Regulations of Requirement on Human Resource Processes - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-06
Regulations of Requirement on Human Resource Processes - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources United States
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 913 words
8 min read


Legal and safety requirements have a very significant impact on the processes of human resource management. A human resource manager must manage labor following the law requirements and regulations on employee safety. The government of the US has enacted some laws to govern the processes of acquiring and managing employees. Some of the laws are from the US department of labor, while others come from the Equal Employment opportunities commission(EEOC). Other bodies concerned about firms' ability to follow set regulations are the American Disabilities Act, 1990, and the Department of Homeland security. These bodies dictate how employers should contact recruitment, hiring, training, development, and employee compensation.

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Human Resource Management Operation

Human resource management operates under tight laws, including Title VII of the Civil rights act of 1964, which provides for fair recruitment. The act states that employers should not discriminate in terms of the color, age, sex, and country of origin when employing. The act states that civil penalties shall be enforced on people who practice discrimination in employment processes (Dobbin & Sutton, 1998). The article also dictates that the employers shall remunerate their employees equally regardless of the gender age, skin color, and other factors. The law's effect is that employers in the country became fair in the process of human resource management. The employers, therefore, now give equal opportunities to all the employees.

The US Department of Labour (USDL) provides that each employer shall ensure that their workers are safe and healthy while at work. This USDL achieved this by coming up with a law called Occupational Safety And Health (OSH). This law requires that each employer ensure a safe working environment (Dobbin & Sutton, 1998). Each employer is supposed to follow specific regulations depending on their industry to ensure that their workers are safe. The law's effect is that human resource managers now work not only to achieve the organization's objectives but also to ensure that employees are safe. When the employees are sure of safety at work, they are likely to deliver better results.

Recruiting Process

Employers also must ensure that they do not exclude people with disabilities in the recruiting process (Mani, 2016). The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, dictates that every employer must ensure that they provide opportunities for people with disabilities, just like the other citizens (Mani, 2016). The act also requires employers to set structures that allow people with disabilities to perform their duties and work in the firm. ADA requires employers to avoid the negative attitude on the people with disappointment.

The legal requirement by the federal government is that there shall be equal protection for all employees. The law of the country, through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), also requires that there shall be equal remuneration for all the employees and equal employment chances. The government protects each employee's health and safety, such that every business and organization must meet some requirements to ensure that employees are safe at work. Therefore, employers must provide employees with Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) where the work puts the employees at health risks.

Safety Requirement

The safety requirement also requires employees to protect workers from physical hazards like high noise, physical injury, burns, and cuts, among other harms, according to the provision of labor safety law. Firms also have the responsibility of protecting their workers from biological hazards like getting infected with contagious diseases like Ebola and COVID-19 while at work. Additionally, employers should ensure that employers are secure from psychological harm (Frankowski, 2016). An employer should, therefore, ensure that workers do not suffer from cognitive issues like fear of losing jobs; instead, they should ensure that they are comfortable. Human resource managers should not also expose workers to long working hours and ensure a balance between the time employees spend at work and their time.

The US department of labor sets the maximum number of hours that employers can give the employees and the minimum wage that both citizens and non-citizens should get. The department further makes it illegal to employ any person below the age of 18 and regulates the time that children under the age of 16 can work (Frankowski, 2016). Additionally, the department states that state employees should get compensation from the states they work for and sets the amount that such a laborer should get. Other regulations on workplace contact include the union and member's regulations, wage and salaries garnishment, family and medical leave act, among many others.


Thus, workplace common sense has indeed been replaced by litigation. Instead of employees and doing what they know they should do out of common sense, they do it to avoid court expenses. Most employers do not follow their common sense but follow the law. Similarly, workers are keen to work on their contracts to prevent termination of the contract, which might take them to court where they will have to compensate the workers. The employers and employees should do their duty and not for the sake of following the law but out of common sense.


Dobbin, F., & Sutton, J. R. (1998). The Strength Of a Weak State: The rights revolution and the rise of human resources management divisions. American journal of sociology, 104(2), 441-476.

Frankowski, P. (2016). Labor Standards in Trade Preference Laws Between the US and Africa. Global Perspectives on US Democratization Efforts, 89–102.

Mani, B. G. (2016). The Americans with Disabilities Act: Contradictions in Public Policy. Public Human Resource Management: Problems and prospects, 280–296.

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