Project Management Plan Essay Sample

Published: 2022-08-30
Project Management Plan Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Business plan
Categories:  Project management Business plan
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1451 words
13 min read

In the paper, focused on is the comprehensive project plan for the addition of chipotle menu as a meat selection. The prepared project is done in such a way that it will have a high probability of success and meet the organizational goals of the restaurant. In this case, there is the factoring in of an efficient communication system which will be employed throughout the lifecycle of the project, ensuring that all the stakeholders liaise and keep in touch in collective efforts of the implementation of the proposed project. During the research for the proper creation of the project, there is the use of appropriate are relevant technologies that ensure that the most modern technologies employed in the formulation of the project plan for optimum success. The researched information is then documented in such a way that there shall be an effective comprehension on the side of the targeted stakeholders of the project hence a promised likelihood of success of the project.

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Additionally, there is the exposition on the project charter detailing on the scope of the project plan in the organization where it is to be incorporated. Highlighted are also the stakeholders who are to be involved in the projected implementation and delegation of the project such as the project managers, the owners, and the projected number of employees for the projected when successfully implemented. Others are the supplier of the materials which are to be used in the running of the implemented project, the lenders, as well as other people who will contribute in the running of the project. Also, there is the work breakdown structure where the project is divided into workable entities which are then assigned to different individuals, to be completed in phases which will collectively lead to the overall success in the laying down of the project. The risks which are forecast to be incurred in the business are also highlighted, which makes it easy to concoct measures to evade and minimize their effects on the implementation of the project. The communication matrix, as well as the Human resource plan, is also factored in in the project plan at hand.

Project charter

It provides a simple and precise statement of the project at hand. It is as brought pout subsequently;

Purpose of project: The project at hand is mainly focused on outlining the way in which the management can add shrimp into the chipotle menu as one of the meat selection.

Project objective: The objective of the project at hand is to ensure that there is the implementation of the addition of chipotle as one of the meat selection in line with the evolving and changing menu compositions in the food industry. There will thus be the satisfaction of the customers who prefer being served chipotle as one of the components of meat. It will also enhance variety in the meat selection chain of foods, hence achieving customer the emerging customer satisfaction of such an arrangement.

The scope of the project: The project should establish the reliable suppliers of chipotle, the categorization of employees who will be incorporated to work in the subsequent meat selection, the specification of the management role in ensuring that the project is adequately implemented. The competitive prices of the meat selection should also be established. Further, there should be the establishment of the marketing, operations, procurement, as well as any other relevant department and external input which will aid in the oversight and activities for the successful implementation of the project.

Major milestones: All the suppliers are selected, all the materials for use in the meat selection business acquired for ready implementation of the project, the relevant supplies should be delivered to the store, the orders and contracts are completed with the suppliers, and the pricing of chipotle in meat selection determined.

Assumptions: It is assumed that the suppliers of the chipotle materials will continue supplying for the new project, that the customers will prefer the project at hand incorporating chipotle into meat selection, and that the project will augur well with the current evolutions in the food industry.

Stakeholder Analysis Matrix

The various stakeholders who are to take part in the implementation of the project are;

The shareholders; they are the people who have invested with the business and have a right to informed and consulted on how they wish the project to be carried out.

Financing institutions; the financing institutions which include the bank should know what the project is exactly for lending purposes.

The government; the government should be made aware of the project since it will tax the net profitability which follows the trading success of the business. SAlso, it should be informed of any plans of the business for certification purposes.

Managers; they take part in the overall planning and resource allocations for the .project.

Material suppliers; they take part in the supply of materials used in the expansion project at hand.

Work Breakdown Structure

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) identifies and outlines the duration, dependencies, resources, and cost of the "Mary Poppins Returns" project.

1.0"Mary Poppins Returns" Experience

1.1 Finance Department

1.1.1 Insurance Coverage
1.1.2 Determine Budget Cost Breakdown
1.3.2 Design Department Determine Size of meat serving room Decide the Location of the room. Determine Color Scheme
1.3.3 QA Department Regular interval inspections scheduled Inspections on each significant milestone completion of the House Inspections on each significant milestone completion of the Ride
1.3.4 Project Development department Test Run Integration Test Internal Test
1.3.5 Engineering Department Provide Building Information Modeling (BIM) Provide building material consumption Provide preventative maintenance schedule

1.5 Project Management

1.5.1 Timeline
1.5.2 Team Development Training
1.5.3 Project Charter
1.5.4 Project plan
1.5.5 Weekly Meetings Status Reports

1.6 Construction

1.6.1 Select Contractors
1.6.2 Finalize Contracts
1.6.3 Permits
1.6.4 Blue Print
1.6.5 Clearing area
1.6.6 Construction Materials

Communications Matrix

Project Group

(Stakeholders) Communication Frequency Method of Communication with Project Manager Important Messages to be communicated

Investors Monthly Monthly Status Meetings (in person or via conference call)

Bi-weekly progress reports

Weekly Emails

What mainly needs to be communicated to investors is the project process and expectations. Investors should also be kept aware of project deadlines and major issues that can impact or change them. Budget issues, expectations and concerns should also be expressed to investors.

Construction Team Weekly Meetings

Project progress reports

Phone calls (in case of emergency and for time-sensitive matters)

The construction team will be explained what are construction goals and deadlines. The construction Manager will communicate the necessary supplies and material needed to accomplish goals and deadlines. Construction is to report any issues that may prolong the project and interfere with project execution.

Park Guests Weekly Mass emails

Postal mail

Press releases

The project manager has no direct contact with park guest and communication with them is not needed during project planning and execution.

Government External - FL State and Federal Yearly Income Taxes Reports Project communication is not necessary mainly with the state of Florida as Reedy Creek's district runs its own regulations. The Project Manager does not have to communicate with Florida State officials regarding this project at all.

Human Resources Plan

Position Required Skills or Characteristics Primary Responsibilities Number of people
Project Sponsor Ability to make decisions, influence and motivate people, adept in communicating, and set the direction of the project.
  • Overall accountable for the project.
    Provide clear direction for the project and how it links with the organization's strategy.
  • Secure project resources
  • Ensure the project is on time, on budget and on the scope.
  • Provide feedback on status reports to the stakeholders
Project Manager Ability to communicate verbally and written with the project team by managing the strategic plan and be innovative in solving problems. Successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of the project. 1
Disney Resource Manager Ability to manage all resources needed for the project to stay on time and budget.
  • Provide budget spending as the project progresses.
  • Acquire Props and Costumes from the movie set.
  • Acquire re-usable project applicable materials from other company internal parks.
  • Assist with the acquisition of all materials requested by the project site supervisor.
Reedy Creek Construction Inspector Ability to ensure all Reedy Creek guidelines are followed and report them to the PM and QA for resolution Provide accurate construction inspection and provide reports for resolution. 2


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Muller, C. (2013). Charity golf tournament project plan. Place of publication not identified: Grin Verlag Ohg.

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