Free Essay. Provisions Under Title VII That Employers Require to Follow

Published: 2023-04-04
Free Essay. Provisions Under Title VII That Employers Require to Follow
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination Human resources Job Employment law
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 675 words
6 min read

Under Title VII, the employer should respect the rights of all individuals without any bias. Employers should not discriminate against employees based on some characteristics such as race, gender, national origin, and skin color, among others (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008). There should be no discrimination concerning any term or condition of employment. Under Title VII, the employer should offer equal opportunity to qualified individuals. The law prohibits treating people differently or denying them employment based on perceived racial, ethnic, or national characteristics (Bintrim, 2017). Decisions on employment should not be made on assumptions or stereotypes that relate to any of the protected characteristics. Employers should not engage in any intentional discrimination. For example, refusing to hire employees from a particular group of protected features is intentional discrimination. It is a must for the employer to show business necessity that people of a particular group are necessary for the safety and efficiency of business operations (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008). However, only religion, national origin, and gender are recognized under Title VII.

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I think this should not be changed. Title VII protects employees from discriminative practices in the workplace. If some of the provisions are removed, employers can take advantage and subject some individuals to disparate treatment based on race, gender, religion, and national origin, among other characteristics (The Audiopedia, 2016). Bending the law means that some of companies may opt to hire employees only from a particular group and discriminate against others having the same qualifications. In short, it may create a room where individuals are treated differently besides having the same qualifications. Therefore, the provisions of Title VII should not be changed as it continues to protect employees against disparate treatment by employers.

Methods of validity

The three methods of validity are criterion, content, and construct-related validation. Criterion measures the relationship between the performance of the test and job performance. Candidates who perform outstandingly in the test demonstrate better results on the job compared to the ones with a low score on the test (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008). Content validity requires showing that the test content tends to represent critical behaviors connected to the job. What is tested ought to be relevant to and measure essential requirements and job qualifications directly. Construct validity measures non-observable traits, which is vital to job performance. The test is conducted for a certain period using the accumulation of evidence.

The criterion is the most important method of validity. The test measures how a person can perform on the job (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008). The technique can help employers to assess the prospective candidates who can contribute to an increase in productivity in the workplace. High test scores are correlated to outstanding performance on the job.

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is a policy aimed at improving educational or employment opportunities to minority groups or historically disadvantaged through preferential treatment (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008). The initiative strives to provide equal opportunities to people in employment and education. It requires that applicants or employees should not be discriminated against based on race, gender, color, national creed, and other characteristics. Affirmative action helps in the promotion of social equality by advocating for preferential treatment to the disadvantaged in society.

Affirmative action can be used to improve diversity within a company. A diverse workforce is likely to increase the performance of the company. The company should consider hiring individuals from various backgrounds (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008). It should incorporate qualified individuals from marginalized areas. Human resources should also consider hiring both male and female employees in the company. Gender should not be the issue as far as individuals have qualified and can perform the job effectively. Therefore, affirmative action can be used as a tool to improve diversity in an organization, which may translate to improved productivity.


Bintrim, L. (Dec 20, 2017). Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality. Retrieved from:

Cihon, P., & Castagnera, J. (2008). Employment and labor law. Cengage Learning.

The Audiopedia. (Jul 1, 2016). What is Employment Discrimination? What does Employment Discrimination mean? Retrieved from:

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