Restorative Justice in Albania

Published: 2023-01-09
Restorative Justice in Albania
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Communication Marketing Economics Human World
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 500 words
5 min read

It is always the wish of everyone to live in a just country since justice results in peace, and a peaceful nation is the best to reside. Efforts have been made by; the government, religious organizations and the United Nations in ensuring that there is justice in Albania through various reconciliation practices. The state through the Albanian legislation has set laws and stern measure to be taken in case broken. An example is Article 28 of the 1995 criminal code of the Republic of Albania amended in January 2001 to give a twenty-five years imprisonment on premeditated homicide. The Albanian parliament in 2005 approved a law leading to the establishment of a national coordinating council which was mandated to develop a strategy on dealing with injustices in the country.

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Albania also allowed for out of court negotiations which required a third party. The reconciliation meeting takes place on a neutral ground with an agreement signed after the meeting by the third party and the involved parties. Through that social process, there is a restoration of justice into the nation. The Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation (CNR) established in 1990 as also played a significant role towards encouraging the rule of law as well as discouraging the use of Kanun traditions such as blood feud in the country. The Albanian Foundation for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation of Disputes (AFCR) established in 1995has severally come in aid in resolving conflicts and initiating as well as conducting mediation.

The religious organizations have as well not been left out in restoration of justice. An example is the Catholic peace ambassadors and priests which issue peace messages through publications and also provide generous support to confined families. The religious free country where no religion feels superior over the other is also of great importance in the restoration of justice regardless of the religion ((Arolda and Artan 3). There have been other non-governmental organizations in aid to restoration of justice like the Reconciliation Mission Mother Teresa and the Association of Peace Missionaries and Foundation, Peace, and Justice.

The United Nations through the United Nations Development Program is crucial in reconciliation through the initiation of social inclusion in Albania. The social inclusion aims at promotion of equality through the inclusion of vulnerable groups in jobs and government organizations through practices like the creation of awareness on the rights of people with disabilities and women and youths (UNDP 1). The United Nations Further enhances the implementation of the inclusive policies and supports the marginalized groups to demand and exercise their rights to equal access to services. Through the efforts of governmental organizations, non-governmental organization, religious organizations and international organizations justice will be fully restored in Albania.

Works cited

Arolda, Elbasani and Artan Puto " Albanianian-Style Laicite: A Model for a Multi-Religious European Home?" 2017,, Accessed 28th April, 2019.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The UN Support to Social Inclusion in Albania, 2019, Accessed 28th April, 2019.

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Restorative Justice in Albania. (2023, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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