Representation of Immigrants in America Today

Published: 2017-07-24
Representation of Immigrants in America Today
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Globalization Racism Policy United States Immigration
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1007 words
9 min read

Representation of Immigrants in America Today

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With the US border continuing to be safe and secure in recent years, reforms on immigration are still being developed in order to change the outdated laws. The rules put in place in 2013 include the provision of citizenship to the immigrants who live and work in the country but have no documents. Immigrants continue being a part of the effective demography which continues to contribute positively to the success of the country today, through their efforts in the fields of economy, politics as well as social. These efforts are what makes America the dominant nation that it is today, hence conditioning the need to increase the representation of immigrants in every section vital to the development of the country.

The policies that surround the immigration process continue to have a disconnect between major sectors of the economy and social life in that the changes to be enacted take an extended period to be introduced. Unlike the previous population of foreigners in the country, the current census shows the increase in the number of both legal and illegal immigrants with a count of 13% of the total population (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, 2017). For this reason, the US government has set principles to govern these people and represent them in all aspects of life. The immigrants have been allowed in the country through the Immigration and Nationality Act that allows entry into the state through employment or family channels. In the case of household principle, immigrants protection is enabled on the grounds of the unity of members like spouses, parents, and children. This principle has accounted for the high number of permanent immigrants in the United States as they are issued permanent resident cards or granted a lawful permanent citizen status.

Employment visas are issued to the immigrants as a sign of acknowledgment of their contribution to satisfying the labor market needs and to the economic development of the nation. These people are represented in every industrial field in that they work hand in hand with the natives without any discrimination to promote the development of the country's economy (Honig, 2001). Additionally, granting a legal status to undocumented foreigners through the immigrant reforms boosts the economy since the immigrants wages significantly increase owing to the legal immigrants ability to apply for well-paid jobs. Due to this representation, the foreigners are able to make investments not only in education but also in other training fields, which leads to the creation of small but productive businesses. Moreover, through these representation reforms, the naturalized employees have registered a higher income, which which suggests the increase in consumption of goods and services, and the increase of taxes paid.

Regarding the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) as a representation method of immigrants, the bill would provide a legal way for the young persons to study and get employed in the country. The Act stands to provide over 1.4 million jobs to the foreigners, hence the economy will register improvement (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, 2017). Additionally, through expanding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, immigrants have received an increase in wages and secured jobs, which has resulted in contribution to revenue taxes. The program fights to allow illegal immigrants who have been in the country for at least five years to have a temporary permit to work and avoid deportation, and allow them to receive wages enough to sustain a proper standard of living. Not only does this positively affect the immigrants, but also the nation's economy is expected to grow up to $45 billion from the present to the next five years to come (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes, 2017).

However, the situation may change under the current leadership of Donald Trump, who has different rules regarding immigrants. On the 25th of January 2017, the president signed the Executive Order 13768, which states that a great number of immigrants are to be deported, an action that the previous president regarded useful only where an alien committed a felony or a serious crime (Schmidt, Shelley, & Bardes 2017). Trump proposes sending back the immigrants who obtained citizenship through the birth rights. Additionally, the illegal foreigners are to face mandatory but minimum prison sentences sentences. Trump motivates this decision by the need to control the population of the US, but it has led to increased street protests against him.

The immigrants' safety in the current America is minimal with the law of deportation in motion and the rules that are set to govern the provision of visas in the country. Moreover, the president plans to introduce a ban on Muslim immigration in the country as he put his intentions clear during his campaigns stressing that not only Muslim immigrants will not be welcome in the US, but citizen of any other country with a history of terrorism. Trump adds that this act will protect the nation from attacks by the foreign countries.

Economic development of many countries has been progressing through their native citizens as well as immigrants. In this case, the rise and growth of America are traceable to the strength and efforts of its people, including the immigrants. The foreigners' treatment and representation in the activities of the nation plays a great role in ensuring mutual contribution and benefit from the development of the USA in all aspects. However, this may not stand to be in the modern America under the reign of the current president, who has put in place the strategies of mass deportation of illegal immigrants and enacted travel bans. The new rules and principles imply that immigrants will no longer have the freedom to get employment or education in the United States until they are legal citizens.


Honig, B. (2001). Democracy and the foreigner. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.

Schmidt, S. W., Shelley, M. C., & Bardes, B. A. (2017). American government and politics today.

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Representation of Immigrants in America Today. (2017, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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