Free Essay on Gender Equality: Women on Corporate Boards of Directors

Published: 2019-11-06
Free Essay on Gender Equality: Women on Corporate Boards of Directors
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Women Gender Human resources
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1681 words
15 min read

Scenario Summary: Competing through Globalization: Pink Quotas in Europe

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The article Competing through Globalization revolves around the ideal that despite women comprising of more than half of the workforce in Italy, they constitute insignificant percent of corporate board members in Italy. The low rate revolves around the bigger issues within the society, which leads Italy to have lowest rates of women corporate board members when compared any other European country. The law rate mostly emanates from rigid laws that affect labor, which pose challenges in supporting part-time work among women, thereby leading them to depart the workplace and fail to return. The women also end up developing minimal skills and experience, which can permit them to serve as corporate board members (Noe, Wright, Gerhart, & Hollenbeck, 2016, p. 262).

Women Corporate Board Representation Promotes Societal and Competitiveness Goals

Regarding women representation on corporate boards, the initiative would play a key role with regard to boosting societal goals and competitiveness initiatives simultaneously. For instance, through making a priority for developing women talents while advancing their careers, they have the capacity of serving as capable leaders and corporate board members. They have the capacity of gaining the needed experiences as well as background, which would assist in allowing them rise to top positions and assume higher responsibility levels, which later contribute to viable results (Fagan, Menendez, Anson, & Gonzalez , 2012, p. 54). Future businesses and societies with succeed and realize increased competitiveness once they learn how to attract, retain, as well as grow talent, which needs providing more women with opportunities for excelling in diverse company levels, such as the board. Incorporating women to serve as board of directors creates room for diversity as women in the current business environment make significant contributions to diverse work environments and societies in supporting productivity, competitiveness, and equality (Fagan, Menendez, Anson, & Gonzalez , 2012, p. 64).

Countries and Companies Long-Term Steps in Eliminating Need for Quotas

Based on the shortage of women candidates to serve in corporate boards, especially in the European market, it is vital for firms and nations to consider adopting certain long-term steps to allow them eliminate quotas over time, which would contribute to voluntary compliance. The ideal way of realizing the initiative would be through approving as well as implementing policies whose role would be to eradicate obstructions to gender diversity in candidate screening, recruitment, committee assignments, and entire participation in the board (Burke & Mattis, 2013, p. 22).

Scenario Summary: Competing through Technology: Our Hiring Manager is an Algorithm

The article Competing through Technology assesses the empirical relationship that prevails between experience, on one perspective, as well as performance and turnover on a different context, revealing that experience does not matter in the big data environment. It reveals that personality serves as what differentiates winners and losers. Creative individuals perform well while at the same time remain on the assigned job for long, while inquisitive persons usually struggle with the assigned job and depart before an organization recoups the investment it made in training (Noe, Wright, Gerhart, & Hollenbeck, 2016, p. 254).

Best Jobs Suited to Big Data Hiring Solutions

Certain jobs are ideally suited to hiring solutions presented by big data, such as those prevalent in the case. The appropriate jobs that can apply in this case are those that present more data concerning candidates. Here, the relevant jobs focus on creating a full picture of a particular candidate before they land an interview in an office. The jobs demand the overall online presence of the candidates, how they use the requiring data base of a company, political affiliations, customer status, smoking preferences, and other traits, which companies deem appropriate during the during process. Furthermore, the ideal jobs relevant which big data solutions can assist entail those that companies seek learning about potential candidates, such as their interests or colleagues at school, thereby allow them develop an engaging approach to candidates. The jobs would fit this situation comprise of quantitative managers and analysis, data technology engineers, and data scientists. They demand individuals with high capacity for solving problems and data analysis, thus an ideal fit when it comes to using big data during the hiring process (Isson & Harriott, 2016, p. 15).

Job Categories Involving Some Human Judgment Degree

Certain kinds of jobs play a key role with respect to involving certain human judgment degree. When evaluating candidates in certain key sensitive areas within organizations, the professionals usually utilize their intuition or synthesize information with their mind, such as when they look into the eyes of the candidates or ponder in their folder. In this sense, algorithms cannot beat the accumulate knowledge. In case companies utilized algorithms only during the hiring process, it would be possible for people to identify other ways of circumventing them (Hammond, 2011, p. 23).

