Free Essay on Publicizing Air Pollution in the United States of America

Published: 2019-11-07
Free Essay on Publicizing Air Pollution in the United States of America
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Atmosphere Air pollution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 716 words
6 min read

Acid rain and global warming have received higher media attention and consequently increased public concern in comparison to air pollution. While global warming causes economic disruption and acid rain eliminates fish and vegetation, it puzzles many researchers that air pollution is not adequately covered and it causes death and illness in humans (Parisi, 2014). Air pollution occurs in the form of smoke through the burning of fossil fuels. It contains several unwanted substances such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and many toxic metals. The above revelations necessitate a publicity campaign to mitigate the severe impacts that air pollution poses to human life such as respiratory diseases, cancer, eye infections and chest pains (Allen et al., 2016). These setbacks impact the economy in the form of lost productivity.

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The advertising campaign would target the potentially vulnerable groups, the vulnerable groups and the victims of the air pollution. These include children who are at risk of exposure to secondary smoking, communities living near oil and gas developments and those who are working in industries that emit the pollutants into the air. The children at risk of secondary smoking can be sensitized to avoid smoking zones as well as prevention from indulging in the smoking habits (Allen et al., 2016). The people working in establishments that produce air pollutants can be sensitized to take prevention measures against severe effects of air pollution. Television adverts and social media platforms are major tools in reaching out to many (Allagui & Breslow, 2016). Thirdly, the government support is vital in emphasizing the gravity of the matter. Here, the government can form tight regulations on the allowable limits of air pollutants (Parisi, 2014). It can also provide financial support to all institutions driving the campaigns.

The target groups in the air pollution pandemic can be addressed through the creation of television campaigns presenting the facts and showing the severe impacts of air pollutants while highlighting the benefits of clean air. Additionally, healthcare providers, the American Cancer Society and the Environmental Protection Agency can be used as tools to drive the campaign (Allen et al., 2016). The social media applications can also be used to reach out to the billions of people who utilize the platform. The campaign would inspire the masses by clearly indicating the statistics associated with air pollution in comparison to the issues that have been attracting significant media attention.

The groups that the publicity campaign would most likely to connect with are the government for its support and the teenagers who probably pick up smoking habits from their peers and families and transforming them in their way of life. Many communities living near factories may be too engaged to notice the health concerns of air pollution. They also have the power to enable the industries to operate or close down (Parisi, 2014). Coupled with the government that has overall authority in the nation, the neighboring communities can make the campaign a success, although it may take time before the benefits are realized.

Some of the messages to be used in the campaigns include Hate pollution, love green, or Stop pollution, prevent cancer, save future generations. Such campaigns involving local businesspeople, authorities, and the community will make many to respond to the message since they can relate.

The campaign process would begin by conducting interviews with the key stakeholders, doing thorough research about the issue and finally training the media on how to approach the subject (Allagui & Breslow, 2016). Mass media campaigns and community action have been proven in the past to change peoples attitudes.

In conclusion, this integrated approach includes utilizing the mass media to cater for an audience-driven methodology to behavioral change in addition to providing the surrounding for anchoring desired behavior as opposed to targeting individual companies.


Allagui, I., & Breslow, H. (2016). Social media for public relations: Lessons from four effective cases. Public Relations Review, 4220-30. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.12.001

Allen, R. T., Hales, N. M., Baccarelli, A., Jerrett, M., Ezzati, M., Dockery, D. W., & Pope III, C. A. (2016). Countervailing effects of income, air pollution, smoking, and obesity on aging and life expectancy: population-based study of U.S. Counties. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 151-10. doi:10.1186/s12940-016-0168-2

Parisi, M. (2014). Air Quality Observation in the U.S.: Systems, Needs, and Standards. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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