Relationship of Citizenship Race and Immigration in the US

Published: 2023-01-06
Relationship of Citizenship Race and Immigration in the US
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategy Sociology World
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1441 words
13 min read

Globalization has also led to increased movement of people across the borders into the United States of America. This aspect has created some fear that the economy of the state might deteriorate (Molina, 2014). However, there have been a lot of myths and misconception of people trying to retrieve their identity with which they share territory as immigration takes a significant part in the history of US (Suarez, Louie & Suro, 2011). Despite the significant changes that have occurred in the immigration laws and policies, critical progressions are apparent. For example, the United States' immigration policies are based on the country's economic progress through labor or specific experts and aptitudes (Molina, 2014). Besides, a breakdown of the racial and ethnic migrants granted entry of barred from the US shows racial discrimination and propensities to outline immigration policies. However, there is progressiveness in the conception of citizenship as the Right to have Rights among the racial and ethnic considerations on the process of incorporation of international Immigrants.

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America's Immigration Law-Enforcement History

Before the era of fast transportations and communication, the United States urged open-migration to settle down its empty grounds. After some US passed immigration rulings after the Civil War, the supreme court of America decided that immigration control was a government obligation. To manage the massive rise in migration, which began in 1880, the Immigration Service was built up in 1891 (Molina, 2014). The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Alien Contract Labor laws of 1885 and 1887 outlawed many workers moving to the United States (Stokes, 2009). Also, the general Immigration Act of 1882 collected a fifty cents head duty on every worker and barred the entry of lunatics, criminals, and people prone to be a public burden. The laws made the requirement for new national enforcement authorities. Migration law with bearing from the US Treasury Department authorities was implemented in the 1880s by the state commissions (Suarez, Louie & Suro, 2011). At the Federal level, the head tax from immigrants was gathered by the US Traditions Collectors at each port of passage whereas "Chinese Inspectors" enacted the Chinese Exclusion Act (Stokes, 2009).

Race, Ethnicity and Immigration

The country has made different attempts to impose uni-culturalism in multi-ethnic regions, which comes with a great link with minority rights (Molina, 2014). On the other hand, the minority has reacted to these by forming their own identity to preserve them. In our scenario, we can identify that American is much racial diverse since the beginning at Virginia. The reality is seemed to become visible and ubiquitous. In entire America, one third is comprised of peoples of the other natives other than Europe; this includes from California (Molina, 2014). There is an issue of minority vast becoming majority. These are dominant in major cities across the country of New York, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles (Suarez, Louie & Suro, 2011). The emerging demographic diversity in the country has raised a lot of question concerning America identity and cult. Moreover, the time the whites will become a minority, our different people identity will become complicated inclusive of and the future of the whole population. l. States has t ensure that the minority's rights are adequately catered for especially essential rights for one to survive. Different organizations should ensure that the minority rights are taken care of and different sectors should change such that they include all the races to reduce chances of discrimination.

With a lot of records of immigration, in the country, the immigrants have played several roles in the production of tension in the country. There is also deep ambivalence concerning the future about immigration. It is also strong support which is based on the continued migration as an essential item for the growth of the county's economy. The roles that immigrants play in creating tension are as follows. Firstly, immigrants have a lot of impact on demographics. There are more than sixty thousand immigrants who had arrived in the country since when the republic was founded back in the 1820s (Stokes, 2009). Due to the issue of socialization and education has paved the way for Americans to acquire a sense of historical continuity from the American founding.

Secondly, immigration is essential in preserving the traditional image of the country. This role is primarily composed of descendants from different parts of Europe. It leads to the formation of some restrictions to control the migration in and out of the country; these programs were dedicated preserving the national origin of native citizens in the country (Suarez, Louie & Suro, 2011). The American population record has shown that almost a quarter of it is made of people of African origin. The third role is that with inc immigration activity in the country, there has been a lot of cases of hostility based on racial segregation. This aspect has created a lot of tension that the immigrant may be aiming to harm American, or they may not be able to conform to the American way of living as the culture prevails, (Molina, 2014). Records of riots based on race have been recorded across the country with a lot of chaos based on Catholic churches, of which two of them were burned, and several properties were burned and destroyed.

The fourth role is that immigrants have led to racial ideology and anti-Semitism, thus becoming the major part of American consciousness (Suarez, Louie & Suro, 2011). The rising wave of naturism due to fear of foreigner has gained roots in America due to the dismay of radical foreign. Nevertheless, the immigrants have played a vital role in the transition to an urban industrial economy of the country. The migrants have different talents in and skills, especially in fields of production and manufacturing, manual labor, provision of skills, and in trading activities (Stokes, 2009). Finally, the immigrants have resulted in standard economic theory posits that demotic migration within the country has been the functional responses for the distinct wages recorded in different areas. The movement is very significant in allowing the workers to benefit from the raised salaries, and it has also led to the stimulation of the economy, thus making it operate more efficiently. It aspect is achieved through increased labor provided in the country and consumer market.

Ethnicity changes and remains similar over some time. By the measures, the records show a significant shift in American's puzzlement. This aspect is attained by considering the data provided by the census on separately about race and ethnicity. Census Bureau has also been set to revise the issue of race and ethnicity in the country, (Johnson, 2008). It is also expected to be much better after researching how Americans critically think about racism and ethnicity. However, there can be other reasons associated with possessing an identity with another group of people. Social ethnicity of people and race has been reported to change over time. The most significant number of citizens in States varies their race and ethnicity sum up to about 2-3 millions of which are believed to have a Hispanic origin and some other race (Johnson, 2008). But in the year 2000, the census showed that other non-Hispanic have changed to Hispanic white (Stokes, 2009). However, the issue of racial segregation will, at some point, come to stabilization with the minority protruding to be the majority.

In spite of numerous years of legislation banning discrimination by race, religion, gender and state origins, law implementation has continually discriminated individuals by race and ethnicity. With everything taken into account, the contributions of migrants to the economy are immense and will keep on being imperative particularly in the United States workforce. Though the distinction between US nationals and non-native distinction also fosters discrimination is vital. The distinction also nurtures discrimination, and US nationals may generally feel better than the others, which could make the non-subjects more vulnerable to racial or ethnic segregation. The issue of immigration has brought up a lot of racial problems and tension to the country. The immigrants have both benefits and disadvantages to the country. Various measures should be put in place to safeguard the nation from the continuous ethnic and racial problem. Otherwise, the state should be flexible enough by leaving room for the changing culture brought up by immigration.


Johnson, K. (2008). The Intersection of Race and Class in US Immigration Law and Enforcement. Law and Contemporary Problems, 72(156)

Molina, N. (2014). How race is made in America: Immigration, citizenship, and the historical power of racial scripts. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Romero, M. (2006). Racial profiling and immigration law enforcement: Rounding up of usual suspects in the Latino community. Critical Sociology, 32(2-3), 447-473.

Stokes, C. (2009). Race and human rights. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.

Suarez-Orozco, M., Louie, V., & Suro, R. (2011). Writing immigration: Scholars and journalists in dialogue. Berkeley: University of California Press.

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