Research Notebook

Published: 2022-12-08
Research Notebook
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Psychology Research Medicine
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 771 words
7 min read

Instructions: Complete the following worksheet prior to searching for sources to include in your literature review.

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Research Notebook #4: Exercise 1 Starting the Literature Review Process

1. Write the title of your research project in the block below.

Research on Cyber-Bullying Among College Students

2. Based on your current knowledge of this research subject, which of the following source(s) will provide you the information you need initially? (Check all that apply.)



Academic or scholarly journals,



Other popular media Internet sources Experts


Academic or scholarly journals,

3. Which of the following source(s) are likely to contain research on your topic? (Check all that apply.)



Academic or scholarly journals



And other popular media Internet sources Experts


Academic or scholarly journal articles

4. List all of the possible words, combinations of words or phrases that are relevant to your topic. These will be your initial search terms.

Keywords; Cyberbullying social media, students

5. Access the literature (books, indexes, Internet, experts) and locate sources that are relevant to your topic. List the citations for these sources below.

Kowalski, R. M., Giumetti, G. W., Schroeder, A. N., & Reese, H. H. (2012). Chapter 14 Cyberbullying among college students: Evidence from multiple domains of college life. In Misbehavior online in higher education (pp. 293-321). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Tezer, M. (2017). Cyber Bullying and University Students: Behaviours, Opinions, and Reactions. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 19(2-3), 199-204.

Ellen, E. (2015). Cyberbullying: a virtual menace takes its toll on college students. Retrieved from

Kota, R., Schoohs, S., Benson, M., & Moreno, M. (2014). Characterizing cyberbullying among college students: Hacking, dirty laundry, and mocking. Societies, 4(4), 549-560.

Umesh, B., Ali, N. N., Farzana, R., Bindal, P., & Aminath, N. N. (2018). Student and Teachers Perspective on Cyber-Bullying. J Foren Psy, 3(132), 2.

6. Briefly read these sources to determine whether your initial search terms are effective at finding relevant research. If not, revise your search terms and repeat step #5. TRY TO HAVE AT LEAST 10 Sources, of which, five must be peer-reviewed academic journals published in the last 10 years.

Johnson, L. D., Haralson, A., Batts, S., Brown, E., Collins, C., Van Buren-Travis, A., & Spencer, M. (2016). Cyberbullying on Social Media Among College Students. Vistas Online, 1-8.

Faucher, C., Jackson, M., & Cassidy, W. (2014). Cyberbullying among university students: Gendered experiences, impacts, and perspectives. Education Research International, 2014.

Poole, S. P. (2017). The Experience of Victimization as the Result of Cyberbullying Among College Students: A study of Demographics, Self-Esteem, and Locus of Control.

Kowalski, R. M., Giumetti, G. W., Schroeder, A. N., & Reese, H. H. (2012). Chapter 14 Cyberbullying among college students: Evidence from multiple domains of college life. In Misbehavior online in higher education (pp. 293-321). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Tezer, M. (2017). Cyber Bullying and University Students: Behaviours, Opinions, and Reactions. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 19(2-3), 199-204.

Ellen, E. (2015). Cyberbullying: a virtual menace takes its toll on college students. Retrieved from

Kota, R., Schoohs, S., Benson, M., & Moreno, M. (2014). Characterizing cyberbullying among college students: Hacking, dirty laundry, and mocking. Societies, 4(4), 549-560.

Umesh, B., Ali, N. N., Farzana, R., Bindal, P., & Aminath, N. N. (2018). Student and Teachers Perspective on Cyber-Bullying. J Foren Psy, 3(132), 2.

Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2009). Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press.

7. Once you are confident that your search terms are effective continue the pyramiding process as described in the CREATING A RESEARCH NOTEBOOK exercise, specifically relating to the Information to Locate and Sources and Notes sections.

Johnson, L. D., Haralson, A., Batts, S., Brown, E., Collins, C., Van Buren-Travis, A., & Spencer, M. (2016). Cyberbullying on Social Media Among College Students. Vistas Online, 1-8

The authors aimed to investigate the students' beliefs, feelings, and behaviors about cyberbullying that the universities face as a result of cyberbullying. The authors used a sample of 170 students participated in the study. The authors conducted the research by sending the questionnaires through the email addresses that were collected from the Jackson State University Office of Institutional Research. The research of the investigations showed that most of the students were very upset when they were bullied by others. Additionally, the study showed that most of the students reported they believed that cyberbullying was wrong. Moreover, Most of the scholars suggested that they would report the issues related cyberbullying to the relevant authorities. The writers concluded that cyber bullying is evident in the social media platforms and it requires a proactive measure to overcome it. They argued that cyber bullying may result to negative implications such as suicide, violence and school dropout. Some of the preventive approaches provided include, educational rallies, brochures, posters, and advertising using the web pages.

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Research Notebook. (2022, Dec 08). Retrieved from

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