Essay Sample on Reflection on Technical Writing

Published: 2023-10-03
Essay Sample on Reflection on Technical Writing
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Learning Knowledge
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1140 words
10 min read

What was your perception of writing, technical or otherwise, coming into the course? How has your perception evolved with each major piece of technical writing you have completed, and where does it stand now? How would you define technical writing now?

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Coming into this course, my perception of writing revolved around how enjoyable but challenging writing is as a task. Initially, I did not know the steps of writing, including prewriting, researching, drafting, revising, then editing and proofreading before publishing/submitting my essay. My perception has evolved in that now, I not only enjoy writing, but I also find it easy once I understand the requirements and identify my target audience. When comparing my writings before this course to those written once I began taking the course, improvement is present. My writing skills have enhanced, and I am looking to better them as I continue. Practice makes perfect, after all. Technical writing is a form of writing that provides knowledge to the reader on a specific subject constructed after vast research since it is informative and requires factual knowledge.

When you approach a writing situation, what knowledge of that situation do you look for before you begin writing? What do you want to know to write most effectively?

When approaching a writing situation, it is crucial to understand the requirements of the context one needs to provide. Therefore, depending on the topic, researching articles and websites with content aligning with what one is searching for is a crucial process. Researching helps an individual have an in-depth understanding of the topic in question; thus, one attains extensive information to write once he/she begins. Besides, the topic aside, to write effectively, it is essential to know how best one can structure the theme for the writing to appeal to one's audience. Understanding my audience is the first step before researching the topic. By knowing my audience, I will improve the structuring of my essay, and the flow will align with the item plus the needs of my audience. Therefore, to write effectively, I need to know the required tone to satisfy my purpose, the paper's goal, and use active voice. Also, I need to understand the importance of being clear, concise, and accurate so that I can grab the reader's attention from the start of the structured article to the end. Similarly, understanding my reasons to craft a particular essay concerning my past experiences and the knowledge acquired from the research done. For that reason, I will effortlessly craft an article that relates to the provided requirements and my target audience.

What did you learn about the process of revision, at any of the levels we discussed in class when you applied it to your assignments? Do you see any patterns in your work as you revise? What happens in the revision stage – how does engaging in revision affect your writing?

The revision process is an essential part of writing. Being imperfect individuals, while writing, it is easy to make many mistakes. Implementing revision as a step in writing an essay helps identify any errors, including spellings, repetitions, or missing a word in a sentence. Revising is best done after drafting an essay to attain a picture of what the article should encompass. Through revisions, one's reading and analytical skills improve. As such, challenging one's writing is easy; hence, it creates ground to strengthen my arguments in a paper. There are patterns in my work as I revise. Mainly, I have spelling mistakes and repetitions before reviewing. Though, due to revising consistently, my writing is improving with a few repetitions and misspellings, making my articles more compelling. Consequently, consistent involvement in revising my work after prewriting and creating a draft helps improve it before it is edited to structure a final copy.

What do you think was your best work this semester, and why? What do you think you'll do differently in writing for contexts outside this course in the future?

I think this is my best work this semester. Looking back to the essays I have constructed, most had many errors before revision and were not precise. In this essay, I can reflect on my writings and remind myself of the vitality of writing in a particular way. As such, I am identifying my mistakes and things I can do to make my writings more effective. I think in the future, to better my writings, I will ensure that I understand the context provided, my audience, and the connection I have to the topic. Besides, I will always revise and edit my work before submission or publishing. My work will always be accurate, precise, and constructed using simple English to capture the audience's attention without losing focus in between.

What will you take from this experience? Are there any lessons learned about your writing process, or your knowledge about writing, that you want to transfer to other contexts? What might you apply to writing in future semesters – in your major or otherwise – or to your workplace now or in the future? What do you think has been most valuable about this experience for you?

I have learned a lot about my writing process when compared to the required writing process. Before this experience, my writing involved drafting, revising, and editing. However, since I have attained more knowledge in writing, I will prewrite to identify essential points/arguments that must be in the paper and research when factual knowledge I necessary. Drafting will help construct a flowing essay through revising, and I can correct any errors as well as improve arguments where necessary. Afterward, I will edit the essay before publishing it/submitting it. I will be revising the draft a while after writing with a relaxed mind to ensure I correct all errors. I will also always have someone else edit the paper to identify any unnoticed errors while revising. Also, to make my writing more efficient, I will always identify the target audience before I start writing.

Continually, I will apply a few points to my writing to improve its efficiency. I will ensure that I understand the topic and context provided. After that, I will identify my relationship to the given essay and the target addressees to formulate the best way of structuring the content. Researching the topic is another step before writing that I will employ. Researching will help provide factual statements when required and will reduce the chances of me having plagiarized work. My essays will be clear, precise, accurate, and use simple English to capture the reader's attention from the beginning of the essay to the end. Revising my work before editing is a must to remove unwanted errors, improve arguments, and sharpen my reading plus writing skills. I believe that by applying these steps, my writing will continue to improve tremendously.

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