Reflection Essay on Exceptional Education

Published: 2023-10-31
Reflection Essay on Exceptional Education
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Special education
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1589 words
14 min read


The federal government mandates all school districts by legislation to search and identify qualified students with disabilities in within the jurisdiction. Upon identification and parental consent, the identified students receive special education centered on giving in quality education and conforming to their disability. It is critical to appreciate that the principle of special education also applies to students with serious offences. However, the legislation was implemented due to parents advocating for equal learning opportunities as students without disabilities. The outcome was subsequent discussions and legislation that affected students with special needs offering them equal rights to access FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) in the LRE (least restrictive environment) (Campbell et al., 2006). According to Campbell et al. (2006), students with disabilities have been historically excluded from normal schooling activities. Nonetheless, early intervention aims to augment and enhance developmental delays and special needs, among other concerns in children with disabilities. It allows students with disabilities and their caretakers to attain the needed support for their children to be assimilated into society.

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Federal Legislation and Early Intervention

Advantages of Early Intervention

Early intervention has become a recognized necessity for their proper development based on the previously identified limitations and other factors affecting students with disabilities. The first few years of a child’s development are identified as sensitive periods as it lays the basis for behavior, cognitive functioning, self-regulatory competences, and social acceptance (Acar & Akamoglu, 2014). However, many children are exposed to numerous stressors in society that impair their development, further limiting their opportunity to participate in social activities. Early intervention programs mitigate the limitations that place children at the risk of poor educational outcomes.

Nonetheless, early interventions rely on alternative methods of educating children through various activities such as play. It is critical for cognitive development, particularly during the early years of development. By recognizing developmental delays affecting cognitive function, caregivers can implement developmental skills suggested by specialists (Acar & Akamoglu, 2014). The skills facilitate problem-solving, self-control, communication, and socialization skills, which are necessary for the students to interact with non-disabled children. Additionally, early intervention reduces the need for specialized educational support. However, the advantage is limited to the condition of the child. Early intervention has demonstrated its capability of having a major positive effect on the education of children with disabilities (Acar & Akamoglu, 2014). It offers the needed support for students to demonstrate their potential for academic enthusiasm and interaction with their peers.

Finally, early interventions empower caregivers and their families in helping children with disabilities attain their potential. It offers the necessary tools to aid children with disabilities to overcome developmental limitations and challenges (Acar & Akamoglu, 2014). The positive environment is conducive to effective empowerment and development, offering equal opportunities for both disabled and non-disabled children. The students' support takes various forms from learning activities to other forms of structured experiences, which directly and indirectly affect them and their caregivers.

Early Intervention and Inclusion

The values of inclusion embody all endeavors to increase the participation of children with disabilities and their caretakers in both home and community activities. From the assessment of the course material, inclusion encourages the interactions between children with and without disabilities. The principal's ethical and logical rationale is to encourage full partaking of all children in the community activities, which are viewed as a right in American society. However, failure to translate the principles of early intervention into the education system can adversely affect the development of children with disabilities. The most common outcome being limitations to full stimulation of childhood experiences, restrictive social and educational opportunities, and finally, low achievement rates.

Long Term Benefits of Inclusion

Due to the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act), most schools have inclusive classrooms. The law mandates that students with special educational needs to learn in the least restrictive environment (Brannon et al., 2018). Therefore, students with special needs spend as much time as possible with students without special educational needs, resulting in the proper development of critical skills. The benefits are not limited to the students only as educators also have bolstered self-esteem and diversity in handling students with varying needs. Nevertheless, the first long term benefits of inclusion include the fact that it adapts educators to teach all learners (Brannon et al., 2018). All students have varying rates of learning, and with the principle of inclusive education, teachers include specially designed guidelines and support systems to help all students. The approach is beneficial to students as they attain personalized opportunities through the various strategies of presenting lessons.

