Research Paper on Understanding the Beatles and Coldplay and Their Music

Published: 2023-03-29
Research Paper on Understanding the Beatles and Coldplay and Their Music
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Music
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1339 words
12 min read


Music is one of the most popular arts ever known by humans all over the world, not just now but even in the past. Everyone in the music industry has been trying to establish as the most talented and the best that ever lived. The 20th century witnessed two particular music groups in a fight for superiority, with each establishing themselves as the best there is and will ever be (Spivack, 2005). The bands, Beatles and Coldplay, which were found in different eras, are both rock bands seeking to entertain their fans to the fullest. The groups have a different basis of comparison where similarities and differences can be quickly drawn. Therefore, the existence of the gap and commonality makes it essential for this article to review understand how similar the bands were and how different they were. Also to be considered is the bands comparability assuming they were started at the same time.

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Similarities of the Beatles and Coldplay

In apple-to-apple comparison, several similarities can be noted with no much struggle. Starting from the composition of the band, the kind of music they play to, and the changing of names. Both groups are composed of highly talented individuals in music. They are all stars in their own unique way. The Beatles can boast of their primary songwriters, including McCartney and Lennon and George Martin, their great producer of all time. In contrast, Coldplay can boast of Chris Martin for being a great pianist and vocalist, Jonny Buckland as a guitarist, Will Champion as a drummer, and Guy Berryman as a bassist.

Both the Beatles and the Coldplay had four members each. Members of the Beatles included Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr with Liverpool as their origin. The Coldplay whose roots are traced back to London consisted of Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, and Will Champion. The Coldplay members met at University College London.

Both Beatles and the Coldplay engaged their fans in pop and rock music. Beatles shined in the music industry with hits such as "Love Me Do," "With the Beatles," and "Please Please Me," among other songs in the 1960s. The intense origin of the music has made it still sound fresh decades after its release. The Coldplay, too, was not shy of similar achievements, having gained worldwide fame after releasing "Yellow" and "Parachutes" in the year 2000. Their second album titled "A Rush for Blood to the Head" in the year 2000.

Both Beatles and the Coldplay are not the original names of the particular bands. In particular, the Beatles, initially calling themselves "The Quarry Men," changed their names five times and finally settled on The Beatles. The Coldplay, too, changed their original names at least twice from their original name Pectoralz to Starfish and finally settling on Coldplay. Additionally, we cannot fail to mention that both The Beatles and The Coldplay both started in England and in the 20th century.

In view of both the Beatles and the Coldplay, it is quite apparent that the music industry continues to advance in multiple ways owing to the contribution of each stakeholder. Existence of active and committed participants in the music industry give the shape to the general landscape of music industry, giving it a mix of taste, with the music lovers being of great help in supporting the art of the bands. The artists try to keep their fans entertained by bringing fresh and tasty content at all times. They rebrand themselves and add more talented persons onboard to ensure that their music remains ever green. However, maintaining good relations among the members of the individual bands is seen as the mortar that is needed to keep them solidly together and committed to the course.

Difference Between the Beatles and Coldplay

Even though they were similar in a number of ways, the two bands were different too in a number of ways including when the bands started, how each gained their reputation and fame, quantity, quality and the genre of music produced

The Beatles originally initially played music in clubs in Hamburg and Liverpool for a period of three years in the 1960s, which made them really famous. Coldplay, on the other hand, started their music career in the late 1990s by releasing two records, namely Safety and the Blue Room Records, which popularized their record label ("Coldplay More Talented than Beatles?" 2020). Considering the number of years the bands were active in music, the Coldplay had proved strong because they are still active to date since the late 1990s when the band started, unlike the Beatles, who became inactive in 1970, just a decade after their establishment in 1960.

The number of recorded music by Coldplay sold worldwide amounts to more than 100 million worldwide, which makes them one of the bestselling albums in the history of the United Kingdom. In contrast, the Beatles the best music selling of all time, having sold more than 183 million singles in the United States alone and 600 million singles globally. Additionally, the Billboard's Hot 100 list and a majority of the number one United Kingdom albums charts consist of the Beatles' music ("Are Coldplay's lachrymose ballads really better than The Beatles? Rush", 2020). The Beatles music, despite the fact that it was released several decades earlier than the music of the Coldplay, it has still remained favorite music and endeared by many. While the Beatles specialized only with rock and pop music, Coldplay, on the other hand, explored various genres of music. For instance, they explored Post-Britpop, Alternative rock, pop, and pop-rock.

Both music bands started on a very high note, with every member playing a vital role in the success of their individual group. The Coldplay members are all intact to date with their music being loved by many. However, one of the Beatle members, John Lennon, was brutally murdered by Brian Epstein, who admitted to killing him while seeking attention (Preston, 2020). His death can therefore be attributed to the fame of the Beatle band. Regardless of the band's popularity, Lennon's message in their songs was not favorite to all and was criticized by a few.

On a closer look at events, I am of the opinion that utilizing talent is one of the best decisions a person can ever make. Discovering a talent helps a person go a long way in speaking their mind and bring change into society. The music industry, as noted by the Beatles and the Coldplay bands, also keeps people entertained and refreshed. Music as a career is more of a calling than a trained job. This can be noted from the devotion of the members of the individual groups in contributing to their success. Their talents have seen then speak to many people in the world when they travel from one part to another for live performances.


The Beatles and the Coldplay are some of the greatest bands ever witnessed in England since the twentieth century. While they majored in similar types of music, they managed to traverse the music industry to remain some of the most iconic bands to date. The Beatles, a band that existed many decades ago, has its music still fresh and appealing to many, and so does the music recorded by the Coldplay. The ideal composition of both the Beatles and Coldplay have given then more energy, with each artist complementing one the other in their individual band and thus triumph together. Therefore, the shared platform and industry in music made both the Beatles and Coldplay similar to one another. Their love to explore their talents and utilize them to the fullest made both of them excel in their music career.


Are Coldplay's lachrymose ballads really better than The Beatles? Rush. (2020). Retrieved from

Coldplay More Talented Than Beatles? (2020). Retrieved from

Preston, S. (2020). How Did The Beatles Die? Retrieved from

Spivack, G. (2005). Coldplay. New York: Pocket Books.

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