Reflection Essay Example: The Tale of Sinuhe

Published: 2022-09-07
Reflection Essay Example: The Tale of Sinuhe
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Reflection
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1041 words
9 min read

'The Tale of Sinuhe' focuses on a narration of the life of Sinuhe, the main character in the story. At the start of the story, Sinuhe is on a military mission in Libya together with one of the sons to the king Amenemhet 1. Sinuhe panics on hearing that the stories of about the death of the king son due to the fear that his life might be in jeopardy when Senwosret is denied the opportunity to become an heir to the throne. It is this fear that makes him decide to flee Egypt. Sinuhe arrives in the land of Lebanon where he receives hospitality from the king, and he is offered the opportunity to marry the king's daughter. Later, he returns to Egypt in preparation for his burial and the king, Senwosret receives him back. The critical aspects of the western culture are relatable to the necessary incidents of the story. The notable aspects of western culture in the story include a value for self-determination, rewarding and honoring members of the armed forces, offering help to the needy and providing suitable conditions for immigrants to improve their lives. There also exists a connection between the events in the story and ordinary events in the modern relationships including betrayal as well as individual feelings of panic and fear.

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The story of Sinuhe migration from Egypt to Lebanon and prospering in a foreign country is similar to the current trend in the United States where immigrants from other countries are flourishing in the Nation. The act by the king of Lebanon to offer hospitality to Sinuhe to the extent of allowing him to marry his daughter is similar with the United States government measures to provide equal opportunities to immigrants (Gardiner, 1916). Immigrants from countries including Africa are living comfortably in the United States, and they are enjoying their lives.

Sinuhe move to avoid the loyal family at the time of need is similar to the widespread tendency by friends to betray and abandon others in the time of need. Sinuhe acts cowardly after the death of the king due to the fear that conflicts might arise, and he might have to participate owing to his close relationship with the royal family (Gardiner, 1916). Sinuhe is excellent in war, and he would have been of great help to the loyal family in the time of war since it is evident that he manages to pursue his opponent in combat, an act that makes boost his acceptability back to his original homeland.

Sinuhe is a man of great determination, and it is the hard work that makes him prosper in a new land. Sinuhe assists Ammmuneneshi to fight against insurgent groups an act that causes him to receive favors from the king. The aspect of self-determination is common in the western culture as it is a critical component of the American dream (Long, 2017). He manages to fight a strong opponent after which he decides to return to his homeland. The act of patriotism by an immigrant to one's original home is a common practice among Africans and other immigrants living in different parts of the world. Sinuhe frees to Syria after fearing for his life, but he decides to go back to his original homeland later in his life (Gardiner, 1916). Sinuhe argues that Egypt is the preferred place his burial and he ensures that he will be buried in Egypt by moving there after realizing that he is aging.

The practice of honoring soldiers for their service to the country is evident in the tale of Sinuhe. Similarly, western cultures place great importance to rewarding individuals who show selfless service to their specific nations (Abraham, Cheney & Curran, 2017). Soldiers are accorded an honored burial similar with Sinuhe who is buried in a uniquely designed tomb by the chief craftsmen. It is apparent that great designers including the chief sculptor build Sinuhe tomb.

The Tale of Sinuhe is reflective of the lives of the many people where panic causes people to do the unthinkable. Sinuhe act of feeing to Syrian is evidence of the action of fear since he does not wait to confirm where there will be war before fleeing (Gardiner, 1916). Sinuhe overhears about the kings' son assassination while he is on a trip and fear of war strikes in making him decide to flee to Canaan. I face a similar situation of panic during the exam period only to find that the exams are not as hard as I imagined.

The story shows that individuals are likely to become refugees in times of war. The fear of conflict between the Syrians and Egyptians due to the killing of the son to the Egyptian king forces Sinuhe to flee his country (Gardiner, 1916). Wars in the current society result to the refugee problem. Individuals have to leave their countries without giving notice to family members during the times of war since personal safety becomes the priority.

The tale of Sinuhe shows a situation where hospitable individuals are willing to help the needs. The chief provides Sinuhee with a good piece of land thus enhancing his capacity to survive in the new area (Gardiner, 1916). Such actions are common in the modern society where individuals help those who are destitute and needy. The contemporary society encourages acts of kindness and empathy towards the disadvantaged individuals. Immigrants have become beneficiaries of generosity by the natives in countries where activist argue for the rights of fair treatment to all people. Moreover, some groups have formed complex non-governmental organizations to meet their philanthropic missions.

Overall, I can relate my own experiences with Sinuhe experiences especially on the feeling of panic. A reflection of the Sinuhe treatment in the foreign land is reflective of the kind of assistance that immigrants receive in most of the western countries. Importantly, the story reveals that hard work and determination are vital to success like it is the belief among most of the Americans.


Abraham, T., Cheney, A. M., & Curran, G. M. (2017). A Bourdieusian analysis of US military culture ground in the mental help-seeking literature. American journal of men's health, 11(5), 1358-1365.

Gardiner, A. H. (1916). Notes on the Story of Sinule, Libraries Honore Champion, Paris, 1916.

Long, E. (2017). The American dream and the popular novel. Routledge.

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