Free Essay with a Project Summary on Nurses' Productivity

Published: 2019-11-04
Free Essay with a Project Summary on Nurses' Productivity
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research Productivity Nursing care
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 452 words
4 min read

Project Summary

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Demand for nurse care has been increasing in recent times while the supply has been relatively lower (Woelfle, 2016). For nurses to meet the high demand of care, they have been working for longer hours than expected. Typically, human beings tend to become less productive and efficient in performing duties after long hours of continuous work. Since nurses take care of patients in performance of their duties, long continuous periods of work may endanger their lives as well as those of their patients. Therefore, it is important to find out the effects of long hours of services in nurses' productivity and patients safety so that the best measures are taken higher patient satisfaction and nurses motivation.

Research questions

The following questions will guide the research

Have you worked in both short and long hour shifts in the course of you nursing career?

Do you feel motivate to report to work after you have taken several long working hours shifts?

How many errors do you commit when you work for normal (6 8) hours in a day?

How many errors do you commit when you work for extended continuous (more than 10) hours in a day?

What is the average number of patients who you serve when working for regular hours?

What is the mean number of patients who you serve when working for long hours?

How many complaints do you receive from unsatisfied patients when you have worked for standard hours?

How many complaints do you receive from unsatisfied patients when you have worked for long continuous hours?

Which patients takes longer to recover when taken care by nurses working for short periods as compared when they have worked for long hours?

Do you like working for long continuous hours?

Do you believe patients safety can be improved if nurses worked for shorter hours? What makes you have the belief?


The researcher will use a simple sampling technique to identify 70 nurses from different hospitals to respond to participate in the research. All nurses will have equal chances of being selected as participants (Singh, 2013, p. 71). The nurse will give consent to participate in the research.

The researcher will use open-ended questionnaires to collected information from the selected participants. The participants will be given enough time to complete the surveys and seek clarification for any questions they believe are not clear. The researcher will not assist the participants in providing their answers so that they can express their experience but not the researchers expectation.


Singh, S. (2013). Advanced sampling theory with applications (2nd ed.). Dordrecht: Springer.

Woelfle, K. (2016). Nurse practitioners can Help Bridge the Health Care Gap. The Desert Sun. Retrieved from <>

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Free Essay with a Project Summary on Nurses' Productivity. (2019, Nov 04). Retrieved from

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