration legislations, and homelessness, in addition to housing challenges in urban centers. Although there is not much difference in the problems handled in the assignments, one aspect that stood out was the research involved in the entire exercise in which the primary goal was to find solutions and clarification on some of the problems affecting the society.

Majorly, most of the problems I tackled tend to identify, expound, and do in-depth research into the problems. Over the course of my academic career, while posing possible questions behind a given problem such as gun control or violence amongst college going students, I challenged the society's preparedness in tackling the habit. At the same time identified some of the aspects of the issue that has posed problems for the society over the years. Instructions presented often tend to focus on the identification of the subject, probing the challenge, and looking at how the community has responded to it over the years. In some cases, the instructions call upon identification of solutions or possible strategies for handling the issues.

My introductions first approach assignment from the central aspect of the idea presented. For example, an assignment requiring an analysis of the effects of a Republican-dominated Congress would first dwell on an even and balanced House, in which the number of Republicans and Democrats are equal. From this perspective, it will be much easier to develop an argument considering that I have in mind, how a balanced House would operate and pass legislations. Or a different argumentative assignment on the effect of education on consumption of processed and fast foods. My approach to the paper would entail figuring out what is behind the processed and fast foods that call upon education. From this perspective, it is possible to formulate and bring together the three concepts; that is the education, consumers, and the processed or fast foods. The three concepts would form my structural aspect of the thesis with a greater emphasis on putting them together to build an argument on the relationship between the three elements.

Part 2: Reflection

It is fun and exciting to discover that writing is inspired by problem-solving abilities. Although the notion of putting ideas into writing while at the same time solving a problem sounds remote, it is worth noting that, a problem is a mind trigger, a stimulant in thinking, and a way in which the mind is utilized to engage with putting words together to form a coherent argument. The urge to find a solution, the motivation to develop a reasonable hypothesis come out as one interesting aspect of writing. It is no doubt that writers tend to focus on socioeconomic and political aspects of the society. Even though their approach is only theoretical, it is founded on the ability to translate overwhelming issues into issues that can be solved, and solutions established based on articulating thinking and formulation of ideas. It is also interesting that engaging the mind logically towards different scenarios, forms the cornerstone to coming up with a possible solution and ways of going around formulating a strong argument.

Additionally, from the reading, it is no doubt that problems form part of every individual life and the society as a whole. Developing an open approach towards problem-solving constitutes the basis of writing and is often the basis of every urge to find a solution to a problem. On the other hand, engaging in An argument and formulating a hypothesis remains key to developing a framework for finding a solution to a given problem. The reading further highlights the need for a precise formation of ideas and strategic approaches towards writing, a concept that augments writing skills beyond the problem-solving. It is thus interesting that while one may focus on improving ones writing skills, it, on the other hand, strengthens one's cognitive abilities such as confronting challenges in a methodological manner. Its interesting how a single problem can lead to several questions. It is interesting to note that a single problem can give rise to multiple problems putting unnecessary strain on a single issue that initially appeared non-technical. However, the beauty of writing as portrayed in the reading is the inherent ability of a writer to transcend from a problem seeker to a problem solver through and by in-depth research, questioning, and presentations of different problems. As a writer, able to handle several issues, it is interesting how one can weave through multiple scenarios and present a professional paper by and through in-depth questioning and analysis. It thus gives a moral issue worth addressing and a credible question that can offer excellent solutions. To master the writing skills, it is interesting that it involves sacrifice and determination, just as other endeavors. Problems thus form the basis and foundation of writing, offering a writer the opportunity to analyze, research, think, and carry out an in-depth clarification on a socioeconomic problem with the aim of providing a solution the myriad challenges that one may counter. The article not only exposes a writer in the world of challenges and technicalities but also presents an opportunity to find solutions to the many tests in the academic and social field.

Another aspect that stands out interestingly, is the concept of knowledge. It is interesting that no one has the monopoly over knowledge and according to the reading, both the professional researcher and the layman in the street have same and credible knowledge worth giving attention. Despite the variation in the two types of knowledge, both minds, the researcher, and the street urchin have proof and evidence on the body of knowledge they subscribe to while considering all aspects of a given scenario. It stands out as strange, how the two may be right in their different opinions while maintaining the inner dimension of an argument or situation. The problems and challenges presented raise vital questions that are important in providing different approaches, a key factor that helps in problem-solving. One unique aspect of the problems presented in the article is that all of them involved various steps in developing the hypothesis, or argument. Most of the texts arrived at a solution from multiple perspectives, but one central theme that stood out is that the argument presented formed part of the solution. For example, the argument of organ trading, despite differing opinions, the formulated hypothesis presented focuses more finding a solution within the framework of the formulated argument. The entire argument of the paper simply supports the formulated thesis with a little added information or details.

Par 3: Scavenger Hunt

From the Mercy database, I found an article on research tips that focuses on topic selection, locating resources, assembling the contents, and formatting the entire document in a given format. The study forms an important aspect of writing at is entails getting down to searching for writing materials before putting down everything on paper. Although research tips vary and are wide, the tips presented offers vital lessons on assembling and putting together information critical in formulating an argument or hypothesis. Research forms the argument body of any thesis statement, and to come up with a credible paper; the paper body should form the central aspect of the thesis statement. A coherent thesis statement and a credible argument in the body makes a paper or assignment worthy of presentation. Below is the screenshot of a mercy database from Mercy College of Health Sciences.


Research Tips. Mercy College of Health Sciences, Accessed 17 Apr. 2017.

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