Essay Sample on Redemption and the Possible Relations to The Kite Runner

Published: 2023-08-01
Essay Sample on Redemption and the Possible Relations to The Kite Runner
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Character analysis Writers The Kite Runner Family drama
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 597 words
5 min read

It is possible to redeem oneself after making a huge mistake. One can wake up and decide to go back to regular duties. Again, when one speaks religiously, all a person needs to do is to confess their mistakes, be forgiven, and move forward (Ginger 31). However, when one does not acknowledge, they regret their actions before redemption. In ‘The Kite Runner’ an article narrated by Khaleed Hosseini revolves around a family in Afghanistan due to their mistakes. Still, after learning from their mistakes, they were redeemed, learned from them, and grew (Hosseini 24). The essay will examine the symbols of redemption from Khaleed Hosseini's novel.

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Sometimes it is hard to forgive a person for mistakes, particularly if it will cost them. However, everyone needs to have a second chance to correct what they did wear and transform into a better person in society (Ginger 37). But redemption is not an easy task, especially where one has to repent and prove that they are sincere. In the novel, Amir, a boy that comes from Afghanistan believes that he needs to be redeemed to his father. He even mentioned, “I feel the distance between my father and me is not normal” (Hosseini 32). Shamefully, Amir allowed his best friend to be raped by bullies while he was watching.

Due to this, Amir was always haunted by his mistakes until he chose to face his mistakes through redemption. In the process, Amir realizes that “since my father had a few mistakes, then I will learn from the lessons” (Hosseini 51). Most people have this belief that redemption cannot be attained. What people do not understand is that with the right motive and mindset, they can redeem themselves. The process Amir went through to redeem himself is the primary theme of this novel.

The beginning of the novel shows how Amir tries to redeem himself from his father. Even though the father was responsible for Amir’s mother when she was giving birth, he still believes he needed forgiveness. One way he thought that would redeem himself is by engaging himself to win a Kite Tournament. Rahim, Amir’s friend, also mentioned to him how his father betrayed him. Rahim told Amir, ‘Please think, my friend,” (Hosseini 67). The idea for redemption develops the themes of the novel and expounds more on in political and personal matters.

In the book, people always said, “All a man portrayed in the past was his honor, and his name comes out because people talk about him” (Hosseini 72). The neighbors related to Baba when she slept with Sanaubar but never mentioned the incident to Hassan and Amir. The revelation from Rahim Khan concerning the borderlines position between the life of Amir was predicted to be intricate and simple. For the first time, the similarities between Amir and his father were noticed (Hosseini 29). This made Amir feel that they share similar or equal amounts of guilt, and that is why he wants to be redeemed.


The plot in the book is about Amir the primary character whose plan was to redeem himself from his father. The constant need for redemption and betrayal is what fuels the novel. The existential thought in this narration is how everything proceeds from the cause of various actions. For instance, from Amir’s birth to the end, viewers can see a constant cycle of betrayal versus redemption, thus captivating the book’s theme.

Works Cited

Ginger, Serge. “Declaring One and Making Oneself Known.” A Practical Guide for the Humanistic Psychotherapist, 2018, pp. 27–42. Doi: 10.4324/9780429471445-4.

Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.

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