Pros of Using Pfcs to Raise Pay for 21st-Century Airport Infrastructure. Free Essay

Published: 2023-03-05
Pros of Using Pfcs to Raise Pay for 21st-Century Airport Infrastructure. Free Essay
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Problem solving Airline industry Money Customer service
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 623 words
6 min read

Air transportation in the United States is rising at an alarming rate, with hundreds of trips being made daily. This includes local and international flights that help boost our economy. In this case, the airports and their environments are supposed to be at world-class in terms of capacity and performance. However, the increasing demand of the ever-growing passengers in the nation has been faced with a significant setback. It has resulted in over two billion hours in delay annually. As a result, this has held the economy of the nation at a very risk state, paving the way for other international airlines such as the British airline to dominate. The US government has the mandate to ensure that passengers receive the best quality of services that can be provided by the airports in the nation. However, the nation has been suffering from a series of difficulties, which includes passage delays, as well as using outdated equipment in the airports. Never the less, this can be widely rectified using Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) as the ultimate solution. This paper will elucidate the pros of using PFCs to mitigate the situation at our airports.

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With more than 20,000 hours recorded annually, as a result of delays in flights and 2 billion hours in overall delays in American flights, it requires a critical moment for change (Imes, 1995). In this case, the American airline economy is widely affected due to the limitation that could be highly improved to maximize profitability. It is essential for the implementation of Passenger Facility Charges, which are moderate, to help boost the significant construction and expansion of airports within the country.

In this case, the major problem, that has been facing the airports in the nation, will be soon addressed from a simple, yet sophisticated concept. More so, the beauty of using this concept, has maximum benefit to public funds, with little charges imposed on passengers. As (Imes, 1995) noted, the law of PFCs is strictly articulated in the constitution, with explicit outlining of what should be collected, as well as the required percentage.

Moreover, this will limit the possibilities of fondness that may emanate from different airlines, overcharging to speed up their projects. The use of government agencies to oversee their entire practice makes it more suitable and reliable, which limits the possibility of overcharging passengers.

On the other hand, congestion has been a significant problem in our airports. This includes both passengers and the goods that drive our economy. Congestion in airports, calls for delays, which affects business performance. Nevertheless, this holds our economy in a different form, ranging from both privet and public sector.

One of the benefits associated with the use of PFCs is associated with higher governing procedures before its approval (Sabar, Anuar, & Abdullah, 2018). Through this, an administrator has to check the required amount to facilitate the exact amount to promote the project. Secondly, the administrator has to check the duration and amount of money proposed in the PFCs project. Based on these two variables, the customers are highly insulated from the exploitation of the project.

In the bottom line, there are numerous benefits tied to the need for implementing PFCs in airport expansion. Despite the weight being enforced on the final customer, the best part is tied to the reduction of congestion and delays at our airports. More so, this will improve the airline economy in the nation.


Imes, S. (1995). Airline Passenger Facility Charges: What Do they Mean for An Airline Industry? Journal Of Air Law And Commerce, 60(4), 1042- 1089.

Sabar, R., Anuar, N. K., & Abdullah, R. (2018). Preferences of Low-Cost Passengers, Low-Cost Airlines and Airport Management on Low-Cost Terminal (LCT) Facilities Development Model. Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol, 7(6), 150.

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Pros of Using Pfcs to Raise Pay for 21st-Century Airport Infrastructure. Free Essay. (2023, Mar 05). Retrieved from

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