Essay Sample on Rationality and Revision of Beliefs

Published: 2023-12-28
Essay Sample on Rationality and Revision of Beliefs
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Personality Society
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 896 words
8 min read


I think I am rational and revise my beliefs when I encounter facts all the time. I believe that I examine every situation depending on the outcome and requirements that suit it to develop a satisfactory conclusion at the end. Occasionally, I encounter problems that require my evaluation and decision to influence the outcome. Analysis of such a situation is usually inclined to what I strongly believe in and have adopted it for some time as a fact to base my conclusions on (Roland, n.d). In most instances, I have been right. However, in some cases, I have been wrong.

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At some point, when I was becoming a young adult is when my belief was proven wrong. I grew up in a developing country where learning institutions were less embraced by both the government and the citizens. Therefore, as termed by many people, the fruits of education could not be exhibited in the country, especially among the young generations by then. Children went to school when they desired without the parents' concern because they saw some of their friends going. There were fewer teachers, too, to facilitate the learning process. Courtesy of the country's culture, life was merely defined by a few activities that individuals were associated with.

I entirely subscribed to the notion that education had no meaning to the little few undergoing the cycle. The above could be portrayed by a few individuals who attributed the success of their life to education. Therefore, even after I began to attend classes for a couple of years, I never saw the benefit of learning and had the mentality that I will end up my life like the other people in the community who had a similar notion. I was blinded to see the future benefits of education and craved for the day when I would get my parents' inheritance to get a life.

Situations for Revision of Changes

However, the beginning of the 21st century came with new perspectives and realities in education, which made me revise my belief. The government and other concerned organizations began the sensitization of educating among the young children and even made primary education free for those who could not afford to pay fees. The above was courtesy of the opportunities that had started cropping up for those with specific educational qualifications. People were given sponsorships in oversea universities by the government and multinational corporations. They also landed big jobs more quickly as compared to those who were reluctant to attended schools. Therefore, I was forced to revise my belief and work hard in school the remaining part of my life also to enjoy the benefits of learning.

The Difference in Results and the Reasons for Change

There was a difference in the results because what I initially believed in did not last for a long time. It was changed by the occurrences of the society that had to be adopted by most people. A difference also occurred because beliefs that are not based on faith are prone to alterations since they do not last forever as much as they might last long (Kolbert, n.d). The changes in beliefs are triggered by various factors, such as people from diverse cultures. Here, there is an exchange and adoption of some cultures that a community can pursue and, in turn, be absorbed to become a belief among the people.

Therefore, I changed because education had been widely adopted by people in society as a trend to change their lives. Secondly, my change in belief inclination resulted from the fact that the benefits of the community's general change to adopt to education and prioritize it was evident among those who pursued it. The services could be identified and pegged to the new education perception adopted by the majority of the people. The change of my belief also resulted from fear of being left out or standing alone in the society while everyone else subscribed to a new notion. The difference can be attributed to the external forces in society to level up with the majority.


I can't entirely agree with the conclusion of the article. It is because sticking to one's own beliefs compromises progress in society. When each holds to their ideas, it implies that there will never be a unison agreement concerning a particular decision. Therefore, chaos might arise as one strives to fulfill their perspectives in the long run. For progress to be realized in society, most individuals should have a common belief that will guide them in the long run. For instance, believing that immunization and vaccines are safe for the children will lead to improved health in the whole society as opposed to if each stuck to their own beliefs regarding the vaccines (Kolbert, n.d). Due to the evolution of various aspects of society's ideas, sticking to a single view for an extended period is impossible as change is inevitable. It will be challenging to level up with other people when they cannot subscribe to their beliefs and ideologies.

Works Cited

Kolbert, Elizabeth, and Maria Konnikova. “Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds.” The New Yorker, 20 Feb. 2017,

Roland, Gerard, and David Y. Yang. China's lost generation: Changes in beliefs and their intergenerational transmission. No. w23441. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017.

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