Scenario Summary: Competing through Sustainability: When do the Unemployed become Unemployable

The article Competing through Sustainability talks of the long-term rate of unemployment. It reveals that people who stay for a long time without employment have minimal chances of gaining employment, thus making them unemployable. If people remain unemployed for a long time, the state of work changes considerably. Here, the people outside the work environment lack the needed skills for working effectively. Furthermore, even if the skills needed for undertaking a certain job do not change, a number of employers believe that long-term employment depicts insufficient skills. Additionally, if people remain unemployed for long durations, long-term unemployment depicts lack of ambition and conscientiousness on the job applicants part (Noe, Wright, Gerhart, & Hollenbeck, 2016, p. 272).

Systematic and Comprehensive System of Testing and Reference Checking to Eliminate Long-Term Unemployment Sources

A systematic as well as a comprehensive system of testing as well as reference checking can assist in eliminating certain long-term unemployment. For instance, it is worth realizing that a large number of the unemployed individuals usually have the skills and motivation, which can add value to an organization. However, the longer the unemployed individuals search for work they encounter challenges in securing employment. To address this issue, a company should focus on implementing a system for evaluating talented candidates. Many of the individuals who remain unemployed for some time perform better. Furthermore, unemployed individuals are usually more loyal and engaged hence indicating that their retention rates are high. In this case, the comprehensive and comprehensive system that organizations should adopt with the goal of eliminating the issue of long-term unemployment would entail developing a train-to-hire initiative. By utilizing such an initiative, a company would manage to employ many talented individuals, thereby facilitate in minimizing long-term unemployment cases (Spattini, 2012, p. 34).

Solutions for Problem Exceeds Employers Hiring Practices

Regarding the hiring processes that employers adopt, the solution goes beyond them since the unemployed individuals already possess certain skills. They just need refresher initiatives, which would allow them to adapt to the new work environment. In this sense, the strategies employers adopt would differ from the ones they adopt in the case of inexperienced individuals, which would require heavy investments in training (Spattini, 2012, p. 65).

Scenario Summary: Integrity in Action: Local Politics and Hiring Collide for Contractors

The article Integrity in Action emphasizes on the ways through which local politics collide with the hiring processes of contractors. Based on an effort aimed at boosting the local figures of employment, the law requires that all building contractors hire approximately 50 percent of local residents, while requiring that locals dictate certain terms concerning the process of handling the job. In this sense, issues of performance and safety emerge, especially when builders lack ultimate control of the construction process. Sourcing individuals from other states would pose threats mostly due to lack of insufficient information concerning their capabilities, hence presenting certain drawbacks. The justification in this case prevails based on the need for minimizing local unemployment while at the same time meaning that the jobs are not vital or complex (Noe, Wright, Gerhart, & Hollenbeck, 2016, p. 277).

Employers Overcoming Government Restrictions and Hiring Mistakes Liability

Regarding the situations where employers find themselves in a bind to an extent that government officials place restrictions on whom they can hire, but at the same time, hold employers liable for any hiring mistakes they make, it is essential for employers to devise ways that can assist them in meeting the challenges, especially regarding the process of hiring. One of the major areas they should place emphasis on should revolve around thinking of diversity in terms of background, experience, age, gender, and race. Here, it becomes possible to determine the ideal candidates appropriate for handling a particular construction job (Perchthold & Sutton, 2013, p. 99). Furthermore, the employers should consider detailing the job requirements and the needed traits, which would facilitate in the interview process in determining the ideal candidate for the job. The last area to emphasize on should revolve around setting clear hiring policies before embarking on employee search. In this context, it would be possible for the hiring managers to understand the ideal traits of the candidates as well as avoid legal troubles in the case of contract workers. As such, employers would manage to source qualified local employees having sufficient experience of handling building works in a safe and efficient manner, while at the same time following the regulations imposed by regulatory bodies within a given stateC (Perchthold & Sutton, 2013, p. 102).

Devotional Information

From a Christians viewpoint remaining alert, firm, courageous, and strong provides people with opportunities for realizing successes in their diverse endeavors in life. For example 1 Corinthians 16:13 states Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith, be courageous; be strong. In this sense, we are encouraged to keep going despite the various challenges we encounter in life, either through discrimination, layoffs, unemployment, job situation changes, or incapable of fitting the growing competitiveness in the world. Rather, we should remain steadfast in faith and be strong enough to cope with the diverse issues that prevail in life. We can only realize this through putting our trust in God, who would give us the strength of coping with various life challenges that result from the growing complexities in the world.


Burke, R. J., & Mattis, M. G. (2013). Women on Corporate Boards of Directors: Inte...

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