Role of Operations Manager in Organizational Success - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-31
Role of Operations Manager in Organizational Success - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 706 words
6 min read


An operations manager is key personnel integral to the smooth flow of processes in any institution organization. An individual holding the position ensures there is an effective flow of procedures in an institution. This essay evaluates the role of an operations manager and its crucial role in its success.

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Description of the Role of an Operations Manager

An operation manager plays a very crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and success of the Company. The primary functions of an operations manager vary from one organization to another. However, operations managers perform typical roles across all the organizations, including managing the essential processes and operations, such as assisting the high-level human management in developing the hiring procedures that attract talented employees (Wolniak, 2019). Additionally, an operation manager is the key personnel responsible for developing, implementing, and reviewing the operational policies and procedures in a specific institution, hence enabling efficient business operations.

Moreover, the operations manager of any organization gets involved in an essential role in overseeing the finance department functions. Some of the areas that the operations managers seek to streamline in the finance department include supervising the budgetary allocation, reporting, planning, and auditing of financial reports (Wolniak, 2019). This post also requires on to inspire other employees by giving a leadership direction to the organization they are heading. Thus, most employees look to the operations manager to implement policies and strategies that will enable an organization to have a competitive edge in hard economic times. Operations managers make their organizations competitive by identifying the available opportunities and threats that face the institution at all times (Wolniak, 2019). The leadership role involves creating a link of communication between the employees and the top management of an organization.

The operations of many organizations revolve around the mandate and the goal of a particular institution-hence. An operations manager's role is to set and steer the organization culture that gives its employees morale and promotes top performances (Wolniak, 2019). All in all, an operations manager is an individual who gets involved in all aspects of an organization to ensure processes produce the best results using minimal resources and costs.

The Interest in the Role of an Operations Manager

I am particularly interested in the role of an operations manager since I am a detailed person who likes working in an organized environment that emphasizes structured and conventional approaches. Furthermore, I am a naturally born leader who can easily persuade and influence others in a specific direction. I also wish to work in institutions that offer me a chance to know all the processes around running the business. Thus, working as an operations manager will particularly appeal to my personality traits.

An Example of Scenario Describing the Role of an Operations Manager

Operational management plays a pivotal role in transforming and ensuring the growth of e-commerce Companies – a good example is Flipkart (Rajan, 2020). For instance, if a customer orders a smartphone-like Nokia 7 Plus from an E-commerce Company - the individual expects to receive the products within a specified period. Therefore, if a customer ends up receiving a screen protector instead of the actual phone – the mix-up will end up raising a lot of legal issues, which can lead to the collapse of the Company. Therefore, the operations manager's work to review all received orders and planning for the delivery of all the products. Additionally, the operations manager oversees all the procedures to ensure proper management of orders to avoid mixing goods. Ultimately, all the employees will execute their mandates smoothly without experiencing any confusion that derails the effective delivery of products and services. Flipkart is an E-commerce business that started in 2007, which deals with the marketing and selling of electronics, books, mobile, camera, and computer (Rajan, 2020). The Company has applied one of the most effective operational management techniques making it grow to a net worth of $15 billion.


In conclusion, stakeholders must implement the operation management department in their business - if they want to run the business effectively.


Rajan, T. (2020). The Flipkart Story in India: From the Start to Walmart. Asian Journal of Management Cases.

Wolniak, R. (2019). An operation manager and its role in the enterprise. Production Engineering Archives, 24(24), 1-4.

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