The second long-term advantage is the reduction in differences among students. As previously mentioned, the principles of inclusion offer equal opportunities for students with disabilities as students without disabilities (Brannon et al., 2018). Inclusive classrooms are highly diverse, with each student demonstrating their potencies and challenges. Through inclusion, students have equal opportunities for expressing their educational needs. Instructors are then expected to develop teaching strategies that apply to all students. The long-term objective is to create a unique environment with the potential for maximum influence in educational and social needs (Brannon et al., 2018). Under the traditional special education system, the advantage also provides specialized support for students. For example, related services such as speech therapy help students have equal grounds for educational performance and interaction, thereby allowing for equal opportunities.

Impact of Awareness of Federal Legislation on Early Intervention

From a personal perspective, the awareness of the legislation is critical for educators. It demonstrates their role in aiding students with disabilities to attain equal learning opportunities as students without disabilities. Moreover, it identifies the necessary actions and possible advantages students with disabilities attain by interacting and learning with other students. Additionally, it supports research on early intervention services and their impact on child development. Based on the research conducted, early intervention has dramatic effects on mental development, allowing many students to attain normal and productive lives. Educators play a critical role in the process as they aid in lessening the effects of developmental delays and disabilities.

Research and Practice

Role of Assistive Technology in Special Education

Assistive technologies are tools, or devices gat aid individuals with disabilities function better. Among students, the technology allows for improved functionality in class activities as well as social interactions (Campbell et al., 2006). Assistive technology assumes various forms and configurations depending on the disability of the student. They assume the role of simplifying social accommodation for individuals with disabilities while offering them opportunities to attain academic proficiency and social acceptance (Campbell et al., 2006). For example, the use of braille material allows students with visual impairment to read various materials, whereas audiobooks allow for larger educational content to be studied.

Advocate for Assistive Technology

An educator's role is to aid students in appreciating the various educational material available by imparting them with knowledge and setting up situations that allow effective learning. However, students with disabilities or impairments face challenges accessing similar materials as students without disabilities. Therefore, educators must speak up concerning the wants, needs, and rights of all students regardless of physical and cognitive limitations. Educators assist students and caretakers in comprehending their educational and social rights. It can take various forms, such as partnering with different groups and organizations which allow students with disabilities to access the necessary services for their needs.

Research Outcome

The research and assessment of various materials on early intervention and inclusion in the educational needs of students with disabilities have demonstrated the core role of educators. It is the responsibility of educators to ensure that both students with and without disabilities attain equal opportunities. Additionally, educators are expected to devise or implement evidence-based practices that conform to the special needs of students with disabilities while not limiting non-disabled students. Inclusion and advocacy for assistive technology are examples of how teachers aid students in attaining equal opportunities.

Functional Behavior Analysis

The most beneficial aspect of target behavior identification was the presence of all parties involved in the caring of the child. Moreover, the process is simplified, allowing all parties, including the student, to identify the target behavior. Nonetheless, the process of behavioral analysis on students with disabilities was depicted as a social problem that needed a social response. The notion refers to the involvement of all parties involved in the child’s development, as previously mentioned. However, unlike other cases involving non-disabled students, both the parents and teaching staff must work together to identify and develop corrective measures.


The roles of educators or teachers are diverse and require dedication. The federal government presents society with opportunities and legislations such as IDEA for all students regardless of disability to attain quality education opportunities. Educators enforce the law by imposing various strategies that aid in the imparting of knowledge and advocacy for students with disabilities to access assistive technology. They also work with caregivers in developing various social and interactive skills necessary for simple and effective assimilation in society.


Acar, S., & Akamoglu, Y. (2014). Practices for Parent Participation in Early Intervention/ Early Childhood Special Education. International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education, 6(1), 80.

Brannon, T., Carter, E., Murdock-Perriera, L., & Higginbotham, G. (2018). From Backlash to Inclusion for All: Instituting Diversity Efforts to Maximize Benefits Across Group Lines. Social Issues And Policy Review, 12(1), 57-90.

Campbell, P., Milbourne, S., Dugan, L., & Wilcox, M. (2006). A Review of Evidence on Practices for Teaching Young Children to Use Assistive Technology Devices. Topics In Early Childhood Special Education, 26(1), 3-13.

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